Dept: BUILDING File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 2


Floor finishes is a vital component in any building structure and lots of defects happen to the floor finishes though many of them could be traceable to the sub floor defect. The objective of the study is to clearly identify the various types of floor finishing prevalent in Enugu Metropolis, their strength and weakness, also to study the cause of failure in floor finish and how to correct them. Finally the research will evaluate the maintenance culture of occupants regarding their floor finishing within the metropolis. The study commences with the review of some past relevant literature with the intention of making use of the important facts. Data were collected using the questionnaires and analysis of the collected data also made line with the hypothesis and are processed by the use of tables, focus was on the generation summary statistics such as percentages. The result of the study showed that without a proper maintenance culture on floor finishes, deterioration and fai

Floor finishes are the final substance applied on the surface of floor

before the floor is put to use. Most floor systems of a building are not

exposed to the climatic element and their weathering effects, since a

floor system must support traffic however durability, resistance to wear

and easy of maintain are critical factors in the selection of a floor

system and its finish. The desired finishes and their visual properties

(materials, color, texture and pattern) help to determine the choice of

floor system which can mostly support these finishes

The choice of and preparation of specification for flooring systems to

protect substrates from chemical attach or provide hygienic finishes is

an exercise all too often couched in financial considerations.

Floor finishes except in a few special constructions do not contribute to

the strength of floor; they are therefore used for one or more of the

following reasons.

i. To provide an attractive appearance.

ii. To increase the comfort and safety to the user.

iii. To hide certain services like cable/pipes in the floor.

iv. Protect the structural floor from wear tear or corrosion.

Each of this primary function that is considered to be the most

important will depend on the proposed use.

Many materials that are used as finishes on floors, each one have

properties suited to a particular usage, durability and ease of cleaning

are essential in all. Case of specific services requirement may call for

special properties such as resistance to hard wear, comfort to users


and attractive appearance. At home good appearance and comfort will

be more important.

Any given floor finish must provide the desired balance of properties

and must be sufficiently durable. It will be expected to last for a period

commensurate with its initial cost, the cost of replacement and any

cost arising from disorganization associated with its replacement and

this implies that from all ramification of its need, a good value is


A lot of factors affects the life of a floor finish, most important is the

ever-present abrasive action of traffic, the action of liquid in producing

dimensional changes, erosion and corrosion, the impact of falling

object and the dent caused by heavy loads. There is therefore a series

of secondary requirement that the finish must fulfill, which will depend

on the condition of services though they must be considered in relation

to those four mentioned above.

When selecting floor finish many factors deserve consideration but not

all the factors are of equal importance, furthermore, requirement vary

in different parts of the building, for instance, resistance to oil, grease,

moisture is relevant in a kitchen but not on a bedroom, and

appearance could be important in a lounge but is of little consequence

in a store.

The essential properties to be considered are:

a) Durability: The material must have a reasonable life to avoid

premature replacement with resultant textured, cost and


b) Resistance to wear: This includes resistance to indentation

where the floor has to withstand heavy furniture, fittings or

equipment and resistance to abrasion in building subject to

heavy pedestrian traffic and moveable equipment.


c) Economy: Reasonable initial and maintenance cost, having

regards to the class of building and the particular building.

d) Resistance to oil, grease, and chemicals: This is particularly

important in domestic kitchen, laboratory and some factory.

e) Resistance to moisture: This is important in domestic

bathrooms, entrance passage and halls and in some industrial


f) Ease of cleaning: This is of increasing important in many classes

of building as the labour intensive cleaning cost continue to rise

in a disproportionate rate.

g) Warmth: Some finishes are much warmer than other and this

may be an important consideration.

h) Non – Slip qualities: These are particularly important in

bathrooms and kitchen where floors may become damp.

i) Sound absorption: Libraries need floor finishes with high degree

of sound absorption.

j) Appearance: This is an important consideration in many rooms

of domestic building, although the current tendency to fully

carpet rooms may not justify the provision of more expansive but

attractive floor finishes such as wood blocks and strip flooring.

k) Resilience: Some flexibility or “given” is often desirable.

For industrial installations, despite the importance of floor

specifications for floor finishes generally reflect short-term budget

rather than long term stability, inviting early failure. Financial

considerations for floor finishes should be confined to comparing bids

for the ideal specifications complied with the end use in mind.

There are many specific considerations to be taken into account when

deriving a suitable specification for a given situation, not least the



1. The location of the structure to be protected, its method of

construction and condition if it is an existing substrate.

2. The composition, concentration and temperatures of all fluids or

solids which may be in contact with floor surface as a result of

the inherent processes, if these vary from area to area it should

be clearly stated and designated area clearly marked to allow

selection of materials appropriate to each area.

