Dept: COMPUTER SCIENCE File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 2


Individual and group learning with both print and omputer based materials. With all these, virtual classroom and test based e-learning knowledge is moving towards every students and stall ol Adcleke University (for instance) being an e- learner at least for part of their study, this could be through learning materials e- mails contacting tutors or submitting assignment, the use of website for research or any one of the myriad e- learning application. Thus, students or staff must not travel to abroad to acquire knowledge. Also information can be sent and access to students abroad through the help of the internet. This project has some unique features such as a simplified way of which study materials can be distributed evenly among students, also allowing the teachers to give quizzes and also allowing assessing the students on a unique user friendly platform which is secure, efficient and has a higher rate of accuracy also and added feature is the platform for easy communicati

-learning system use text messages to deliver information and data. Student ore-learners will be

in their computer receiving lectures as il they are in classroom. This has gone a long way helping

e-learners to acquire degree in the institution they have never.

Internet as global connection of computers sited around the world forming huge network for

information to be shared and disseminated by many millions of people has done so well in

information technology and in education so to speak. Virtual classroom and text-based e-learning

cannot be an exception. Often time’s students experience a lot of difficulty in the quest for basic

knowledge from higher institution of their choice, not for the fact that the person doesn’t have

resources to acquire them but the risk in traveling to and fro from wherever the person may reside

to the said institution might pose problems and risks to the person involved. In order to reduce

1.1 Background of the Study

Virtual learning is an e-learning system designed to help students gain access and acquire

knowledge remotely in their university of choice. It can includes: Enhanced face-to-face

instruction, enhanced distance education (on or off campus), individual and group learning with

computer-based materials and instructions entirely based on-line. Because of this mix virtual

classroom and text based virtual learning, knowledge is moving towards every student being an elearner at least for the period of time of their study, whether through e-materials, e-mail for

contacting teachers/ tutors or any one of their myriad other e-learning platforms.

Online learning results to learning and other supportive resources that are available through a

computer and it includes computer based training, computer based instruction and technology. The

This is designed that before anybody can participate he/she must register. Students and lecturers

information from the school staff and student database would be used to register the students and

lecturers therefore matric numbers and staff ID numbers that tally with their required details would

be provided in order to gain access. One month is given to a student to pay his/her school fees, if

payment is not made by a certain fixed or required date the student is therefore restricted access to

his/her workspace in the virtual learning platform.

Indeed, this sounds interesting to my academic pursuit in Adeleke University, having observed

and estimated the benefit this would bring to both students and lecturers in an unprecedented scale.

Perhaps this calls for an implementation.

This will go a long way increasing student’s enrolment in the institution. The system is very

security conscious, giving access to those registered by the institution or in the institutions database

therefore leaving no chances for anonymous registrations.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Due to the problems students find and experiences, it has never been easy for students to acquire

basic and necessary education in any institution one wishes irrespective of the fact that the

resources are there. This poses a lot of problems sometimes they will embrace not going to school

at all. It is very impossible for a student abroad or in a neighbouring country to be coming to

Adeleke University every day for lectures more so, it will be impossible for Adeleke University

staff to go abroad or a neighbouring country where the students might be located every day to

deliver lectures.

Sometimes if number of students increases, reduction in student’s admission would be affected in

order to provided adequate structures where they can have their lectures. The above views are what

eave birth to the research work in order to find solution to them.

students will have access lowing and downloading contents, taking assessment test etc. The

Provide a system ol lol low up lor teachers and student.

Encourages the promotion ol digital literacy

Create a platform for student to engage in self-paced learning

programming languages used were HTML and PHP as scripting language and using MySQL in

the designing of the database. The system would be designed to suit the university system which

1.4 Significance of the Study

Virtual learning is the use of Internet technologies to enhance knowledge and performance. Virtual

learning technologies offer learners control over content, learning sequence, pace of learning, time,

and often media, allowing them to tailor their experiences to meet their personal learning

objectives all at no cost. It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of


This platform gives access to all resources of a traditional course which enables participants to

learn wherever they are, leaving them the freedom to choose the time for study.

With basically an internet connection a person can learn different course from anywhere in the

world there reducing travel time and transport cost for off campus students.

The Bio-Data of students and teachers of Adeleke University would be collected and saved in a

database online where there will be three authentication levels which will give different accesses

and restrictions. The teachers will have access to content and class group creation etc. while the

1.5 Methodology

4. Allow teachers monitor the student s level ol understanding ol a particular course.



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kin l be pul into place.

Limited access to information/data: In the course of this research there were a lot of limitations

to the access of some information, data and documents that would have aided the success of the


Time limitations: The period used in carrying out this study was short and conflicted with other

activities (i.e. school activities) that took place during the course of the research.

Environmental limitations: This were constraints which occurred due to power and the location

of the research study location which had a higher level of reoccurring distractions.

The project is concerned with creating a virtual learning system where learning can take place

remotely and study materials can be shared using Adeleke University as a case study.

1.6 Scope

1.7 Limitations

Bringing to limelight the economic and time constraints involving students with a project work of

this nature, it would be known to us all that there is no research work carried out that does not

experience some level of hardships. This project work is no exception. The following are some

factors that caused limitations to the research work.

Financial limitations: In undergoing a study like this, it is meant to be done on a larger scale and

with enhanced features to the project platform but due to lack of funds some functions and features




1.9 Definition of Terms

is concerned with sharing ol knowledge electronically of text video, web or any other IT


IT (Information Technology): It is combination of computing and telecommunication facility.

DATABASE: A database is a collection ol information that is organized so that it can easily be

accessed, managed, and updated.

DATA: Raw materials used by the computer.

INFORMATION: Processed data capable of solving a problem

E-MAIL: Electronic mail, this is the use of a computer to send mail messages across a network.

NETWORK: It is connection of two or more computers using special protocol such that they

share data or information inform of text, audio, messages or mail.

WWW (World Wide Web): Collection of internet resources (such as FTP, telnet, Usenet),

hyperlinked text, audio, and video files, and remote sites that can be accessed and searched by

browsers based on standards such as HTTP and TCP/IP.

WEBSITE: A Web site is a related collection of World Wide Web (WWW) files that includes a

beginning file called a home page. It is a compilation of information’s belonging to individuals,

companies, associations, states, countries etc. made available to be seen or downloaded on the

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