Dept: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 1


Management get involve in manpower development as one of its various activities it is the work of the organization to develop it staff so that they can work efficiently and effectively. This will help to increase in the organizations productivity. Since in the three m’s (Man, money and material) need in an organization, man happens to be part of it human resources have to be developed.


The need for human resources development in an organization cannot be over stressed. Organization depend on employee development for the attainment of its objectives. The objectives of the organization cannot be achieved unless employee are skillful, knowledgeable and have the will to work. It helps them to acquire basic skills and improve on the skills necessary for their efficient execution of their functions. At the individual level, development implies increased skill and capacity to earn income, great freedom of action, creativity, self discipline, responsibility and general material and psychological well being.

Management gets involved in manpower development as one of it various activities when workers are recruited. They are just left to stay and work until they are due for retirement, but they are developed in order to increase their abilities, knowledge’s and skills. it was observed that the major capacity stock of an intuitionally advanced? Country is not its physical equipment it includes thebody of empirical sciences and the capacity aid development for its population to use the knowledge.

Also development does not start with goods. It starts with people and their education, organization and discipline. Every Country no matter, how developed, must have a high level of education organization and discipline.

Therefore, employee productivity is a function of ability, motivation and situational factions. Through experience it has been observed that many workers have failed in their organization because the need for development was not identified as an indispensable fact of management functions. Employees are not dust developed for their benefit alone, but the organization stands to gain a lot from them since it increase the organization productivity.

The manpower development programme is a very essential activity management which cannot afford to be mention because not everything can be learned in the work situation; there is an important role for institutional base development. But this must be linked to and supported by work centered development. Every institution should be ready to give an answer to this posed question

from the society. This indeed is what the researchers an out in this study to lean from the united Bank for Africa Plc. She should answer it on behalf of other organization without effective developmentprogrammes for their personnel that accomplished objectives in united Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) hoping for elective service delivers is needless.

  • To increase the quality and quantity of output
  • To develop job knowledge and skill
  • To acquire more knowledge
  • To lower the rate of waste and cost of equipment
  • To prevent cow turnover, absenteeism and increase employees job satisfaction.


It has been a major problem for organizations in the world to manage their resources very well. It is obvious that the management of organizations generally, sets up the organization goals they want to achieve and also ways of achieving them. United Bank for Africa plc is not an exception, since it performs many activities in order to achieve its goals effectively and effectively, workers are consideredvery pertinent and expedient. However to keep and maintain these workers, they should be developed on regular basis some of the problems associated with human Resources development in Nigeria include:

  • Positive Reinforcement after the development
  • Programmes are not related to the employees needs for self actualization
  • Problem of transfer of learning some of the concepts and principles taught are too academic and very difficult to apply in real life situation development programme objectives are not clearly stated? To the participants, and therefore there is not mental preparedness.

Many human resources management development programmes are boring as the lecturers speak. Many human resources development programmes are not property planned and there are no sequences to the courses offered from year to years.

  • There is inadequate finance for human resource development programme
  • What is the industry doing to faster the development of individuals within it?
  • Does UBA engaged in any form of development programme?
  • What categories of staff are considered for development programmes of united Bank for Africa plc and are there recorded effective returns?

It is envisage that answering these questions and other related ones will asset the researchers in understanding how optimally Human research development is used in (UBA) and what it does to performance.


From the problem stated above, it is the purpose of this research to determine the following:

  • To identify the problems organization encounter in carrying out development from UBA
  • To determine out the factors that militate against effective manpower development programmes.
  • To find out whether employees are encouraged to attend this programmes and the ways they are being encouraged.
  • To determine the category of employees who benefit and how often they benefit form manpower development programme for United Bank for Africa.
  • To determine the development needs for employees in organization with particular reference to united Bank for Africa Plc. Today most organization find it difficult to identify the importance of development now some of them do ask, why is it that some organizations have not been able to perform effectively and efficiently. Why do some organizations perform better than others, why its that so, despite the high cost involved in development, are able to develop their employees or why is it that development is latterly considered necessary in some companies. In trying to answer these questions, it then became very vital to determine the following areas:
  • Identification of individual performance level
  • Identification of potential development need of existing jobs
  • Identifications of individual development needs
  • Identification of post development performance with respect to the development objective

In the industry chosen would throw light on the issues involved in development in other financial industries and organization which are operating in Nigeria.


Man power developmentprogramme are effective and efficient as well, if its objectives, benefits and process are clearly understood from utilitarian stand point when these are property done, it will serve as a means of increasing efficiency and effectiveness of the employee performance for the achievement of the organizational goals.

Furthermore, the finding and recommendation to be made from this study ‘will be very useful to the students ofpublic Administration and others in the related fields who would head personnel department of various organizations.

This work will be useful to the industry, it will also be very useful to both students and researchers who will undertake research on development and other topic on human resources management and also United Bank for Africa Plc in making amendment where necessary.


The research is being carried out in united bank for Africa toenable the researcher do a through research on this subject matter. We hope that the findings will be applied to other financial institutions and inductive. Also the impact of human resources development on work productivity of a bank.

Furthermore, numerous problems were encountered by theresearcher on doing the research few problems are now mentioned that affected the researcher mostly in carrying out research.

Respondent: In the process of questionnaires, the researcher found it difficult in getting the answers, the researcher found hard to convince them since some rest net the information they are meant the supply. Also effort was made to establish a cordial relationship with the public relations officer, social manger and other personnel in the bank in order to get conceited information from them.

Finance: The great problem encountered in waiting the research was finance. As a result of this, the researcher has found it difficult to go places to collect data.

Time: The research had to share their time for the research work and their lecture period, assignment and work, for the research work, As a result of this day had to have time problem, yet is framing to stay that the time available for the researchers. Studies were spent by this work property, but in spite of all odds, the researcher still boats of the quality of this work to be undiluted and variable.


The following research question guide this study:

  • What are the problem organization encounter in carryout development
  • What are the factors that militate against effective manpower development in UBA.
  • How are employee at UBA encourage to attend the development programme.

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