Expert system play an indomitable role in various disciplines and the assistance it renders to man cannot be overemphasized. This chapter marks the beginning of the design of an expert system on medical diagnosis and prescriptions. For a smooth take off, the statement of the problem, purpose of study, aims and objective, scope of study, limitation, assumption, definition of terms are treated which are pre-requisites for the design.
These key points are extensively treated in the proceeding chapters to justify the claims.
Expert system can be defined as a sophisicated software, which aids some expert and professional in various disciplines to carry out some vital functions. The use of expert system can be broadly applied in medical diagnosis and prescriptions oil prospecting and chemistry on the artificial intelligence. This is an act of subjecting a computer system to take some intelligent decisions based strictly on the problems at stake.
The use of expert system on medical diagnosis and prescriptions include the interest of the research because of some spectacular activities it accomplished and to bring the awareness of the software to the doorstep of the readers and other medical and paramedical personnel’s.
The software helps the junior doctors accompanied by a nurse in answering the calls of some patients with tedious problems. This also helps the doctors generating some wise questions from a patient, based on the problems confronting him in order to get rid of some outstanding irregularities. Some potentialities built-in, which serves as a watch, dog patients on the sick beds. It helps in alerting a medical practitioner on call of imminent dangers against a patient and alleviates nurses the task of engaging themselves routine visits.
One of the major hindrances is that militate the sob of medical doctors is the problem of decision taking. This is sometimes brought about by mobility to generate some wise questions, which will form a locus study in taking a lasting decision. This may at the long run become detrimental to the patient concerned henceforth calling for a sorry situation.
In order to give an orientation to the case under study, the researcher has decided to present the following Aims and Objective.
(1) Expert system helps a medical doctor in decision-making strategies.
(2) Judicious medical prescriptions are facilitated by an expert system.
(3) Expert system plays an unover emphasizing role in assisting the paramedical personnel’s in acting like qualified medical doctors.
Anybody can act like a professional in an discipline whether affiliated to him or not if he has all the necessary tenets to act. A paramedical staff can behave like a medical doctor If he has. Within his jurisdiction some aiding equipment. This can be so helpful in the absence of a qualified medical doctor to salvage lives.
The write of this project intended to carrying out an extensive study on expert systems in medic al diagnosis and prescriptions in many hospitals around Enugu State but narrowed it due to some unavoidable constraints. These limitations came as a result of financial constraints to four round those hospitals. Another reason is time factor, which was so shot to warrant the necessary researches.
The following assumptions are tabled based on the study.
If computer expert are not deployed to accomplish the computer-oriented assignments, the aim of the design is zeroed.
Due to neglect of expert system, medical work is not facilitated limited use of expert system in hospitals lead to gross inefficiency.
EXPERT SYSTEM: A computer software which simulated the decision-making behaviour of an expert a particular field of knowledge.
DIAGONOSIS: Act of examining a patient to find the confronting issues and what must have caused them.
COMPUTER SYSTEM: An electronic device which helps in the simulation of some intelligent decision in different fields in a similar way like human brains.
PERSONNELS: These are group of men and women who work in a organization.
PARAMEDICAL: This is supper medical