Environmental pollution the needs for awareness creation is relevant to man’s life. This has led to the deterioration of man’s resource which are renewable and nonrenewable. This study creates awareness for environmental pollution to evaluate the level of people affected. Questionnaire, and oral interview were used to gather information for this study. Most of the respondent were between the ages of 25-35 years, while the least were between the ages of 15-20 years. In the occupation section, most of the respondent were traders with 42% and least were students with a percentage of 23%. The academic level of the respondent shows that 31% are graduates and the least are those with primary and secondary qualification with 23%. 55% of respondents disagreed that the government provided a better way to create an awareness on the process of waste management in Onitsha, while 45% of the respondents agreed. 93% of the respondents agreed that pollution have a ne
1.0 Introduction
The accumulation
of waste can rightly be said to be a four-runner of present day environmental
problems. The revolution was followed by the industrial revolution which was as
a result of man