Dept: COMPUTER SCIENCE File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 3


Drug procurement and distribution tracking system is a set of computer programs that obtains the supplies of drugs, distribute the drugs and monitors the inventory control of the drugs. Using the pharmaceutical department of Port Harcourt University teaching hospital as a case study, the department using manual method to operate lacks good storage of information system for drugs. Recording system tends to be complex and the method of tracking expired drug is poor. The good approach to this problem is to involve the use of computer by designing the form, using Access in developing the database and Visual basic as the programming language, to enable keeping accurate record of drug and prevent sales of expired drug. This guarantees the people’s right to good health care and ensures that drugs received are genuine and safe.


Computerization  is defined  as the control of processes by computers  and  its peripherals. Today it would be difficult to think of any process, business or action that could not have profited from the numerous benefits of the computer system. Controlling process or devices    with computer started long ago since the invention of computer. In the 20


 century inventors tried to make processes easier with the use of computers. Secondly computerization has been greatly applied or used in controlling process that requires frequent action such as drug procurement, drug management,  drug  tracking  and  drug  distributions  in  hospital  management information system in pharmacy departments of hospitals.This project which is drug procurement and distribution tracking system provides a

computer based information management system in a Pharmacy Department of the

University of Nigerian Teaching Hospital  (UNTH) Enugu by designing a cost

effective, user friendly application, incorporating key attributes of data integrity

and system security suitable for use in the pharmacy department of the hospital

using Microsoft Access software in developing the database and visual basic as the







programming language. The overall aim of this project is to optimize time and material in the processing of data needed for effective operation of large pharmacy department of a hospital. By this approach, data integrity, data redundancy, and consistency will be ensured.

Drugs are the chemical substances that are administered to patients for curative purposes and prophylaxis. It can also be known as a medicine, because it is the essential part of peoples care.

The ability of the computer to store and retrieve information at a very fast and

efficient  rate  makes  its  application  useful  in  management  operations.  Drug

management involves drug procurement, drug distribution, drug tracking and its

information management. Drug distribution is concerned with distribution of drugs

within  the  different  medical  units  or  departments  in  a  hospital,  while  drug

procurement  is  concerned  with  the  purchasing  activities  of  the  drugs  by  the

pharmacy department of the hospital. In the same vein, drug tracking is concern

with the continuous monitoring of the actual quantity of drugs held in the hospital

pharmacy or any other drug warehouse /store. It also controls the stock level.Pharmaceutical unit in a hospital is concerned with drug management activities.

They carry out the responsibility of making appropriate selection and drugs used

by formulating an annual, monthly, weekly or daily list of drugs requirement and





management reports. However, in some hospitals today, some pharmacists still use the manual system of operation which can lead to inappropriate drug management errors due to problems of handling voluminous file within a short period of time. This could make data to be easily inaccessible and also delivery of drugs can lead to misplacement of patients’ files.



Drug  procurement,  tracking,  distribution  and  information  management  in  this

regard are routine processes carried out in various hospitals across Nigeria. It is a

common place to observe that these routine processes are still preformed manually

or are minimally computerized  even in our Teaching  Hospitals. This manual

approach to these routine operations has a lot of problems associated with it,

ranging  from  poor  handling  of  drug  data  of  patients,  lack  of  good  storage

information system for drugs and drug dispensary, delays, to the difficulty in

retrieving  information  on  drugs  and  patients’  records.    In  view  of  all  these

problems, it becomes necessary to develop a computer based drug information

management system and distribution tracking system. This is what this research

project is set to address by computerizing the routine processes in our hospitals and

in particular that of Pharmacy Department of UNTH Enugu.











The aim of this research project is to design and implement a computerized drug information  management  system,  drug  procurement  and  distribution  tracking system. This includes:


(i). To order for drugs without mistake of procuring more than required.


(ii). To take good stock of drugs.


(iii). To prevent dispensary of expired drugs


(iv). To ensure accurate keeping of records of drugs




The benefits derivable from this work include the following:


(i) It will provide reliable healthcare services.

(ii) It will guarantee hospital management and patients of genuine and safe



(iii)    It will ensure an efficient and standard drug dispensary system.

(iv)   It  will  provide  a data  base  for  stock  taking  of  drugs  procured  and

dispensed any moment.









This  research  work  will  cover  only  the  Pharmaceutical  Department  of  the University of Nigerian Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Enugu. It will present an up to date and comprehensive design of the following:

(i)    Planning and control system which includes inventory control and drug


(ii)     Drug procurement procedure in a hospital.

(iii)   The expiry status of each drugs at any point in time

(iv)  The Database of all kinds, types and names of some drugs that would be

store and operate on.


It is assumed that all the information gathered with the respect to inventory control

is correct as implemented by the university of Nigerian teaching hospital (UNTH)






















  1. Time constraint; There is limited time go and meet the hospital pharmacist for proper information.
  2. Due to the sensitive nature of organizational information, there was reluctance to

    release vital information which may jeopardize the security of the organization.



This research project covers almost all you need to know about drug procurement and distribution tracking system. Chapter one is the introduction and it covers the statement of problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, assumption, limitations of the study and definition of terms. Chapter two is the literature review; it gives the detailed meaning of every associated word in my topic. Chapter three is the design and methodology; this involves the operation of the existing system and the method used. Chapter four is the system analysis and implementation; which talked about the operation of the proposed system. Chapter five is the summary, recommendation and conclusion.

















Database; A collection of logically related data to meet the information need of organization.

DBMS; Database    Management Software that enable the user to define, maintain Control the database.


Application Program; A computer program that interacts with the database.

MENU; This is a list of options presented on the screen with each option identified by short code followed by longer description of its purposes.

Drug; It is referred to as a medicine    or chemical substances that are administered to Patients    for curative measures.

Pharmacy; A placed in a hospital where medicine or chemical substances are kept, stored and prepared.

Flowchart; A diagram that shows connection between the different stages of process of the system.

Primary Key; The candidate key that is selected to identify the individual within the relation









Foreign Key; An attribute or a set of attributes within one relation that matches the candidate key


Relation; A relation is a named table with columns and rows


Attribute; An attributes is a named column of a relation


Domain; A set of allowable values for one or more table

Null; it  represents a value for an attribute that is  currently unknown or not applicable

Database design; The process of creating a design that will support emprise mission statement and mission required database e system.

Software: These are program for computer which allows certain specific task to be accomplished e.g. word process etc.

Hardware: Computer equipment used to perform input processing and system output activates.

Management information system: collection of people, database, and devices produced to use in providing routine information to manager and decision makers of the organization.

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