Dept: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 1


The purpose of this study was to reveal the critical assessment of national youths service corps in Nigeria. The purpose of the study is to assess critically on the extent of usefulness of National Youth Service Corps. In order to do this, the research work will aim at the following. To find out whether the graduate participating in NYSC receive adequate training and orientation. To find out whether NYSC are helping in enhancing national integration and unity. The instrument used were questionnaire, the questionnaire was used to answer the research questions made up of four items population for this study were made up of 250 (two hundred and fifty) people comprising the NYSC staff and some ex-corps members in Anambra state


1.1  Background to the Study

This research work is being conducted to find out or make a critical assessment of NYSC Nigeria and Anambra in particular. What NYSC has done or would do for the Nigeria graduates. The National Youth Service Corps is a programme designed to inculcate discipline to the Youths by instilling in them a tradition of industry and dedication and of patriotic and loyal service to the Nation in any situation in which they may find themselves. Secondly the raising of the moral tone of the youths by giving them the opportunity to learn about higher ideals of National achievement and social and cultural improvement. Thirdly the development of attitudes of mind and acquired suitable training, which will make them more amenable to mobilization in the national interest. Also the central focus of this scheme includes the development of common ties among the youths and the promotion of national unity by ensuring that the participants in the scheme are assigned to states other than their states of origin, or residence, that each group assigned to work together, is as representative of the country as possible. The participant the equally exposed to the mode of living of people in different parts of the country with a view to removing pre-judices, eliminating ignorance, and confirming at first hand the many similarities among Nigerian’s of all ethnic groups, the encouragement of the participants in the scheme to seek, at the end of their NYSC service, career employment all over the country thus promoting the free movement of high level manpower in the nation, and finally to induce employers to employ more readily than ever before qualified Nigeria’s irrespective of their state of origin.

Anambra State which is one of the five South East State was created in 1991 under the military regime of General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida to further enhance Development through manpower procurement, basic infrastructural facilities and other basic necessary amenity Anambra has first creation in and second creation in the year 1991 with their capital at Awka. The orientation camp of NYSC in Anambra is located in Umuanya in Oyi Local Government has ruled Anambra Since it’s creation. Presently the seat is chaired by Peter Obi of all progressive grand Alliance “APGA” for second term.

1.2  Statement of the Problem

It has been observed that some graduates have some misconception about this programme as provided by federal government. Some graduates for example equate the programme with holidays jobs or as three weeks picnic. Hence, the aims and the commitment is lacking and so the skills and experience to be gained may at the end not be acquired. Infact many of the graduates regards the camp allowances and monthly “Alawie” stipends as vital.

Again, there is reluctance among large numbers of employers to accepts and provide facilities necessary for meaningful service year. Their fear is that must of these graduates are inexperienced to hand certain delicate machines and tools without damaging them during their primary assignment, a situation in which student are not allowed to use certain equipments does not provide the desired motive needed to prepare them for the task ahead.

Also, some of these graduates are not supervised during their primary assignment at all and are not fully secured and protected, as most of them are deployed to a poor locality. All these are challenges which the scheme should addressed.


1.3  Research Questions

In the process of carrying out this research work, the following research questions were used to guide the researcher. The study will attempt to answer to the following questions.

  1. Do graduates who participates in NYSC receive adequate training and orientation?
  2. Is NYSC helping in enhancing national integration and unity?
  3. What machinery has NYSC put in place in generating a pool of indigenous trained manpower needed by the country?


1.4  Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to assess critically on the extent of usefulness of National Youth Service Corps. In order to do this, the research work will aim at the following.

  1. To find out whether the graduate participating in NYSC receive adequate training and orientation.
  2. To find out whether NYSC are helping in enhancing national integration and unity?
  3. To determine whether NYSC helps to generate pool of indigenous trained manpower to meet the needs of the country’s economy.

1.5  Significance of the Study

From the purpose of the study, it was assured that the scheme is completely different from SIWES, or ordinary long vacation employment of the under-graduate, it is a preparatory programme NYSC as at the time of it’s inception was limited to graduates of various institutions of higher in Nigeria. The scheme has succeeded in establishing a closer collaboration between institutions and industries, which is essential for preparing and integrating people ahead of their ethnic and cultural diversity. Heads of institutions of higher learning in the country have now realized the use fullness and invaluable contribution of NYSC in training graduates as a means of improving the quality of skilled manpower in Nigeria. A standard which the limited resources in the institution cannot provide.


1.6  Scope of the Study

In as much as the study is specifically on the critical assessment of National Youth Service Corps towards enhancing National integration, based on this, there is need to carry out a comparative research with a particular state in Nigeria.

This study is limited to Anambra State which is one of the five South East state in Nigeria.  The reason behind this restriction is that the researcher is a student facing both time and financial constraints.


1.7     Limitations of the Study

In the course of writing and carrying out this project work, the research encountered many difficulties; some errors in the results of the research and from external sources of data collection. These are factors  standing as constraints thereby limiting the effect of the research result.

Among these are, time finance , scope and use of wrong statistics in data analysis, due to time limit, the research work is a time consuming one. A lot of time is taken to observe the subjects.

Most  times the behaviour of the staff changes even when they are aware that they are being observed by the researcher, this is by taking their behavior. The researcher also observed that these senior staff some time give true and false information in order to cover their branches.

At sometime the research work lasted over two months due to large scope of area of the study.


1.8  Definition of Terms

For the purpose of this, some technical and other terms had been used in the research work which may sound ambiguous. For simplicity, terms that may be new or strange to the readers are explained as they are meant to be under stood by the researcher.


NYSC: National Youth Service Corps, a programme designed for training and orientation of graduates against life challenges and for national integration.

Researcher: Used to mean the person who carried out the research work.

Training: A process that involves the acquisition of skills, concepts, rules or attitudes in order to improve present and future performance.

Performance: The ability to carry out duties and responsibilities demanded of their position.

Ethnic Group: Sharing a common origin, culture or language.

Integration: Commune (parts) into a whole bring or come into full membership of a community.

Mobilization: Assemble (troops etc) for active services.

Pre-Judices: Before the administration of justices.


1.9  Organization of the Study

This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows. Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (background of the study), statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope of the study etc. Chapter two being the review of the related literature presents the theoretical framework, conceptual framework and other areas concerning the subject matter.     Chapter three is a research methodology covers deals on the research design and methods adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study

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