Dept: COMPUTER SCIENCE File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 1


An ideal society is governed by laws and measurable consequences are meted out to any member of the society that is found guilty of law breaking. Customarily, members of the society are expected to report any incidence of breakdown of law and order to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. In time past, the process of reporting crimes in the society (Nigeria) had involved going into any of the offices of the law enforcement agencies (e.g. Police, neighborhood corps) to make a report, which made anonymity next to impossible. But the advent of technology opened more avenues for reporting crimes; from telegraph, special radio communication, and dedicated phone lines to a more responsive and more pervasive technological application platforms (web and mobile software applications). This project develops an all-encompassing web platform that reports all manners of crimes, open to all members of the public, suggestive (search for entities), interpretative and enlightening. It
1.1 Background of Study

The quest to control crime and breakdown of law and order increases has the society grows and

diversity of human intentions and interactions abound. An ideal society is governed by laws and

regulations that are collectively agreed upon and measurable consequences that will be meted out

for any member of the society that is found culpable to have floated any specific component of

the legal infrastructure.

Besides the legal infrastructure in a society are the security apparatuses that enforce the law with

the interest to maintain law and order. The legal infrastructures determine the extent to which law

enforcement agents can act or protect the common interests of individuals in the society. It also

outlines the civic responsibilities and human rights for the members of the society.

Customarily, members of the society are supposed to report any incidence of breakdown of law

and order to the appropriate civil and military security apparatuses. Reported cases are also

supposed to be intelligently collected, evaluated and investigated to a more conclusive and

justifiable end. Evidences are collected, protected and properly examined before accused persons

are charged to Law court and fairly prosecuted. Investigations are carried out without fear or

favour. In fact, any attempt to prevent due process during crime investigation is in itself a crime

and it is also punishable under the law.

Until recently, the process of reporting and investigating crimes in the society has been mainly

manual. Individuals who have some complaints will work into any offices of the security agents

(e.g. Police, neighborhood corps) to inform and write in statement issues that may need their

attention. At these offices, the security agents will raise an incidence form and ask the reporter to

fill some appropriate segments. The security agents will also ask some intelligent questions from

the reporter and make notes of preliminary investigations. Evidences suggested will be noted and

further investigations will be followed up and new evidences will be collected, evaluated and



The advent of technology has opened new fronts of opportunities of leveraging on the diverse

benefits of information technology to crime reporting. There are various technology platforms

that have been developed to assist how crime incidences are reported, responded to and

investigated. The technological applications have gone from telegraph, special radio

communication, and dedicated phone lines to a more responsive and more pervasive

technological application platforms (web and mobile software applications). Majority of the

members of the society nowadays have mobile devices that can easily access the internet. This

makes the web approach the most economical and open approach for reporting crime with a far

reaching benefits and coverage. Although there are several efforts that have been made in this

area around the world, there is still no popular and responsive platform for reporting crime in

Nigeria. The few available platforms in Nigeria (e.g. Amebo, Linda Ikeji) are blogs and are not

ultimately serving the goal of properly reporting, evaluating and investigating various crimes in

Nigeria. A close thing to it is the respective platforms sponsored by Economic Financial Crime

Commission (EFFC) and Investigation of Crime and Corrupt practices (ICPC); they provide

avenues to report crime incidences but investigation and response are towards financial crimes.

This platform does not include murder, battery or harassment incidences which are commonly

reported at the local Police station than financial crimes reported at EFFC and ICPC combined.

These institutions and their respective platforms are specialized in the area of financial crime and

their activities are so secretive that processes and progress of investigations are not shared with

other security agencies and the members of the public.

The available platforms are far below how technology could be harnessed to report crimes. The

platforms are not popular and not very intuitive to use by common citizens. The platforms are

unidirectional in the sense they do not have feedback for the members of the society. All these

gaps have necessitated our interests for an ideal application that will address the limitations.

