Dept: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 2


This study investigated on the government entrepreneurial policies that facilitate entrepreneurship and how effective these policies are on organizations. It focused on the empirical study of creating knowledge about entrepreneurship development in Nigeria. It studied the government efforts towards resolving the problems of entrepreneurship: lack of finance, managerial and technological know how, education and training, lack of experienced expatriate and local completion, inadequate infrastructure leading to high cost and finally high burden of taxation. The major findings of this research include; Government entrepreneurial development policies have immensely improved entrepreneurial organizations, these organizations in turn have contributed a lot towards economic and national development especially in the aspect of reducing unemployment and generating income. The most important incentive given to entrepreneurs by government is finance. The entrepreneurs still encounter
1.1 Background of the Study

The history of big enterprises and industrial revolution started with persons whose

imaginative ventures into business gave rise to the present day technology. It dated

back to the olden days, when people engaged in farming, herding, crafts etc and

commodities were traded mainly on barter and later on precious metals. In the

colonial era, the tempo of business then was set and controlled by the colonial

government. Prominent European firms that were highly integrated and dominated

commercial and merchandising activities in Nigeria were John Holt, Paterson,

Zochoris, Leventis, Leverbrothers, PZ, Campaignie Francaise du L’Afrique

Occidentale (CFAO,) the Royal Niger now United African Company (UAC),

Societe Commerciale de L’ Ouest Africain (SCOA) etc. Some of these Companies

grew so large that few, if any of the economic decisions could be wisely initiated

and instituted in Nigeria without soliciting and obtaining their co-operation. Apart

from trading, colonialism also accounted for the development of quasi-technical

business and semi-skilled labour in Nigeria. About this time, many of the Nigerian

entrepreneurs were still gasping for breath. They did not benefit much from the

liberal attitude of the government because they lacked political persuasiveness

resulting from their lack of political power, low status, lack of cohesion and also


because the coming of independence created an insatiable demand for trained and

qualified nationals. Thus, there was a limit to their ability to pressurize the

government into favourable action or to threaten non co-operation in the attainment

of national priorities. Their impact was insignificant and as a result, in the

administrative bureaucracy of the colonial government (the civil service, public

sector utilities established by them e.g Public Works Dept [PWD], Post and

Telegraph [P&T], Railway, Electricity Corporation and other multinational

Organization) Nigerian workers served as the cronies of the white colonial masters

as messengers, clerks, semi-skilled technicians and craftsmen. Some of these

workers later established micro scale business in line with their trade.

From 1950’s, Nigeria began to make an unprecedented effort to encourage

economic growth and development. National consciousness was at its peak. In

1952, the pioneer industries ordinance was introduced. It gave certificates of

recognition to specified industries and exempted them from paying taxation for two

years. In the same year, the income tax ordinance was passed which allowed

companies accelerated amortization. In 1957 and 1958, the government gave import

relief taxation to foreign companies and liberalized the granting of pioneer

certificate, thus making the offer more attractive. In 1959, the Nigerian Industrial

Development Bank (NIDB) was established to assist entrepreneurs engage in

business. In 1960, political independence was granted and Nigeria witnessed an


expansion in business. The indigenization exercise started in 1972 with the

introduction of the Nigerians enterprises promotion Decree or the indigenization

Act of 1972 with the major objective of encouraging indigenous participation in

ownership and management of business. Maost of the Nigerian businessmen who

were apprenticed and agents of the “Colonial Lords” blossomed into large-scale

entrepreneurs. This Act also compelled some foreign organizations to share the

ownership of their business with Nigerian. The indigenization Act of 1977 known

as the Nigerian’s Enterprise Promotion’s Act specified the equity participation of

Nigerians in those companies which are broken into three categories (100% for

schedule 1, 60% for schedule II, 40% for schedule III). By virtue of this

indigenization exercise, Nigerians dramatically displaced the expatriates in

ownership, management and control of the business organization in Nigeria. On the

whole, a little over 700 alien dominated companies are expected to comply with this

decree (Bus Times, Vol. 3, No. 41 July 25, 1978 P.I). By this exercise also

Nigerians in one fell swoop, became owners of large business and started

conducting business activities at national and global levels.

What constitute a small scale business differ in terms of quantitative, qualitative,

technological or labour intensive methods. The Nigeria Bank for Commerce and

industries define small scale business as an indigenous firm or company having

assets, inclusive of working capital but excluding land or land worth, not above


N750, 000, and a paid employment not exceeding fifty persons at a time. The

Nigerian Enterprises Promotion Decree defines it as one capable of having assets

more than N750,000 and a paid employment of more than 50 persons provided that

its output is small to the prevalent size of plant, technology and labour. CBN

defines it as firm or company whose annual turnover ranges between N250,000 to

N500,000 while SAP defines it as having N150,000 to N500,000 as minimum and

maximum capital level.

According to the Minister for Industry, Kola Jamodu (2001), entrepreneurship in

Nigeria accounted for over 95% of non-oil productive activities outside Agriculture.

Some of the government efforts towards their development include financial, fiscal,

export incentives and technical assistance. These government policies will lead to

the growth in entrepreneurship and also create and distribute the economic wealth

of Nigeria thereby fostering national growth and development. Also to ensure

continued stay in business, there is the need for corporate appraisals from time to


1.2 Theoretical Framework

A conceptual framework for this research is drawn from Entrepreneurship

development theory. Entrepreneurship is the process of initiating and managing

business organizations to accomplish societal objectives. It is also the willingness

and ability of an individual, group of individuals or government entity to seek out


investment opportunities, establish and run an enterprise successfully. An

entrepreneur therefore is an individual, a group of individuals or government entity

who undertake the responsibility of making innovations in the economy

(developing a new source of supply of raw material, new methods of production or

distribution, introducing new goods/ service and opening a new market) or carries

out a new organization of an industry.

