Home Project-material Appraisal of the Effectiveness of Financial Ratios as a Tool for Measuring Financial Performance

Appraisal of the Effectiveness of Financial Ratios as a Tool for Measuring Financial Performance

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The Project File Details Name: Appraisal of the Effectiveness of Financial Ratios as a Tool for Measuring Financial Performance Type: PDF and MS Word (DOC) Size: 406 Length: 43 Pages

An important feature of a typical business organization is the separation of

ownership from management, for instance, a limited liability company, it is

therefore expedient for management to render stewardship accounts to the owners

of the business organization for evaluating the performance of the organization as


The stewardship accounting, which is usually, called the financial reports: contain

information that would aid users of such reports in their judgments or decisions

about economic and financial matters, especially of the organization concerned.

The information is expressed monetary terms.

When the absolute naira amount of most data items reported in the financial

statements are considered individually, they are generally of limited usefulness.

Significant relationship may not be apparent from a view point of absolute naira

amount because no indication is given of whether a particular item is good or bad

for the firm. In order to appreciate the users of the report frequently convert

significant charges and relationship, the naira amount reported in the financial

statement into percentages and ratios by the users of the report.

Therefore, a ratio is a measure used to describe the relationship between two

figures which can be expressed as a percentage or a rate in quotient. Taken in

isolation, a ratio is meaningless unless it is compared with other ratios and only

then can draw some meaningful relationship arising from the picture presented by

the rates.

Ratio analysis is therefore, described as the relationship between two or more

financial data in the financial statement to aid the determination of the financial

condition and performance of a firm. It is the interpretation of the balance sheet

and income statement of a business organization.

It involves comparing of series of selected items with another series and relating

the resultant figures (termed ratios) against standards.

Lucey (2008) defined ratio analysis as the systematic production of ratios from

both internal and external financial report to summarize core relationship and

outcomes for evaluating financial performance.

A number of ratios are computed to provide useful information to various interest

groups having a stake in the organization. Baker (2006) observed that financial

ratios assist in conducting spot check on the financial health of an organization.

Diagnostically, ratios are used in combination so that a satisfactory outcome for

one test is not sufficient to guarantee that all others will yield the same result.

Accordingly, it is necessary to work systematically through a series of test before a

clean bill of health can be issued.

Financial ratios, though mostly report on past performance, they can be predictive

and provide indications of potentials problems areas. The effectiveness of

financial ratios as a tool will always determine the quality of decisions made by

managers and other users of financial information.1.2 PROBLEM ANALYSIS

A number of obstacles constitute the research problem. In ratio analysis, the

problems faced by company in measuring its financial performance were as


1. The management of the company is always faced with the problem of

identifying the appropriate ratios to use in order to measure the performance

growth of the company over a number of years.

2. Another prominent financial related problem is the poor financial management,

which continues to affect the ability to which a firm meets its short terms

maturing obligations. Business organizations in Nigeria are always faced with

the challenges of managing the finance (provided by the owners of the firms)


This problem of poor financial management had caused havoc in the past, how

will managers detect this problem before it escalates and what are the possible

solutions to such problems?

3. Banks and non – banks financial institutions are always faced with the need to

extend credit facilities to viable client and to finance a project that is

worthwhile. How can they fix precisely which client is viable enough to meet

their demand or terms) however, to what extent can financial ratios be used as

a tool that will assist financial institution in optimizing its objectives?

4. Lastly, investors generally are faced with the problems of investing divesting

or increasing their interest in a firm. Individuals and corporate investors ask

question like: where should I invest? How many years will it take me to recoup

my capital or initial outlay? How profitable is the investment?1.3 OBJECTIVES OF STUDY

In as much as a research needs to be carried out to appraise the effectiveness of

financial ratios as a tool for measuring financial performance, the objective of the

study needs to be spelt out. The objective of this study includes the following:

1. To ascertain how conversant or acquainted managers in business organizations

are with financial ratios as a tool for measuring performance. Do managers

know what financial ratios really are?

Or is it that managers are not even aware that there is a tool like that for

measuring performance?

2. To identify the extent to which ratio analysis is of relevance in determining the

efficiency and profitable of an organization.

3. To understand the relative importance of ratio analysis in the financing and

investing decision of a business organization. This is essential in order to know

the effectiveness of the organizations credit and financing policies.

