Dept: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 3



According to (Ayorinde 2004) in the article „Reasons businesses fail?, enterprises have been

given due recognitions especially in the developed nations for playing very important roles

towards fostering accelerated economic growth, development and stability within several

economies. They make-up the largest proportion of businesses all over the world and play

tremendous roles in employment generation, provision of goods and services, creating a better

standard of living, as well as immensely contributing to the gross domestic products (GDPs)

of many countries (OECD 2000).

Over the last few decades, the contributions of the business sector to the development of the

largest economies in the world have beamed the searchlight on the uniqueness of the

businesses; and this have succeeded in overruling previously held views that small businesses

were only “miniature versions” of larger companies (Al-Shaikh 1998; Gaskill et al. 1993).

However, it appears that considering the enormous potentials of the small business sector and

despite the acknowledgement of its immense contribution to sustainable economic

development, its performance still falls below expectation in many developing countries

(Arinaitwe 2006).

This is because the sector in these developing countries has been bedevilled by several factors

militating against its performance, and leading to an increase in the rate of small business

failure. These factors include the unfavourable and very harsh economic conditions resulting

from unstable government policies; gross undercapitalisation, strained by the difficulty in

accessing credits from banks and other financial institutions; inadequacies resulting from the

highly dilapidated state of Infrastructural facilities; astronomically high operating costs; lack


of transparency and corruption; and the lack of interest and lasting support for the SMEs

sector by government authorities, to mention a few (Oboh 2002; Okpara 2000; Wale-Awe


According to (Bradstreet 1969), a careful examination of several studies on factors

influencing business failure reveal that most of them were mainly independently conducted

studies. They tend to simply identify the factors influencing business failures in businesses in

general, and attach percentage rates to the extent at which these factors were found to

influence failure (Dun and Bradstreet 1969; Altman 1971; Argenti 1976). In addition most of

the studies tend to focus on SMEs in America and other developed countries (Peterson et al.

1983; Theng and Boon 1996). There appears to be inadequacy in comparative studies on the

factors influencing business failure between the developed and developing nations, and even

if there are a few, not much has been done between the UK and Nigeria.

This study attempts to fill this gap. In addition, despite the fact that several research studies

have identified a number of generic factors influencing business failure, it would still seem

inappropriate to assume that the same set of factors would lead to business failure in different

regions and countries.

The significant role of small business in any economy suggests that an understanding of why

small businesses fail (or are successful) is crucial to the stability and health of the economy.

For this discussion we will define Small Business to be an enterprise that is independently

owned and operated for profit that is not dominant in its industry.

Entrepreneurship is linked to creation of jobs, increases in productivity, and improvements of

living standards, and to economic growth in the in general. Small businesses help create new

jobs, introduce new products and provide specialized expertise to large corporations. Small

firms represent about 99 percent of employers, employ about half of the private sector

workforce and are responsible for about two-thirds to three-quarters of the net new jobs.


Unfortunately, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, over 50% of small

businesses fail in the first year and 95% fail within the first five years• “Businesses with fewer

than 20 employees have only a 37% chance of surviving four years (of business) and only a

9% chance of surviving 10 years”, reports Dun & Bradstreet and of these failed businesses,

only 10% of them close involuntarily due to bankruptcy and the remaining 90% close because

the business was not successful, did not provide the level of income desired, or was too weak

to continue.


Wherever a business goes burst, bankrupt or fails there is always a resultant negative impact

of most, if not all, of the stakeholders of the business. Entrepreneurs lose their capital

investments, employees lose their jobs, the society loses a means of the production and

distribution of goods and services, the government loses revenues it would have earned from

tax. It also reduces the standards of living of individuals and brings about the deprivation of

goods and services. The impact of business failure is always overbearing and this is why the

issue is attended to with great concern.

Over the years, the have been several definitions of business failure and a number of theories

and thoughts on what constitutes a failed business. There are some scholars who view

business failure as “discontinuance of business” for any reason, such as Fredland and Morris

(1976). There are others who view failure as “bankruptcy” and the most cited work in this

school of thought is Dun and Bradstreet (1969) and their definition of failure as: those

businesses that cease operations following assignment or bankruptcy; ceased with loss to

creditors after such actions as execution, foreclosure or attachment, voluntarily withdrew

leaving unpaid obligations; were involved in court actions such as receivership,

reorganization or arrangement, or voluntarily compromised with creditors (Watson and Everet

1996). Other views of failure include businesses “disposed of to prevent further losses” and


“failing to „make a go of it.?(Watson and Everett 1996). Irrespective of the size of any

business large, medium or small, several researches and statistics appear to have ranked poor

management or management inability the main cause of business failure in general (Argenti

1976; Dun and Bradstreet 1969; Wichmann 1983 amongst other).

Other problems include:

1. Lack of experience

2. Insufficient capital

3. Poor inventory management

4. Over-investment in fixed assets

5. Poor credit arrangement management

6. Poor management decisions,

7. Poor knowledge of the business


The purpose of this paper is to better understand why businesses fail and how those causes

can be avoided. At the end, a framework is presented to evaluate the existing resources and

understand their influence on the factors of failure from a firm level. The intent is that this is

one way that will promote adoption of necessary preventive measures and a plan of action to

avoid such failures. Other objectives include

1. To know if poor management decisions lead to business failure

2. To examine internal and external factors that affects the causes of business failures.



1. What are the problems and challenges that faces a business?

2. Does Poor management decisions lead to business failure

3. Does sustaining fund lead to business failure?

4. What are internal and external factors that affect the causes of business failure?

5. What are the ways or solution to business failure in Nigeria?


Null and alternative hypothesis will be used for general statement of hypothesis.

: Will represent Null hypothesis

H1: Will represent Alternative hypothesis

1. : Poor management decisions does not lead to business failure

H1: poor management failure leads to business failure

2. : Internal and external factors does not lead to business failure

H1: Internal and external factors lead to business failure.


The work is also significant as it seeks to shed light on evaluation of the causes of business

failures in Nigeria organization: A case of Sosoliso Airline. Hence, the study is significant to

business owners, intending business starters because of the following

1. Reasons why businesses fail

2. Criteria to put in place before starting a business

3. Need and importance of having both short and long business plan

4. To know the availability of market for your product or services before even venturing

into the business.



The study talks about evaluation of the causes of business failures in Nigeria organization: A

case study of Sosoliso Airline. To make the research work more reliable and valid, the sample

studies will Sosoliso Airline to know the factors that led to the failure and windup of the

business organization and also means of overcoming failure.


Business – is a commercial activity or an organization or economic system where goods and

services are exchanged for one another for money.

Failure- is lack of success or the neglect or omission of a required action.

Business failure- refers to a company ceasing operations following its inability to make a

profit or to bring in enough revenue to cover its expenses.

Bankruptcy- it?s a process whereby a person or business cannot repay the debt it owes to


Management- the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to

achieve defined objectives.

Windup- it refers to an act of the business to shut down or bring an end to the business.

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