The purpose of entrepreneurship is to diversify economic activities and also to

create opportunities within the economy. Government entrepreneurial development

policies include those policies which have been put in place by the government to

enhance the productivity of entrepreneurs. Empirical studies in the performance of

organizations as a result of these government interventions are rare. This study

would make significant contributions to the existing stock of knowledge in the

study of entrepreneurship.


The poor performance of entrepreneurial organizations are due to lack of finance,

managerial and technological know how, education and training, experienced

expatriate and local completion, inadequate infrastructure leading to high costs and

huge burden of taxation.


The statement of the problem in this study is therefore to investigate the ways in

which government policies have improved the performance of entrepreneurial

organizations. It studies the government efforts towards resolving the problems of

entrepreneurs and thus developing them to take up the challenges thrown to them as


the privatization exercise.


The objective of this study is to investigate:

1. Those government positive interventions that can develop the entrepreneurs

to attain their peak in corporate performance.

2. The major problems facing entrepreneurship development and the diverse

ways in which government aims at resolving these problems.

3. The various ways of assessing co-operate performance either by the

entrepreneur himself or by external bodies to ascertain the extent to which the

objectives of the entrepreneur has been met.


Hypothesis 1: There is no significant relationship between government

entrepreneurial development strategies and the performance of



Hypothesis 2: there is no significant relationship between managerial problems

and entrepreneurial performance.

Hypothesis 3: There is significant relationship between entrepreneurial

financial problems and entrepreneurial performance.


The overall returns of this study shall be beneficial to the economy as a whole. It is

therefore hoped that the perusal of findings would be of great help to individuals,

institutions, entrepreneurial organizations, government and researchers who will

make use of this work. This study has the potentials of making important

contributions for instance;

Firstly, to graduates and school leavers, who if they find themselves unemployed

could gain for themselves employment.

Secondly, businessmen will find this study interesting, as it will show why many

entrepreneurs did not succeed and recommend possible criteria for success.

Thirdly, government will find out the reasons for the low level of entrepreneurial

development and then provide a better and enabling environment for potential and

prospective entrepreneurs. This will also go ahead to increase employment and



Furthermore, this study will show how rapid and sustained entrepreneurship

development will promote industrial development in Nigerian and finally, it will be

found useful for academic purposes.


The author who incidentally is an entrepreneur, was motivated to carry out this

study as a result of increased interest in area of entrepreneurship. What motivated

me to carry out this research was to find out if there was any “prospect” at all in

entrepreneurship. She wishes to find out to what extent the government has gone in

ensuring that rapidly springing up school leavers, graduates and prospective

entrepreneurs find entrepreneurship appealing. She wishes to encourage the

unemployed to prayerfully and carefully venture into a business.

Furthermore, I want to find out if entrepreneurial organizations are effective,

whether credit facilities are available to them, if there are provisions for basic

infrastructure, if the business climate is stable and if the markets can accommodate

their product as well.

This research work is divided into five chapters, chapter one focuses on the

background and general introduction to the topic, chapter two focuses on the review

of relevant concept to the topic. Chapter three treats the general methodology of the


study and chapter four deals with data presentation, analysis and interpretation.

Chapter five deals on summary of findings and recommendations.


There were some impediments that limited this study. Time and finance were major

setbacks. Transportation demanded so much money and updates from the internet

as well. The researcher could not reach all the entrepreneurs in all the industries.

Random samples of the entrepreneurs were taken from selected firms in Anambra

state. The researcher was unable to collect the entire questionnaire issued out. The

time to move from one library to the other, type and distribute questionnaire posed a

constraint because of engagement at my workplace. Despite all these, the researcher

was able to carry out the study.


1. ORGANIZATION: According to Onwuchekwa (2000), Organization is the

association of two or more individuals working cooperatively together for a

common purpose under authority and leadership.

2. MANAGEMENT: According to Stoner (1982), management is the process

of planning, organizing, leading and controlling efforts of organizational members

and of using all other organizational resources to achieve stated organizational



3. ENTREPRENEUR: An entrepreneur is an individual, or a group of

individuals, who undertake the responsibility of making innovations in the economy

or carries out a new organization.

4. GOVERNMENT: Government is part of the environment of business and

within a focal country which exercises legal and regulatory control over all business

organization, as well as initiates the major strategies for the attainment of national

development objectives. It could also be seen as a person or group of persons into

whose hands the state has placed for the time being, functions of political control.

5. POLICIES: Policies are guides and directives that are formulated to shape

the thinking, actions and decisions of a people in a given area.

6. BUSINESS: Business is the planned activities of individuals or groups of

people aimed at producing and selling, for a profit, the goods and services that

satisfy the need of consumers.

7. ENVIRONMENT: The environment of an organization include those

individuals, organizations, government agencies, suppliers, distributors, press, etc.

who in one way or the other help an organization to carry out its productive

activities but are not subject to the control of that organization.

8. TECHNOLOGY: Technology is the state of the art of doing things in a

society in order to achieve goals.


9. PRIVATIZATION: Privatization is the process of change of ownership,

either in whole or in part from the government or state to the private sector.

10. CORPORATE EFFECTIVENESS: Corporate effectiveness is the same as

organizational worth, which is the extent to which an organization as a social

system, given certain resources and means, fulfils its objectives and without placing

undue strain upon its members.

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