We are looking forward to developing an all-encompassing web platform that reports all manners

of crimes, open to all members of the public, suggestive (search for entities), interpretative and

enlightening. The platform will provide a platform for various security agencies to share and

gather evidences and mobilize members of the public for certain interests that will drive better

policing, crime prevention and investigation.


We hope this project will address the gaps identified in the information space of crime reporting

and investigation in Nigeria.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The notable crime reporting platforms are lopsided and not intuitive. The process of reporting

crimes to security agencies still remain very difficult. The platforms are also unidirectional in the

sense that they do not have feedbacks for the members of the society. The existing platforms do

not support sharing of relevant information with other security agencies, thereby because owners

of these platforms wants to take all the praise; while in actual fact security is being reinforced

when meaningful and relevant information is shared among security stakeholders towards

offering an excellent service. All these make our justice system questionable and irresponsible.

We propose an all-encompassing platform that will practically address ego issues among security

agencies, give feedbacks and strengthen the overall security service and existing security


1.3 Aims and Objectives of Study

To develop a web application that demonstrates that the process of reporting, evaluating and

investigating crimes in Nigeria should not be tortuous and that the model can be adopted for

designing newer crime reporting platforms.

Our objective is to propose a system that caters for reporting all kinds of crimes, gives feedback

and sustain the process of crime investigation and correction.

1.4 Scope of Work

We will design a web application that will provide a platform to report all manners of crimes. We

will also provide a platform for different security agencies and their representatives to be

registered; with a dashboard to view and interpret different report incidences. The general public

will also be able to freely report, get feedback and evaluate progress of reported cases without


fear or intimidation. The application will be data driven and user experience will be responsive

and consistent.

The applications will be accessible over the internet on computers and other mobile devices. No

other hardware resources will be required and the evaluation will be mainly experimental.

1.5 Project Development Methodology (Agile Software Methodology)

Agile-Scrum Software Model

Agile software methodology is a set of repetitive and incremental process models. It is

considered to be most flexible and easily maneuverable for skittish requirement specifications

environments. Unlike other process models where high formality is required and the

specifications are expected to be known and verified before the commencement of design, Agile

models allow the use of increments or possible prototypes that can evolve into a more suited and

validated requirements and eventually software application. Pressman (2004) defines it as a

development pattern that encourages customer satisfaction and early incremental delivery of

operational software; small, highly motivated project teams; informal methods; minimal software

engineering work products; and overall development simplicity.

There are several evolving Agile process models for different design scenarios which are

considered flexible, incremental and repetitive in approach. For this project, we would be using

SCRUM Agile process model because of its support for object oriented software design.

Pressman (2004) noted that Agile process models are not completely independent of the

traditional process models; in fact most of the Agile models are flexible derivations or variations

of the traditional approach.

SCRUM Process Model

It is an Agile process model which follows these activities: requirements, analysis, design,

evolution and delivery. Scrum emphasizes the use of a set of software process patterns that have

been proven effective for projects with tight timelines, changing requirements and business

criticality. A prioritized list of project requirements or features that provide business value for the

customer is made and it’s called Backlog, work units that are required to achieve a requirement

defined in the backlog that must be fit into a predefined time-box are also made and it’s called


Sprints. Short meetings held daily by the scrum team would also be conducted, a team leader

also called the scrum master who leads the meeting and assesses the responses from each

person. Demos are also done; which is a software increment to the customers so that

functionality that has been implemented can be demonstrated and evaluated by the customer.

1.6 Motivation

The new campaign aimed at fighting corruption and sharp practices in Nigeria has been our

motivation. We want to demonstrate an ideal model that can be adopted to assist crime reporting

and create a healthy thinking and attitudes among Nigerians.

1.7 Project Outline

Chapter two is dedicated to literature review on successful models for crime reporting platforms.

Chapter three contains the research methodology and other software artifacts for the proposed

model. Chapter four is dedicated to the technical implementations of the methodologies outlined

in chapter three and chapter five is the conclusion and recommendation for future works.

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