Dept: COMPUTER SCIENCE File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 2


1.1 Background to the Study

Traffic Offence report System is a web based and database program that records all

the traffic offences committed nationwide. The system helps the Federal Road Safety

Commission (FRSC) keep adequate records of all traffic offences that has been

committed and that will still be committed by road users and also maintain the

databases of the commission.

In February 1988, the Federal Government established the Federal Road Safety

Commission through Decree No .45 of the 1988 as amended by Decree 35 of 1992

referred to in the statue books as the FRSC Act cap 141 laws of the Federation of

Nigeria (LFN) passed by the National Assembly as Federal Road Safety Commission

(establishment) Act 200.

Around the world road traffic injuries are a major public health challenges that

requires concerted efforts for effective and sustained prevention. An estimated 1.2

million people are killed in road crashes every year and many as 50 million have

supper injuries. The world health organization (WHO) believe that these figures

could increase by more than half over the next 20year unless there is a firm

commitment to road safety and accident prevention, especially in Nigeria. It is a dead

fact that many of these accidents and their consequences will have been avoidable.


Therefore this project, web base traffic offence report system will help to keep

records of all traffic offences committed by road users and also maintain the

databases of the commission (F R S C).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The present system of traffic offence system which is the manual system known as

(Notice of Offence Sheet) has a lot of problems which are mentioned below:

a) Time: Going by the present system of operation, time is consumed in the

manual handling of operation involved in road traffic documentation.

b) Cost: This is the greatest problem of the Federal Road Safety Commission.

The commission tends to lose a lot of money running the agency manually.

c) Document Integrity: This is viewed in the contest of safety, in validity of the

records in document files used in report generation. In terms of safety, the

nature of the system makes it vulnerable to theft, fire or accidental destruction.

This makes the system unsafe as the time needed to replace lost data or files is

enormously large.

1.3 Aim and Objective of the Study

This study is designed to help Federal Road Safety Commission to document all road

traffic offences incurred by the road users. This study also tries to give an in-depth

look in the easiest and most effective way for the growth and development of the


Federal Road Safety Commission of Nigeria, in order to control and render its

services to Nigerians and other countries.

The objective of the study is as follows:

1. To develop efficient software that provides the general public the means of

obtaining information about traffic Offence.

2. To educate users on traffic sign thereby, eliminate or minimize accidents on the


3. To produce a system where information and output report will be produced or

made available much faster, more accurately.

1.4 Significance of the Study

With the growth in information technology, the study offers numerous values to the

Federal Road Safety Commission and any organization that deals with offence

documentation data/information. Huge files kept through the manual method in

offices will no longer be there again because information will be stored on the

computer with the help of the Web base Traffic Offence System. It will help to keep a

comprehensive record of traffic offence documented.


1.5 Scope of the Study

This study is strived at finding out how effective the Computerization of Nigerian

Road Safety Commission will improve the operation of the commission. However,

the research is limited to traffic offence section.

1.6 Limitations of the Study

Owing to the scope of this project as mentioned above, this project work is limited to

computer literates. It is important to mention that time and cost was a major

constraint in the course of fact finding. It is also wise to mention here that some

information needed to work with was not collected because of the unwillingness of

the agency to reveal such information.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Information: This is the assembling of data into a meaningful form.

Data: This is a fore runner of information. It is an unprocessed fact.

Database: Is a collection of information that is related to a particular subject or


Internet: Is a collection of computer networks that operate to common standards and

enable the computer and the program they run to communicate directly.


Software: This is a logically written program that hardware uses to perform its


FRSC: Federal Road Safety Commission is the body responsible for the control of

Road user in a country (Nigeria).

Computerization: Refers to the application of computer in performing operations.

System: Is the collection of hardware, software, data information procedures and


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