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This study examines the procurement process in Nigeria with a view to assessing the procurement act, as well as investigating the effects of corruption in public procurement on the masses and practical suggested ways of curbing corruption in our procurement process. The study also seeks to assess different policies and regulation earlier adopted and used to curb corruption in the system. A broad review of literature was carried out on procurement act, the possible ways of achieving proper implementation of the act and other possible means of curbing corruption in Nigeria Public Procurement. Data were collected with the aid of well-structured questionnaires administered on researchers/construction professionals like the Architects, Quantity Surveyors, Builders, Engineers, Estate Surveyors and other professionals like Accountants, Financial Managers, Bankers, Lawyers and journalists in government offices, banks, construction companies, media houses, research institutes and c

Construction Contracts are no more awarded because of the need of the society but

motivated by greed and shameful intention to perpetrate fraud.

We know that fraud and corruption are international problems. They happen daily all

over the world and it is not peculiar to Nigeria. In 2001 the United Kingdom

government (National Audit Office) found that not less than 10% of the Euro 65 billion

spent in the construction industry annually is lost to fraud.

In Nigeria fraud and corruption have reached epidemic state and Construction contracts

carry a lion share of it. While the proceeds of corruption in developed nations remains

in their countries those of Nigeria are taken out of the economic activities of the Nation

and deposited in foreign accounts thereby dealing a ‘double blow – double tragedy’ on

the country. Why are construction contracts so prone to fraud and corruption?

Spirited efforts are being made from different quarters to ensure that Nigeria is purged

of corruption. In a bid to rid the country of corruption, stringent measures, laws and

agencies have been set up to ensure that the system is sanitized. This gave rise to the

Public Procurement Act, which was signed into law by President Umaru Musa

Yar’Adua in 2007.

The Act became imperative because public procurement is one of the biggest sources

of government expenditure, and is easily prone to abuse and accompanying corruption,

as past experience has shown. The procurement Act 2007 is to provide the legal and

institutional framework for the enthronement of transparency, accountability, value for

money and efficiency in the procurement of works, goods and services in Nigeria.

Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement Process in Nigeria 2006346002F


The overall impact of public procurement in governance, government perception and

national development cannot be overemphasized, because if mishandled, it can impact

negatively on the lives of ordinary Nigerians. On the other hand, if it is properly spent,

the results would be long lasting as it would tinkle down to positively affect the

welfare state of all Nigerians, especially at the grassroots.

Construction is an easy target because of the ways contracts are administered by

Governments. It is no secret that road construction costs more to build in Nigeria than

any other African country.

The point of call is the process involved in the contract award, procurement and

the contract administration. In all these, no element of cost control is observed nor due

process followed. It is this anomaly that made the former Minister for works Senator

Ogunlewe to cry out during the public hearing on the Procurement bill. He said ‘“We

are talking of Due Process, shouting Due Process. What is Due Process? In the Federal

Ministry of Works where I preside as the Minister, I don’t believe there is anything that

is Due Process. How can there be Due Process when the Engineer designs the roads,

estimates the costs of the roads, selects the contractor, constructs the roads, supervises

the construction, recommends payment for works done, approves the payment, certifies

the quality and quantity of work! All these by one person! Haba! This cannot be Due

Process. Not until roles are assigned to relevant professionals like the Quantity

Surveyors, Architects, and Builders and so on to be in charge of cost control and

management of public buildings, roads and highways, and the procurement of the

necessary goods and materials in their field can there be any Due Process in Nigeria

construction industry. Fraud in Construction contracts revolves around three major

issues; namely:-

1. Payment methods

2. Quantity verification

Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement Process in Nigeria 2006346002F


3. Quality specification and execution

It is only on construction contracts that businesses are set up and funded for the

proprietors through advance and mobilization payments. Without any track record, a

contractor can be given more than 70% of the contract sum even before he is shown the

site just because he has procured an Advance Payment or Performance Bond that is

more than the share capital of the issuing company and for which the receiving

administrator has no respect or intention of enforcing.