3. Loading characteristics of the substrate and their ability to

withstand additional superimposed loads from toppings, tiles,

brick or composite surfacing.

4. Details of pedestrian and wheeled traffic, including wheel

loadings and the nature of wheel contact surface.

5. Detail of isolated activities such as drum handling and storage

and the loading involved, and the areas to which they apply.

6. The type of floor drainage contemplated i.e. outlets or drainage


7. The nature, concentration and temperature of all cleaning agents

which will be used on the floor including any materials used for

cleaning equipment and pipe work since these are usually

discharged on the floor or preferable into channels.

Comprehensive information from the end user in these respect will

give the specifier the maximum information with which to derive an

appropriate specification for a durable finish.


Finishes generally do not contribute to the strength of the floors but it

adds beauty or co lour to the floor. There is wide variety of material for

floor finishes and each should be evaluated within the context of


Enugu Metropolis in relation to the above mentioned requirement, so

that it can be suitable for any particular type of usage.

Enugu is the capital city of Enugu State, Nigeria. It has a population of

668,862 (2007 estimate). The people of Enugu belong largely to the

Igbo ethnic group, which is one of the three largest ethnic groups in

Nigeria. Enugu was originally the capital of the Eastern Region from

Nigeria’s independence in 1960. On May 27, 1967 Enugu was made

the capital of East Central State, while on May 30, 1967, it was

declared the first capital of the short-lived nation of the Republic of

Biafra. Enugu became a major center for the mining of the coal

discovered by Albert Ernest Kitson in the Udi plateau. The Nigerian

coal corporation has been based in Enugu since its creation in 1950.

In this study, the research will evaluate the floor finishes in building as

prevalent within the Enugu Metropolis (Residential, Industrial and

Office buildings). The research will also study the cause of failure in

finishes and means of handling the causes so as to improve on the

performance of different floor finishes.

The research will identify maintenance medium of floors in order for

the serviceability strength of these finish to be maximized.


The aim of this study is to ascertain the durability of some floor

finishing in building projects within Enugu Metropolis.


1. The various types of floor finishing prevalent in Enugu

Metropolis, their strength and weakness.


2. To study the cause of failure in floor finish and how to correct


3. To evaluate the maintenance culture of occupants regarding

their floor finishing within the metropolis.


The decision to investigate the durability of some floor finishes in

building projects (A case study of floor finishing within Enugu

metropolis) stemmed from the fact that finishes are very critical aspect

of any building structure for it to be habitable, and there are greater

tendency to experience failure floor finishines have a wide range of

materials which will be evaluated in relation to serviceability


With the afore stated in mind, the main problem here therefore is what

is the cause of failure in floor finish and how to correct them.


1. What are the factors that affect the choice of a particular floor finish.2. What are the common types of floor finish prevalent within Enugu


3. How frequent should maintenance work be carried out in the

various floor finish prevalent in the metropolis.

4. Can the failure in floor finishes be caused by functional failure in the


5. Can the cost of Maintaining floor finishes affects the maintenance

culture of such floor finishes.

6. Are there relationship between failure in floor finishes and

maintenance culture



The following research hypothesis will enable the researcher make a

detailed study on the subject.

1a. there is no relationship between failure in floor finishing and

maintenance culture.

1b. there is relationship between failure in floor finishing and the

maintenance culture.


The work will be limited to the evaluation of finishes in building with

emphasis on floor finishing as prevalent within Enugu Metropolis

covering Residential, office and Industrial area within the metropolis.


1. FINISHING: These are the final substance applied on the

surface of floor, wall or ceiling before the compartment is put to


2. FLOOR: This is the surface of a room on which one

stands or walks.

3. FAILURE: This is the state of being inadequate or not

functioning as expected.

4. MAINTENANCE:The act of keeping something in good condition

by checking or repairing it regularly.


5. ACID Substance that contains hydrogen, which may

react with bases to form salt but burns off wood or other

materials the pour on.

6. ALKALIS: A corrosive substance like soda ammonia or

potash that eats off materials but react with acide to form salt.

7. APPLIED TOPPING: A type of finishing with cement aggregate

carried out after concrete surface of floor sets.

8. GRESE: A thick semi-solid substance used as lubricant,

it can be of animal fat.

9. INTEGRATED FINISH:Finishing laid within three hours; the base

was cast to minimize differential shrinkage base and finish.

10. OIL: Liquid which does not mix with water obtained

from animal and plant.

11. OPERATION: An ongoing and repetitive endeavor undertaken

to create a unique product or services.

12. RESILIENT: Tendency for materials to recover their original

shape when hard materials fall on them or heavy traffic passes


13. SETTLEMENT: The tendency of a building to take up another

level after it has been completed such that all has been

completed such that all loads on it adjust its position on the

bearing ground.

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