Dept: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 2


The major purpose of this research work is to access and critically examine the concept of industrial democracy and organizational development (growth).asup federal polytechnic oko chapter was selected as the case study with a total population of over 525 members. The sample size for the study was 105 respondents drawn using the simple random sampling techniques. Four research questions were formulated which guided the study. A 12-item structured questionnaire and oral interview were developed, validated and tested for its reliability. Data analysis was done using the simple percentage. The major findings of the study were: 1) there is a minimum level of industrial democracy in the federal polytechnic oko as an organization. Ii) that asup has helped in maintaining the ethics, behavior, discipline and co-operation among her members though there are lots of managerial interferences. It was concluded that: i) there is a partial employee participation in the administrative scope of the fe

Democracy is the yarning of everyone as it allows an individual to be involved in those things that concern his life and well-being. Inability to take part in making decision on those things that affect an individual’s life will affect the person’s outputs negatively. Autocratic leadership which does not allow democracy is no more popular as of old, the vogue now is employee participation for the success of the organizational development should embrace this essential tool. In any organization where industrial democracy is practised, the employees have their voice added to the management processes, they take part in decision making process and their opinions are sought by management. The organization that allows democracy in the running of its activities is likely to have the employees contributing positively to the organization since they are seen as partners in progress. Robbins et al (2008) say that managers in developed nations are being asked to behave more democratically by allowing employees to take part in decision making and rely on group input in the organization. Not all managers are embracing this democratic move; they seem to think that they will lose their power by so doing.


Industrial democracy could be seen as is a generic term, to encompass all activities in any given organization. Industrial democracy if used as a tool in employment relations could increase employee participation in problem-solving. It also increases the feeling of workers towards self-responsibility for job accomplishment and organizational national (Broedling, 1977).) It is the consultation and co-determination in social, staff and economic matters and the representation of employees’ right on the supervisory board (European Foundation, 2005). Industrial democracy is the same thing as employee involvement and employee participation, it has to do with all organization actions that involve consulting employees and carrying them along in the running of the organization (Judge and Gennard, 1999)

Some important issues wherein industrial democracy could be practiced that would warrant employees’ involvement in making joint decision with the management include among others :expansion, contraction, changes in products, investment, work practices, planning, appointments, promotion, forecasting, succession plan, new technologies, training, work allocation structure, the organization structure, profit sharing, wages and so on. Decision to be taken by the management along with the employees must be favorable to all concerned, the shareholders and stakeholders inclusive, otherwise it will be one sided and argument and disagreement may ensue. If the management continues without regard to the other parties’ interest, then democracy is thrown to the wind.


One of the most fundamental problems currently causing labour unrest in Nigeria and Imo state in particular is the issue of industrial undemocratic practice in the way of government or management not fulfilling some of the employment contracts agreement between it and the workers (labour). And as a result, they (workers) adopt anti-government posture which if care is

not taken can tear the state apart (Ezema, 2007).

In addition, the denial of workers active involvement in decision-making is held to be one of the major causes of the problems which are manifested daily in the work lives of the modern employees. The implication of these to employees of increasing exposure to a monetized society, raising education and wider contact among people resulting from the break-up of artificial barriers was to shift these aspirations to a more satisfying work experience, greater control over the organization of work, greater opportunity for national development and wider scope in exercise of initiatives.

Specifically, the refusal of work organizations to recognize the human factor in industrial production through greater involvement of employees in its management decision making, tend to create several human problems in this setting. Because, a worker is asocial being who brings his personality, hopes, aspirations, anxieties, feelings and attitude to the work place. He seeks satisfaction and meaning in his work as he does in other spheres of life. However, when he finds that his work does not provide him with the opportunity to realized his potentials (for instance, through strict management control) he tends to engage in negative behaviours like absenteeism, apathy, low commitment and low productivity. The implication of these negative tendencies resulting from strict management control has therefore raised serious concern among scholars interested in healthy industrial relations.

Again, the spread of democratic value to virtually every society today has brought the need to examine the implications of this trend to other spheres of life. With respect to economic sector, employees are faced with the dilemma of how to cope with authoritative management in the work places while living in a democratic society which guarantee basic fundamental freedom.

  • Research Questions

However, in the light of the above expositions: this research work is set to address the

following questions:

  1. Does poor observance of industrial democratic practice account for the endemic national development in Nigeria?
  2. Does industrial democratic practice going to enhance industrial peace ASUP, Federal Polytechnic Oko?
  3. Does participatory management motivate workers to higher productivity?


The study have both general and specific objective.

The general objective of the study is to investigate how industrial democracy and national development has help  ASUP, Federal Polytechnic Oko

Its specific goals are therefore:

  1. To find out if poor observance of industrial democratic practice account for endemic

national development in Nigeria.

