Dept: COMPUTER SCIENCE File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 2


In our society today, the issue of managing human resources in firms, companies or organizations is a great challenge to the management. Hence the purpose of this project (recruitment management system). Hence the purpose of this project aimed at developing a recruitment management system called Jobseek that manages the recruitment processes of organizations and reduces the cost used in the recruitment of staffs. In the development of this project a review of existing processes and systems was carried out, System modelling using UML diagrams, use case and sequence diagrams Database management system is used to create the database and using php for the backend, HTML and CSS for design, Ajax for Client-side scripting, PHPSTORM as the IDE for the implementation. The result and conclusion of this project is efficient management of recruitment processes and also provision of a medium in which people get to apply for jobs at their convenience.

A recruitment management system is a comprehensive instrument to manage the entire recruitment processes of an organization. It is one of the technological instruments facilitated by the information management systems to the Human Resource (HR) of the organizations. Just like performance management, pay roll and other systems. Recruitment Management System (RMS) helps to control the recruitment processes and effectively controlling the return on investment (ROI) on recruitment (Härtel, 2007).

Acquiring and retaining high quality talents is critical to an organization’s success. As the job market becomes increasingly competitive and the available skills grow more diverse, recruiters need to be more selective in their choices, since poor recruiting decisions can produce long-term negative effects, among them high training and development costs to minimize the incidence of poor performance and high turnover which, in turn, impact staff morale, the production of high quality goods and services and the retention the organizational integrity. At worst, the organization can fail to achieve its objectives thereby losing its competitive edge and its share of the market.

In Nigeria, public service organizations have had little need to worry about market share and increasing competition since they operate in a non-competitive environment. But in recent time, the emphasis on New Public Management (NPM)/Public Sector Management (PSM) approaches has forced public organizations to pay closer attention to their service delivery as consumers have begun to expect and demand more for their tax nairas.

Recruitment is described as “the set of activities and processes used to legally obtain a sufficient number of qualified people at the right place and time so that the people and the organization can select each other in their own best short and long term interest”. In other words, the recruitment process provides the organization with a pool of potentially qualified job candidates from which judicious selection can be made to fill vacancies. Successful recruitment begins with proper employment planning and forecasting. In this phase of the staffing process, an organization formulates plans to fill or eliminate future job openings


based on an analysis of future needs, the talent available within and outside of the organization, and the current and anticipated resources that can be expended to attract and retain such talent. Also related to the success of a recruitment process are the strategies an organization is prepared to employ in order to identify and select the best candidates for its developing pool of human resources. Organizations seeking recruits for base level entry positions often require minimum qualifications and experience. These applicants are usually recent high school or university/technical college graduates, many of whom have not yet made clear decisions about future careers or are contemplating engaging in advanced academic activities. At the middle levels, senior administrative technical and junior executive positions are often filled internally. The push for scarce, high quality talents, often recruited from external sources, has usually been at the senior executive levels. Most organizations utilize both mechanisms to effect recruitment to all levels (Turban et al., 1993).


In our society today, the issue of managing human resources in firms, companies or organizations is a great challenge to the management.

Hence the purpose of this project aimed at developing a recruitment management system called Jobseek that manages the recruitment processes of organizations and reduces the cost used in the recruitment of staffs.


The aim of this work is to develop a recruitment management system. The following are the objectives that will be used to achieve this aim:

? To perform critical investigation and analysis of the existing recruitment process.

? To design/model the recruitment management system

? To create database system for the applicants and companies record

? To implement the recruitment management system.



In order to achieve the stated objectives, the following methodology was used.

? Review of existing processes and systems to perform critical investigation and analysis of the existing recruitment process.

? System modelling using UML diagrams, use case and sequence diagrams to design/model the recruitment management system.

? Database management system (MYSQL) is used to create the database for the applicants and companies record.

? Using php for the backend, HTML and CSS for design, Ajax for Client-side scripting, PHPSTORM as the IDE for the implementation of the recruitment management system.


Undoubtedly, this research work would break new grounds as concerning recruitment management systems. Without much emphasis, this work would aid users in obtaining jobs faster rather than utilizing the tedious method of going from one company to another in search for a particular job, as a result, would reduce the number of unemployed and also manage the recruitment process starting from the applicant, ending with a firm or an organization.


Recruitment management system is a segment of human resource management system, but has many sub-modules, this study will be restricted to the fundamental recruitment processes without some in-depth explication of some segments due to the time factor.

The activities that will be involved in recruitment process will involve the sourcing for prospective candidates and sending of mail to qualified applicant, matching job profile with the applicants’ profile.

This recruitment management system will not be constrained to an organization or firm. Additionally, the authentic provision for a computerized test will not be implemented as its scope is beyond that of the research work.



Chapter one presents a general introduction, identifies the statement of the problem, the aim and specific objectives of the work, the methodology used, the significance of the project work and the limitation of the project. In Chapter Two, critical review of the literature and existing systems are presented. The system analysis and design are well described in Chapter Three.

Also, in Chapter Four, the system implementation and results are presented. The project is concluded in Chapter Five with summary, conclusion and recommendations.

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