Industrial training fund (ITF) was founded in 1971 by the federal government of Nigeria to promote and encourage skills in various areas of specialization in the country for industries. The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is founded by’ Industrial Training Fund (I.T.F) and approved by the National Universities and other tertiary institutions. The Industrial Training Fund (I.T.F) was charged with the responsibilities of training low and middle level manpower for sustained industrializations.
The student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) was initiated by the board in 1974 as part of manpower development program whjh is design to give student experience of theoretical aspect learned by student. These aspect expose students to practical field work to gain skills in various field of study. SIWES expose student to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machineries. This program helps to equip the student with skills of farm management, farm record keeping and many practical skills involved in agricultural production for meaningful agricultural development.
SIWES sometime called attachment and commonly known as Industrial Training abbreviated as IT, was introduce into the higher institution of learning including polytechnics collage of educations and universities as course worth differently according to the according to the institution grading system, for example in collage of education it is worth two (z) credit units course and in the universities worth six (6) compulsory credit unit course.
The brief history of SIWES is that, it is a supervised practical course of training established by Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in conjunction to National Commission for Collages of Education (NCCE), National University Commission (NUC), National Board of Technical Education (NBTE), Employers of Labour and other educational institution’ in order to expose and equip students in the field of science and technol0Y with practical skills and theoretical knowledge.
The basic aims and objective of this course AGF 403 are as follows:
Some of the objectives of SIWES are:
To allow the transition phase from to the world of working environment easier and facilitate students’ contact for later job placement.