  1. To find out if industrial democratic practice will enhance industrial peace ASUP, Federal Polytechnic Oko
  2. To ascertain if workers participation in management decisions that affect them will

motivate them to higher productivity.

1.5     Research Hypotheses

For the purpose of analysing the data generated for the study, the following hypotheses were tested;



: There are no significant factors affecting poor observance of industrial democratic practice account for endemic national development in NigeriaH


: High rate of industrial democratic practice will enhance industrial peace ASUP, Federal Polytechnic OkoH


: Workers participation has no effect in management decisions that affect them will motivate them to higher productivity


The significance of the study presents the value or contribution which the research will make to the existing knowledge. The significance of this study is categorized into theoretical, empirical and practical significance.

Theoretical, this study has the potential of contributing greatly to the growth of existing literature in the area of industrial democracy. The information and data generated will serve as a guide for further investigations. More so, the methods applied in the collection and analysis of data provides a valid picture of social reality in general and the problems inherent in management -labour relation in particular. It is hoped that it will widen the focus of social research in industrial management. Furthermore, this study will enhance better communication between management and workers which will leads to increase in productivity and more efficient and effective service delivery from a more fully engage and happier workforce thereby causing stability of labour.


Empirically, the outcome of this study will help to facilitate a more effective negotiation procedure and disputes resolutions between various parties in labour relations. This is possible through the exposure of some hidden issues that had hitherto hindered the effective labour management relations in federal polytechnic Oko. The study will also benefit the captains of industries, the government and the workers in Nigeria, as it will enable them to have good labour relations and which will in turn ensure labour stability. The study will encourage the government and employers of labour in Nigeria to imbibe or institutionalize industrial democratic practice in their management system which will help to reduce industrial unrest. Furthermore, the study will look into the internal problems of workers in term of providing their socio-physiological needs and the welfare of the workers. Finally, the study is also significance because it will show the level of civilize an organization on issue of national development, is in term of practicing industrial democracy.

Practically, this study is considered significant because it will contribute to the growth, national development of organizations and appropriate way of motivating workers in organization. It will

also help to expose the dangers of undemocratic practice in the workplace such as low productivity, low service delivery, employee’s dissatisfaction, industrial unrest, instability of national development, etc.

1.7     Scope of the Study

The essence of this research work is to study  industrial democracy and organizational development (A study of ASUP, Federal Polytechnic, Oko chapter).



          This research study, despite the effort put towards its completion, has been limited by series of controllable and uncontrollable factors

Such factors include limited timeframe, high cost incurred in the course of getting information and data both primary and secondary sources, incessant academic strikes by lecturers, academic stress, etc.


The following terms as use in this study which have unique meaning that could be subjected to different meanings by different persons are dined as follows:

  1. Industry: According the Advanced Learners Dictionary Oxford, 6


     edition, an industry refers to “the people and activities involved in producing a particular service”. It can also be a group of firms in a related field of production
  2. Industrial Relation: Eberinwa O.M (2010:2) noted that industrial relations is “primarily concerned with the cordial relationship among the actors for the attainment of their goals in particular and the organizational in general”.
  3. Industrial Democracy: It refers to employee participation and constitution in the decision making and other manager activities in the organization.
  4. Labour Unions: It can also be termed trade union. It refers to permanent and continuing democratic organization voluntarily created by workers and/or protect employer too protect themselves at work, to improve their working conditions through collective bargaining, to ensure their natural gift and to provide and effective means of expressing their views.
  5. Trade dispute: It refers to disagreement conflict or anarchy within an organization or industry which either, boots or hinders organizational goals.
  6. Organization: It is a group of people or other legal entities with an explicit purpose and written rules.
  7. Organizational and Development: It is a process which attempts to boost organizational effectiveness by intergrating individual desires for grow and development with organizational goals.
  8. ASUP: It is an acronym which means Academic Staff union of Polytechnic. It is labour union in the Polytechnic education system.
  9. Employer: This is a person or group of persons or a body who pays wages, salary and/or other renumerations in return for labour services rendered by workers(s).
  10. Worker (s): This is a person or group of persons who recives wages, salary and/or other renumerations in exchange for labour services rendered by them.
  11. Stakeholders: This refers to a person or persons, body with a legitimate interest in a given situation, action or enterprise.
  12. Research: It is an organized and systematic process of investigating into a problem in order to find a solution following laid down principles based on data collected, interpreted, analyzed and presented.

1.10   Organization of the Study

This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows. Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (background of the study), statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study etc. Chapter two being the review of the related literature presents the theoretical framework, conceptual framework and other areas concerning the subject matter.     Chapter three is a research methodology covers deals on the research design, area of the study, population of the study, sample and sampling techniques, methods of data collection, instruments for data collection, reliability of the instruments, validity of the instruments, distribution and retrieval of instruments and methods of data analysis. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study

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