The identified five major weaknesses in the existing procurement systems in Nigeria


That Nigeria lacks a modern law on Public Procurement and permanent oversight body

to provide guidance and monitor purchasing entities.

i) that the Finance (Control and Management) Act, 1958, together with

the Financial Regulations which set basic rules for managing public

expenditure have gaps, deficiencies and faulty implementation of existing

regulations on procurement (e.g. lack of permanent arrangements for

control and surveillance) which create opportunities for bribery and


ii) that due to inflation and lack of regular adjustments on the thresholds

of the approving limits of the Tender Boards, their authorization were

constantly being eroded resulting in abuses, prominent among which is

splitting of contracts;

iii) That there was proliferation of tender boards which were perceived by

the private sector as sources of delays and non transparency. In addition,

these tender boards appeared to have limited mandates with powers to

decide contracts de facto resting with the Permanent Secretary and the

Minister/ Commissioner;

Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement Process in Nigeria 2006346002F


iv) that Customs systems and procedures were cumbersome and major

causes of delay in clearing goods, and hence a source of corruption; and

v) That Procurement is often carried out by staff that substantially lacks

relevant training.

Just as rightly put by R.F Kennedy that ‘because we cannot see clearly the end of the

road, that is no reason for not setting out on the essential journey. On the contrary,

great change dominates the world, and unless we move with change we will become its

victims’. This assertion gives rise to the study which is carried out as a contribution to

the curbing of corruption, a menace in Nigeria’s public procurement system in order

not to be complete victim of it. The topic is widely discussed having Nigeria as a

country in mind. The report provides an introduction to the international debate and

experiences with procurement-related corruption, as well as recommendations on

anticorruption measures to be implemented in procurement procedures.

There are several ways to explain this persistence of corruption. The time it takes to

curb the problem may have been underestimated. There may also be a failure in the

adjustment of anticorruption strategies to local conditions. And finally, the incentives

to implement the necessary measures may be poor among politicians benefiting from

the current system. However, in countries where corruption is a common problem it

tends to disturb the market mechanisms and impede economic development.

Corruption in public procurement makes the officials or the politicians in charge

purchase goods or services from the best briber, instead of choosing the best pricequality combination. The result may be construction projects several times as costly as

necessary, or the acquisition of goods not actually needed.

Also the efforts of public officials to get into position for obtaining bribes may

represent a significant cost. Gifted youth often prefer jobs in the bureaucracy instead of

more scientific professions, the allocation of public funds may be biased in favour of

Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement Process in Nigeria 2006346002F


capital intensive sectors at the expense of health and education, and laws and

regulations may be introduced just in order to obtain bribes. Even worse, public sector

corruption has a pervasive impact on the poor since it reduces the funding available for

social services and distorts public choices in favour of the wealthy and powerful,

resulting in larger income differences between rich and poor. These are meant to be

corrected with the amended and Act in place. It will help to fight corruption to a

standstill, promote issue based politics, and prevent the subversion of the legal system

with financial laws and regulations respected. This will affirms societal ethics that

links the cardinal virtues of honesty, patience and hard work coupled with innovation

and real contributions to the society and financial success.


The mischief in the law and practice led to the enactment of the public procurement

Act 2007 was the lack of value for money-economy, as efficient and effectiveness of

public procurements were poor. Government is seen as the easiest source of wealth

through inordinate contracting, and government was not accountable to Nigerians.

The following are seen as the problems that necessitated this study.

i. That the financial outlay on public procurement is higher than the value of

the projects and /or goods supplied.

ii. That there is transparent corruption in Nigeria public procurement process.

iii. The acts of corruption have negative effects on the entire polity.

iv. It is essential for reintroduction of new value into the system.

Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement Process in Nigeria 2006346002F



As Construction Cost Management professionals, it is a believe onus to contribute to

the reform agenda going on in the Nation by targeting the root of corruption in Nigeria

public procurement process. It is of belief that most frauds are perpetrated through

contracts. The EFCC report has shown that most of the public contracts are awarded

without any intention of seeing to the project materializing. Some are awarded for

political patronage or to pay for electioneering cost, while others are awarded just to

pay ‘god fathers’ and ‘oil their palms’. None could be oblivious of the determination of

the present administration in its zero tolerance level for corruption and this claim is

being demonstrated in the way some past decisions are being looked into.

