Home Project-material A Project Research Into Serum Calcium Level In Geriatric Men, Comparative Studies

A Project Research Into Serum Calcium Level In Geriatric Men, Comparative Studies

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Calcium is the most important mineral in the body. The body needs calcium for normal functioning of nerves and muscles including the most important muscles of all which is the heart. Calcium is also important for healthy bones and teeth. The amount of calcium in the blood is carefully controlled by the body’s hormonal systems. The body gets calcium from diary products, some vegetables (such as broccoli), and some fortified foods. Calcium can also be obtained from taken pills containing calcium. Most of the body’s calcium is stored in the bones and only small amount is found in the blood (serum). Calcium is maintained within a fairly narrow range from 8.5 to 10.5mg/dl (4.3 to 5.3meq/l or 2.2 to 2.7mmol/l). The estimation of serum calcium level is fraught with possible errors. Several means of contamination might lead to false elevations of serum calcium concentration. Before the test is carried out, one does not need to fast or limit ones activity before the test. Rather



               Serum Calcium level in Geriatric men

Calcium is the most common mineral in the body and one of the most important elements. The body needs it to build and fix bones and teeth, help nerves work, make muscles squeeze together, help blood clot, and help the heart to work. Almost all of the calcium in the body is stored in the bone. The rest is found in the blood.

Normally the level of calcium in the blood is carefully controlled. When blood calcium levels get low (hypocalcemia), the bones release calcium to bring it back to a normal blood level. When blood calcium levels get high (hypercalcemia), the extra calcium is stored in the bones or passed out of the body in urine and stool.

The of serum calcium level appears to be associated with blood pressure and metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease.  


1.2.0:   The amount of calcium in the body depends on the amount of:

Vitamin D: these hormones help control the amount of calcium in the body. They also control the amount of calcium absorbed from food and the amount passed from the body in urine and stool. The blood levels of phosphate are closely linked to calcium levels and they work in opposite ways: As blood calcium levels get high, phosphate levels get low, and the opposite is also true.

The aim and objective of this study is to:

  • Determine the serum calcium levels in geriatric men aged 50 years and above.
  • Compare the values obtained with age group 20 to 30 years.

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