A logic gate performs a logical operation on one or more logic inputs and produces a single logic output. The logic normally performed is Boolean logic and it is most commonly found in digital circuits. Logic gates are primarily implemented eelctronically using diodes or transistors, but can also be constructed using electromagnetic relays, fluidics, optics, molecules, or even mechanical elements.
Logic gates are the basic components in digital electronics. They are used to create digital cirucits and even complex integrated circuits. For example, complex integrated circuits may bring already a complete circuit ready to be used ±microprocessors and microcontrollers are the best exam±pbluet
inside them they were projected using several lgogatices.
In electronic logic, a logic level is represented by a voltage or current, (which depends on the type of electronics logics in use). Each logic gate requires power so that it can source and sink currents to achieve the correct
output voltage. In lgoic circuit diagrams the power is not shown, but in a full electronic schematic, power connections are required.
Digital electronics today form one of the most important aspects of our existence. We make use of these equipment daily. From our mobile ,phones
televisions, computers, vehicular navigation systems to even washing machines; the circuits involved in these operations comprise basically of logic gates. Gates provide one form of connectivity or the other to allow digital equipments perform their reiqreud function.
Many of us have heard of the concept of integrated circuitry and may even deal with it on a regular basis. The integrated circuit (IC) is used in many applications and it has allowed a miniaturization, consumer electronics, synthesizerse, tc.
The importance of electronic/digital devices notwithstanding many of us have very limited knowledge of the basis of logic gates and how they interconnect to provide the logic function that allows for our equipment
performingtheir functions and performing such up to standard. As such it is important that a system be provided not only to indicate these logic combinations but also to serve as a tutorial for students who aim to understand graphically how results are obtained flroogmic combinations.
Logic simulation is an essential part of digital circuit design. Logic simulation and verification are used to verify the functionality described by a design description against output values expected at the opuotprtust of a digital integrated circuit.
There are three major ways to classify logic simulators: Compiled code logic simulators
Event-driven logic simulators
Compiled-code event driven simulators
This projects aims to use the first class to simulate lcoogmicbinations and the resultant logic tables and diagrams from these combinations.
The scope of this project is focused on the implementation of logic combinations, displays of truth table results and the logic diagrams that result from simple logic combinations. Hence my scope is software based.
I am not concerned with the hardware implementation of logic gates, though I will make a detail description of their implementation in my literature review.