Hence, sound public procurement policies and practices are one of the essentials

elements of good governance. Good practices reduce costs and produce timely results;

poor practices lead to waste and delays and are often the cause of allegations of

corruption and government inefficiency.

The principal hallmarks of proficient public procurement are:

? Economy

? Efficiency

? Fairness

? Reliability

? Transparency and

? Accountability and ethical standards.

Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement Process in Nigeria 2006346002F


Economy: Procurement is a purchasing activity whose purpose is to give the purchaser

best value for money. For complex purchases, value may imply more than just price,

for example, since quality issues also need to be addressed. Moreover, lowest initial

price may not equate to lowest cost over the operating life of the item procured. But the

basic point is the same: the ultimate purpose of sound procurement is to obtain

maximum value for money.

Efficiency: The best public procurement is simple and swift, producing positive results

without protracted delays. In addition, efficiency implies practicality, especially in

terms of compatibility with the administrative resources and professional capabilities

of the purchasing entity and its procurement personnel.

Fairness: Good public procurement is impartial, consistent, and therefore reliable. It

offers all interested contractors, suppliers and consultants a level playing field on

which to compete and thereby, directly expands the purchaser’s options and


Transparency: Good public procurement establishes and then maintains rules and

procedures that are accessible and unambiguous. It is not only fair, but it seen to be

fair. Accountability and Ethical Standards: Good public procurement holds its

practitioners responsible for enforcing and obeying the rules. It makes them subject to

challenge and to sanction, if appropriate, for neglecting or bending those rules.

Accountability is at once a key inducement to individual and institutional probity, a

key deterrent to collusion and corruption, and a key prerequisite for procurement

credibility. A sound procurement system is one that combines all the above elements.

The desired impact is to inspire the confidence and willingness-to-compete of wellqualified vendors. This directly and concretely benefits the purchasing entity and its

constituents, responsive contractor and suppliers, and donor agencies providing project

finance. Conversely, a procurement system that fails to take the above elements

Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement Process in Nigeria 2006346002F


stimulates hesitation to compete, submission of inflated tenders containing a risk

premium, or submission of deflated tenders followed by delayed or defective

performance. Other direct results include collusion in bribery by frustrated or

unscrupulous vendors and purchasing entities, bad value for those entities and their

constituents, betrayal and abuse of the public trust for personal gain.

In summary, proficient public procurement is not difficult to describe in principle or to

distinguish from its antitheses in practice. But it does require varied professional and

technical know-how to establish, as well as discipline and determination to administer.


The aim of the study is to appraise corruption in Nigeria Public Procurement

The following objectives form the pivot of the research work;

(1)To investigate the Public Procurement Process in place in Nigeria.

(2)To study efforts made so far in curbing corruption in procurement process.

(3)To proffer solution by suggesting ways of curbing corruption in Public

Procurement Process.


a. Is there any form of corruption in Nigeria Public Procurement Process?

b. What are the factors contributing to corruption in Nigeria Public Procurement


c. What are the effects of corruption on Nigeria Public Procurement Process?

d. What are the ways of curbing corruption in public procurement?


This study explores the problem of corruption in public acquisitions of goods and

services. While mainly concentrating on the bureaucratic administration, the discussion

often includes the political level. Three aspects of procurement-related corruption have

been examined. First, problems that often arise if this type of corruption is common.

Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement Process in Nigeria 2006346002F


Secondly, the mechanisms: How is this illegal activity actually carried out? And

finally, a major concern of the study is the practical strategies to combat the problem.

This research work will focus on Public Procurement Process in Nigeria. The research

will be limited to the Public Procurement Process in Nigeria construction Industry with

a general overview of the state of corruption in the nation. Necessary contacts and

research work will focus on the South-East zone – the commercial heart beat of

Nigeria. The parties involved in procurement would be reached for fact finding.


