Dept: COMPUTER SCIENCE File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 2


Every year many corps members are posted to different parts of the country to serve their fatherland for one year. The deployment of corps members to their places of primary assignments is a much more difficult task. The camp-officials manually select corps members and deploy them to different organizations for their primary assignments. The manual method used is very cumbersome, time consuming, and also prone to errors and irregularities due to human nature. Irrespective of the time consumed in this manual deployment some of the corps members are being deployed to where their disciplines are irrelevant to their place of primary assignments thereby leading to their rejection and for making the service year wasted. In this research, a web-based multicriteria decision model was designed to considerably take care of the aforementioned problems. The multicriteria decision system provides an automated process for posting corps members to their places of primary assignments appr
1.1 Background of the Study

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) is a programme that involves Nigerian

graduates in the development and integration of their country. There is no military

conscription in Nigeria, but since 1973 graduates of universities and later polytechnics

have been required to take part in the NYSC programme for national service

(Marenin, 1990). It was explained that one of the expectations of the programme is

that corps members should be posted to cities and states far from their homes and

states of origin. They are expected to mix with people of other tribes, social and

family backgrounds, to learn the culture of the indigenes in the place they are posted

to. It is a way to engender unity in Nigeria, to help youths appreciate other ethnic

groupings in the country. During the period of service, there is an “Orientation” period

of approximately three weeks which is spent in a camp away from family and friends.

There is also a “passing out ceremony” at the end of the year and primary assignment

followed by one month of vacation.

The programme also help in creating jobs opportunity for a lot of Nigerian youths. An

NYSC forum dedicated to the NYSC members was recently built to bridge the gap

amongst members serving across Nigeria and also an avenue for corps to share job

information and career resources as well as getting loans from the National

Directorate of Employment. The NYSC programme is a programme that prepares

youths to work after tertiary education in universities, polytechnics and their

equivalent. This program is suffering a lot of setbacks such as posting a graduate of

science programme to non-science oriented place of primary assignment and like wise


other disciplines. Some corps members, due to lack of information, do not effectively

perform their service. It is expected that this study would help to profer solution(s) to

these problems.

1.1.2 National youth service corps (NYSC) Deployment

Every year more than 5,000 corps members are deployed to each state for one year

service. This deployment is in three (3) batches namely batches A, B and C. Batches

A and B corps members are usually more in number while batch C corps members are

fewer. Out of this number some will relocate from the state they are deployed to

another state because of certain reasons like marital status and health condition.

The result of the interview from some NYSC official states that there are two types of

NYSC deployment of corps members. The first type is National level deployment

where qualified graduates from institutions of higher learning are deployed to the

various states they will serve. The list of the graduates is gotten through the student

affairs officer of the institutions that is responsible for the preparation of eligible

students for service. In this type of deployment, corps members’ state of origin,

marital status and health conditions are considered before posting the corps members.

The second type is done at state level which involves deploying corps members that

are posted to the state after orientation to the places of primary assignment. To

process this second type of deployment, organisation requests, marital status and

health condition are considered.

1.2 Research Motivation

Decisions on deploying corps members to the places of primary assignment are made

by committee constituted by NYSC zonal inspectors and mobilisation officer by


considering some factors such as organisations requests, corps discipline and

qualifications, gender, tribes and marital status.

Faced with the multiple criteria (organisations requests, corps discipline and

qualifications, gender, tribes and marital status), the deployment committee annually

evaluates every corps member against the requirement before deploying the corps

members. This process is cumbersome and time consuming. Moreover, the corps

members are deployed to places that are not relevant to their disciplines. This, for

most of the time, renders their one year service wasted. With manual processing, the

deployment is bound to be tedious, time wasting, inaccurate due to human error and at

times deliberate manipulation to achieve personal aim or to favour some friends like

deploying corps from influential people to urban centers or better places and others to

rural areas.

The problems associated with manual system of corps members’ deployment give rise

to the need for development of computerised model that can be use to carryout the

deployment process with a view to: reduce the time it takes to process the deployment

of corps members to their places of primary assignment; have fair and impartial

deployment, placement and to minimize the incidence of rejection of corps members

by organisations.

1.3 Research Objectives

The main objectives of this thesis is to develop and implement an online deployment

of corps members to their place of primary assignments using NYSC corps membersdeployed to Kaduna State as a case study. The specific objectives are to:


(i) develop a multicriteria decision deployment model for NYSC; and

(ii) implement a web-based NYSC multicriteria decision system of deploying corps

members to their places of primary assignment for Kaduna State.

1.4 Research Methodology

A review of related literature on recruitment, human resource management, selection

and screening processes and existing NYSC deployment manual system was done.

Some of the Zonal coordinators and camp officials were interviewed about the

process of manual method of deployment of corps members to their places of primary

assignment. A multicriteria decision model for deploying corps members to their

places of primary assignments was developed using parameters such as corps

members’ disciplines, genders and tribes among others. The parameters were related

with requests from different organisations/institutions/company/governments to match

corps members to their respective places of primary assignments. The system was

implemented using Apache as the web server, PHP as script language, MySQL as the

relational database system with windows as operating system.

1.5 Contribution to knowledge

The study established a multicriteria decision system for deploying corps members to

their place of primary assignments thereby reducing/eliminating the errors, stress and

time wastage in the manual deployment of the corps members.


1.6 Organisation of the thesis

This thesis is in five chapters. Chapter one covers the background of the study,

statement of the problems, research motivation, research objectives, research

methodology and contribution of the study to knowledge. In chapter two the existing

system and related literatures on selection, e-recruitment and human resource

management information systems were reviewed. Chapter three presented and

discussed the multicriteria decision system model and design of the new system

architecture. Chapter four focused on the system implementation. Finally, chapter five

presented the conclusion, suggested recommendations and further research.

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