1.1      Background to the Study
In recent times, there have been concerns of some educationist about the down ward trend in the standard of education. Students’ academic achievement can be described as the display of knowledge and skill attained by the students’ as shown by scores or grade gotten at the end of the degree course. The academic achievements of students are confined to the school milieu and it is usually geared towards passing examination. It should be noted that ability to perform and communicate effectively in the school by student depends on some influences from their environment. Such influence may be in the form of music, drug and sex habit. Music, drug, sex habit among others are referred to as external social factor. Adams (2005) acknowledged that the existing relationship between external social factors and students’ academic achievement has not been quite clear. Academic success is, no doubt, the main focus of all educational activities which has received tremendous attention from educationists. Nevertheless, music is such a vital aspect of most civilizations around the world and has been since the dawn of time. Listening to popular music is considered by society to be a part of growing up. Music provides entertainment and distraction from problems and serves as a way to relieve tension and boredom. Some studies have reported that adolescents use popular music to deal with loneliness and to take control of their emotional status or mood. Music also can provide a background for romance and serve as the basis for establishing relationships in diverse settings. Adolescents use music in their process of identity formation, and their music preference provides them a means to achieve group identity and integration into the youth culture. Some authors have suggested that popular music provides adolescents with the means to resolve unconscious conflicts related to their particular developmental stage and that their music preference might reflect the level of turmoil of this stage. Adolescents