Knowledge is power and this can be brought into reality through enlightenment. This

project work is expected to:

(1) Create more awareness of the importance of Public Procurement to National

Economic development.

(2) Encourage more attention to be paid to Procurement Process and legislations in


(3) Establish also the need for practicing professionals to improve on and bring their

services closer to the people.

(4) Educate the masses on the ills of corruption to the Nation’s growth.

(5) Furnish the policy makers the suggested practical ways of curbing Corruption in

the procurement process.

Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement Process in Nigeria 2006346002F



AAL Air wing Aerospace Limited

AAS Audit Alarm System

AD Alliance for Democracy

AIT African Independence Television

ANEEJ African Network for Environmental and Economic Justice

ANNP All Nigerian Peoples Party

APGA All Progressive Group Alliance

ASUU Academic Staff Union of Universities

BASA Bilateral Air Services Agreement

BPE Bureau for Public Enterprises

BMPIU Budget Monitoring and Price Intelligence Unit

CCB Code of Conduct Bureau

CD Campaign for Democracy

CDD Centre for Democracy and Development

CDHR Committee for the Defense of Human Rights

NAFDAC National Agency for food, drug administration and control

CJN Chief Justice of Nigeria

PFI Private Finance Initiative

NIQS Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors

CLO Civil Liberties Organization

CPI Corruption Perception Index

EFCC Economic and Financial Crimes Commission

FUMTA Federal Urban Mass Transit Agency

Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement Process in Nigeria 2006346002F


ICPC Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences


IMF International Monetary Fund

INEC Independent National Electoral Commission

JSC Justice of the Supreme Court

NAMA National Airport Management Authority

NCP National Conscience Party

NJC National Judicial Commission

NNPC Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation

NTA Nigerian Television Authority

PDP Peoples Democratic Party

RMAFC Revenue Mobilization, Allocation and Fiscal Commission

SAP Structural Adjustment Programme

SIE State Independent Electoral Commission

TIN Transparency in Nigeria

WAI War against Indiscipline

ZCC Zero Corruption Coalition


Procurement applies to all kinds of acquisition of public goods and services. RoseAckerman (1999) divides procurement into four categories:

(i) Purchases that require specialized research and development, such as newly

designed military aircraft.

(ii) Purchases of complex, special purpose projects, such as dams or port

facilities that do not involve advances in technology but require managerial

and organizational skills.

Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement Process in Nigeria 2006346002F


(iii) Purchases of standard products sold in open markets, such as motor vehicles

or medical supplies (off-the shelf purchase).

(iv) Customized versions of products otherwise available in open markets, such as

special purpose computer systems or fleets of police cars.

Public Procurement means the acquisition by any means of goods, works, or services

by the government.

Goods means objects of every kind and description including raw materials, products

and equipment and object in solid, liquid or gaseous form and electricity as well as

service incidental to the supply of the goods.

Contractor or supplier stands for any potential party to a procurement contract with

procuring entity and includes any corporation, partnership, individual, sole proprietor,

joint stock Company, joint venture or any other legal entity through which business is


Corruption, Brooks (1910) defined corruption as the international performance or

negligent of a recognized duty, or unwarranted exercise of power, with the motive of

gaining some advantage more or less directly personal.

It is an illegal activity, is difficult to define exactly as different attitudes and customs

prevail, for instance when it comes to gift-giving and bureaucratic integrity.

Fraud-This was clearly asserted by Kpundeh (1997) as a violation of civil statute, and

involves intentional misrepresentation of purpose obtaining unauthorized benefits from

a Programme. The misrepresentation may involve either the provision of incorrect facts

or the failure to provide correct facts.

Responsibility- This is defined as a state or act of being reliable or capable of trusted.

In the similar vein is ethics seen as the moral principles that govern or influence a

person’s behaviour. There is link between responsibility, ethics and corruption because

Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement Process in Nigeria 2006346002F


absence of ethical and responsibility in people give birth to a system permeated by


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