Dept: COMPUTER SCIENCE File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 2



1.1. Background Of The Study

The Free Dictionary defined Ammunition as Projectiles such as bullets and shot, together with their fuses and primers, that can be fired from guns or otherwise propelled. These ammunitions are either developed locally or imported from other countries. In the case of Nigeria which is a developing country that lacks the advanced technology and infrastructure needed in manufacturing these ammunitions, more than eighty five percent (85%) of ammunitions used are imported from foreign countries. The organisation in charge of the importation and usage of these ammunitions is the military. The military in Nigeria is known as the Armed Forces.


The Armed Forces is made up of Army, Navy and Air-force. The other forces which are either armed or unarmed are called Para-military and these include; The Police force and the civil defence corps. The military of Nigeria needs these ammunitions to guard and protect her territories from foreign and local invasion. In internal affairs, a country may dispatch these ammunitions among her military personnel, soldiers, paramilitary organisations and the police in other to maintain peace and order within the country.


Unfortunately, instead of these ammunitions to be forced into the hands of the military organisation whose job is to maintain peace and order within the country, they are found in the bosom of individuals who turn out to use them in erupting disorder, committing armed robbery and most youths who end up becoming political touts and militants.

The vices arise because the military cannot keep an accurate account of the amount of number of ammunitions imported into the country, the purpose of their importation and circulation throughout the country manually as paper files can be stolen, burnt or destroyed by environment hazards.


The main reason for this research work is to develop a Computerised Ammunitions Information Control System to replace the manual paper files documentation. This Computer based Control System will be able to account for the definite amount of ammunitions imported into the country, date of importation, the number in circulation throughout the country, the number of Soldiers within each military units in Nigeria, the number of ammunitions allocated to different units, the number dispatched to them and the amount left in stock. The need for Computerised Ammunition System cannot be over emphasized as it will help to keep accurate information of the Control System which can be easily upgraded periodically and the use of password entail authentication and a security.


1.2 Statement Of Problems

Some military researches have the intension to improve the importation and circulation of arms in Nigeria, the importation system dispatched the processes and armoury protection, services are the areas that are of great interest to the researcher and how to improve on these areas is the ultimate goal of this research work.


The illegal importation and usage of ammunitions in Nigeria and the rampant dispatching of these ammunitions for unlawful activities like crime and other vices associated with the use of ammunitions have created a scene of insecurityin the country. The importation of illegal arms has led to the creation of organised crime faction like the Niger delta avengers which are known for their acquisition of large amount of gun boats,RPG’S, and machine guns. The Boko-haram terrorists are known for their acquisition of sophisticated bomb-making mechanism, anti-aircraft guns and possession of a battle tank. Gunrunning stemming from corruption in the armed forces and the illegal Sales of military equipments as seen in the act displayed by the troops of the Nigerian army in the fight against Boko-haram. The success of notable crime activities have been linked to the usage of illegally imported arms and ammunitions. In this research work it is the intention of the researchers to evaluate the role and extent to which this ardours task has been accomplished by the Nigeria Army.


1.3 Aims And Objective

Going by the meaning of the topic; Computerised Military Ammunition Information Control System, it means the control of the military ammunition to avoid miss-management and abuse.


Almost all the military zone in Nigeria carries out this operation manually, which was why the research chose the Nigeria Army as a case study.

It is therefore the intention of introducing Computer System in military ammunition control operations as an alternative against the manual system to give the effect of a more reliable and faster control system.


During the cause of introducing this program, the researcher has been able to develop and design a computer based program that can calculate the amount of military ammunition imported into the country and the amount allocated to each zone. The researcher has equally been able to develop a database to be able to store the number of weapons released to the soldiers and how many are left in stock. This will also help the Nigeria Army avoid mis-management and abuse of illegal importation and usage of ammunition other than ones dispatched by the Nigeria Army currently.


1.4 Scope Of Study

Computerising Ammunition Information Control System is all about how ammunitions and guns are imported into the country by the Nigerian armed forces, by determining how many are imported, the types imported how many are released to military organisations within the country, the amount left in stock and how many are in circulation throughout the country, so these ammunitions will serve the purpose for which they are imported.


1.5 Limitations Of The Study

At different stage of this research work, the researcher encountered some problems. Among this are financial and time constraints in travelling to the research base and in extracting of the necessary information about the project as some military officials were afraid of releasing top secret information concerning the organization even with an authorised permission.


1.6 Definition Of Terms


Ammunition:                                     Bullets, Shells and other military equipment fired from a gun.

Military:                                             Relating to the Army, Navy and Air Force of a country.

Armory/Arsenal:                               A place/building where weapons are stored.

Battalion:                                           A large group of soldiers consisting of several companies.

Army:                                                 A part of countries military force that is trained to fight on land in war.

Military:                                             An organisation willing to use strong violent actions in order to achieve political or social change.

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