4. To ascertain the importance of ratio analysis to external users in developing

confidence in an organization.1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS

In order to achieve the goal for which this study is intended, the following are the

underlying research, which are examined:

a. Do top- level managers have a deep understanding of what financial ratio

really is?

b. Who are the users of financial analysis in an organization?

c. Does ratio analysis help an organization to spot its weakness and strength

relative to other organization within the industry?

d. Does analysis influence the financial and investing decision of an


e. Do financial ratios indicate the performance growth of an organization over

number years?1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY

This research study will however contribute to knowledge in the following


It will serve as a tool for the analysis of company’s financial statements to

determine how well or poorly the business organization or company has

performed over the period in question. The study will give companies and other

users of financial information the opportunity to assess the impact of various

financial data and the process of determining and evaluating ratios.

It could as well as indication of company’s activities such as the ratio between the

company’s current assets, current liabilities or between its account receivable and

its annual sales.

It will also assist management to understand how suppliers, customers,

competitors and other users perceive the company in terms of it performance.1.6 LIMITATIONS OF STUDY

This study is not attempting you determining how the overall performance of a

firm is evaluated, rather, it is concerned with is financial performance and


Ratio analysis is limited to the analysis of financial information provided in the

financial statement published in the last three years. In addition, the research

devices into the measuring of financial ratio with the different type.

The term business organization will be limited to Nestle Plc as a case study.

Restriction would be placed on where the primary data would be sourced.

In other words, primary data will be sourced mainly from nestle Nigeria plc. In

addition certain areas such as the qualitative issues will not be treated in

department due to time constraint and other social and economic constraints.1.7 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS

According to Goode and Halt (2002), an hypothesis is what is being looked for in

research provided for confirmation by the respondents. They contain independent

and dependent variables that shows relationship between them.

For the purpose of this study, the following hypotheses were adopted:

Ho: Ho is the Null hypothesis

Hi: is the alternative hypothesis

Null hypothesis (Ho) is the statement of primary interest (Askia, 1991). This

hypothesis is usually put in negative language and it is usually designated (Ho).

Alternative hypothesis on the other hand is alternative to the null hypothesis and is

designated as (Hi). Putting in mind the research questions the following are the

null hypothesis and alterative hypothesis to be tested.

1. Ho: Top level and middle level mangers do not have a deep understanding of what

financial ratio analysis is?

Hi: Top level and middle level managers have a deep understanding of what

financial ration analysis is.

2. Ho: Ratio analysis does not have significant relationship to the weaknesses and

strengths of an organization.

Hi: Ratio analysis has significant relationship to the weaknesses and strengths of

an organization.

3. Ho: Ratio analysis does not influence the financing and investing decision of


Hi: Ratio analysis influence the financing and investing decisions of organizations.

4. Ho: financial ratios do not indicate the performance growth of an organization

over a number of years.

Hi: financial ratio indicates the performance growth of an organization over a


The following terms used in this study:

a. Financial analysis: These are the processes of determining the financial

performance and financial condition of a firm.

b. Financial condition: This term refers to the degree of efficiency in which a firm

carries out its financial function.

c. Financial performance: this term refers to the degree of efficiency in which aids

the evaluations of financial condition and performance.

d. Financial ratio: This is the relationship between financial data or figures in the

financial statement or record, which aids the evaluation of financial condition and


e. Balance sheet: This is the statement of the financial position or the state of affairs

of a business at a particular moment or time.

f. Assets: These are the economic resources measured in monetary terms, which are

possessed by a firm.

g. Creditors: these are external claims on the resources (assets) of a firm. They

provide external sources of finance to the business organization in the form of

loans, bank over drafts trade credit etc.

h. Capital structure: This refers to the proportionate relationship between the various

long term forms of financing such as debenture, long term debt, reference share

capital, equity including reserves and surplus.

i. Debentures: These are long term loans granted to a company that are either

secured by a specific property or general property or the company i.e. fixed or

floating charge.

j. Equity: This refer to the network of a business consisting of ordinary share capital,

share premium, reserves and surplus. It does not include preference share capital.

k. Dividend: This is the portion of firms paid out to the shareholders.

l. Liquidity: This refers to the ability of a firm to meet its short term obligation as at

when due.

m. Profitability: This is defined as the ability of a firm to earn surpluses or positive


n. Insolvency: this refers to the inability of a firm to meet its financial obligation as

at when due.

o. Present investor: These are individuals or groups of individuals who have already

invested in a firm or people who already have a stares in a company.

p. Potential invetsors: these are individuals or group of individuals who are planning

to invest in a firm.

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