Today’s modernization flow of the world has witnessed tremendous change in lifestyle of society. Computerized system in managing laundry has been well accepted especially in developing countries. This service is well accepted because it gives flexibility in terms of time for laundry management team to use it and this really helps them with their time management. The concept of computerized laundry management system in higher institution is being developed by Katsina State Laundry companies. Katsina state has a very large number of Laundry shops and Companies. Before this, the management of this company is constructing by using manual business process. All the information about the customer and staff are kept separately by using file system. It will cause the process of searching information take more time and quite difficult.
Laundry management system (LMS) is new system that replaced the file system which most of laundry shop used. LMS is developed in order to ease the management in the laundry shop and to change the manual business process to the systematic business process. The LMS is developed for the managers and staffs that rolled onto the Laundry business. (Zalilawati, 2008)
The use of manual system also create an additional workload for staff to keep and obtain the customer and staff information because this information is kept in a different file.
The aim of this project is to develop a system that can handle and manage the activities involved in a laundry in an efficient and reliable way.
The objectives for this project are:
The proposed system will implement the computerized system which can perform a better managing process for the laundry. The data of the laundry service and the customer will kept in the save manner without the problem of losing the data.
System and user privileges will be implemented in the proposed system to setting up the user level for each system user. This function is to provide the limitation of system accessing.
The time management is very important for the laundry management to ensure the service performs in better condition and on time. In addition, by using the computerized system, the business process will be more effective and faster.
The new system is design to solve problem affecting the manual system in use. It design to computerized information of the laundry thereby relieving both customer and services from much stress as experienced from the manual system.
This will do the analyzing and storing of information either automatically or interactively, it will make use of computerized system to access the information.
The proposed system will also have some features like.
The target users for this system are Laundry staffs, managers and system administrator. i. Staff
Staff of Laundry has privileges to insert, view, update and delete customer records. Beside managing service and launder details, staff also has a privilege to calculate payment for each transaction made. ii. Manager
Owner or manager of Laundry shop or company is a person who has privileges to view staff information and update their information.
iii. Administrator
Administrator is a person who has responsibility to maintain the system. Administrator has all privileges to this system and may grant the privileges to another system User.
Some of the modules in Laundry Management System (LMS) are:
This module allows user to the system by entering a valid username and password.
This allows staff to add, update, delete and retrieve customer record.
This module is used to record service details which are available for staff of the Laundry to use it.
This module is used to record laundry services to the customers which refers to staff to handle it. The module is specialize to calculate the total amount of payment for services.
Furthermore, this module will keep in LMS database.
This module allow manager to add, update, delete and retrieve staff information, such as giving them Username and Password to access the database. vi. Logout
This module allows the user to Logout the application. Further operations cannot be performed after user exits.
Time factor was the greatest barrier to the successful completion of this exercise since it had to be done within the semester. I also had financial constraints since all the activities involved were selfsponsored.
Modules: This can be described a search of a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be used to construct a more complex structure, such as an item.
Admin: This is the administration of a business, organization,
Username: This is an identification used by a person with access to a computer, network, or online service.
Password: This is a secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to a place.
Table: A basic unit of data storage in an Oracle Database. Data is stored in rows and columns. Microsoft Access: Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tool.
For effective comprehension, the project has been outlined into various chapters as follows: CHAPTER ONE is the general introduction that consists of Introduction, Background of the study, statement of the problem, Objectives of the project, Scope and Limitations.
CHAPTER TWO The Literature review comprises Introduction, System Study, Analysis of the Existing System, Problem of the Existing System and Proposed New System Solution. CHAPTER THREE is the System Analysis and System Design, Table Design, Database Design, Input Design, and Entity Relationship Diagram.
CHAPTER FOUR focuses on the System Implementation and documentation contains: Software
Development, Software testing and Debugging, Software Implementation, System requirements, System Documentation and Software Maintenance.
CHAPTER FIVE is the Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion. Also, this project outlined and the Reference and the Appendix which contained the source Code and the Source Output of the computer program.