Dept: BANKING AND FINANCE File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 1


This research is an in-depth study of the impact of risk on capital budgeting decisions of some selected companies in Nigeria. There seems to be a great difference between the theoretical aspect of capital budgeting and the actual practice. The central issue is that not enough effort has been made to integrate both the theoretical knowledge and actual practice. The data for study were collected from primary and secondary sources. The primary data was collected from interviews, questionnaires and observations while secondary data were collected from textbooks, journals etc. The analytical approach adopted includes the frequency and percentage distribution analysis. The chi –square method was also used in testing the hypotheses specifically formulated for the study. From the study it was found out that: The practice of capital budgeting in companies studied was not in line with the theoretical models postulated, the decision making process of the companies did not depend

Capital is a very important factor in any business. It

determines the size of a business and to a large extent the

performance of such business. Capital intensity is not however

all that a business needs to make it. The investment portfolio

plays a major role in the success or failure of any business.

Proper capital investment is the dream of any investor and is

the bedrock upon which the success of any business is built.

It is however evident that prudent capital investment entails

prudent capital budgeting. Proper budgeting begets well

thought out investment. To the well informed managers it

implies budgeting that has been carried out from the

grassroots, involving all the persons concerned or all who

should contribute towards the realization of the budget


Capital budgeting is the process of making long-term

investment decisions that further the company’s goals.

Capital budgeting decision is concerned with efficient

investment of available funds in long term activities with

anticipation of future benefits over a series of years, so as to

exert considerable influence on the overall growth of any

economy not just that of a firm (Von Horne 1980). Companies

make many financial decisions in order to grow, including

selecting product lines, disposing of business segments,

choosing to lease or buy equipment and selecting investments.

To make a long- term investment decision in accordance with

the company’s goals, three basic tasks need to be addresses in

the process of evaluating capital budgeting. The tasks include

estimating the expected cash flows from the project,

estimating the cost of capital, which is sorrogate for the

required rate of return, and applying a decision rule to

determine whether a project will be worthwhile for the


Resources such as land, machine, building, natural resources

and manpower are in short supply and have alternative uses

(Von Horne1980). These resources once committed to capital

expenditure decisions of the firm have long- term implications

and influence the firm’s corporate image.

In order to achieve the goal of the firm, which is assumed to be

maximization of shareholder’s wealth, it is imperative that the

impact of risk and uncertainty should as a matter of necessity,

be recognized and taken into consideration.

The term “risk’’ has different shades of meaning. Literally, it

means exposure to danger or economic adversity. In general

sense, risk is used as a surrogate for the likelihood of loss or

the potential size of such a loss. In this context we shall use

the word to denote exposure to loss arising from variations

between the expected and the actual outcome of investment

decisions (Okafor,1983)

Adjusting for risk and uncertainty in capital budgeting

involves the use of both quantitative and qualitative tools.

Some of the quantitative tools include analysis of mean and

variance, accounting rate of return, payback period and the

discounted cash flow (DCF) methods such as net present value

(NPV) internal rate of return (IRR) and profitability index (PI). It

is based on the above background this research project

intends to examine the impact of risk on capital budgeting



A wide difference seems to exist between capital budgeting

theory and the actual practice. Such inconsistency between

theory and practice could be attributed to differences in the

basic concept of capital budgeting itself. These differences

include inability to capture the role of organizational structure

and behavior in corporate decision-making, failure to

incorporate management’s structure and behavior towards

risk, difficulties in practice especially due to unrealistic

assumptions about data availability, and inability to in

corporate strategic considerations in decisions made by the

firm. This procedure is indeed a theoretically correct approach

to a class of decisions. The problem today’s large corporations

call capital budgeting has very little to do with that class of

decisions, rather they can be seen as general management

problems. Also the process by which resources are committed

to turn involve (1) intellectual activities of perception, analysis,

and choice which are often sub- summed under the decision

making; (2) the social process of implementing formulated

policies by means of organizational structure, systems of

measurement and allocation, and systems for reward and

punishment, and finally (3) the dynamic process of revising

policy as changes in organizational resources and the

environment change. The context of the original policy

problem and management of these processes is a task for

general management rather than financial specialist , because

clearly no one manager can be assumed to have the knowledge

or time to generate the detailed programs to use these funds

as well as the acquiring of capital funds.

External environmental factors constitute other problems

because business organizations are continually faced with the

problem of deciding whether to commit resources or not.

Another problem is inadequate investment analysis in spite of

the fact that the procedures used to help management make

investment decisions often are inadequate and misleading.

Finally, in an economy like Nigeria where the investor is faced

with unique and qualitative risk due to instability of

government policies and risk mismanagement of resources

among others. Also, because a lot of businesses get involved in

projects for which they lack qualified management capacity to

explicitly manage the risk exposure involved.

The central issue is that not enough efforts has been made to

integrate both the theoretical knowledge and the actual capital

budgeting practice which if properly applied (theories and

techniques) by well informed managers will help them make

better decisions whether under conditions of certainty,

uncertainty and condition of risk.

Based on the above discussion of the problems a number of

research questions have been developed.


(1) Do the capital budgeting procedures adopted by companies

conform to the theoretical postulates for the procedures?

(2) How is the effectiveness of the decision –making process of

a firm, affected by the organizational structure and

management manpower?

(3) What are the appropriate investment analytical tools to be

applied in evaluating a particular business?

(4) Do the present micro-economic government policies

promote/inhibit long-term investment decision-making?

(5) To what extent can qualified management manpower

impact on the success of a business?


The researcher intends to make in-depth study of the impact

of risk on capital budgeting decisions of selected companies in

Nigeria. The objectives among others include

1. To find out if company’s practice of capital budgeting is in

line with the theoretical models postulated

2. To identity the major environmental peculiarities of Nigeria,

which affect the environment in capital budgeting, decision.

3. To assess the impact of qualified management manpower on

the success of a business.

4. To make recommendations on how to adequately predict/

incorporate the impact of risk on capital budgeting decision so

as to enhance the fortunes of the affected firms in particular

and the economy in general.


The following hypothesis are formulated in null form

Ho— Investment decisions of a firm do not depend on the

prevailing economic and government policies.

Ho—Qualified management manpower does not add to the

success of the business

Ho—Proper investment/ project evaluation does not minimize

risk of project failure.

The above Hypothesis will be tested using the chi- square (x2)

statistical method. The result will either uphold the null or the

alternative hypothesis.


The aim of the research is to gain a better understanding on

the need to properly evaluate a project before take-off in order

to reduce the impact of risk/ uncertainties. Since the research

problems are many, the researcher has tried to narrow the

focus down by using data generated from a few petroleum

service companies in Anambra State.


This study is undertaken on the basic assumption that risk

plays a disproportionate role in effective capital budgeting

decision, and that capital budgeting, if adequately formulated

and executed will enhance the realization of the set objectives

of the relevant firm. On these premises therefore, this study

will be of immense benefit to management in several areas:

1. Since capital budgeting decision is critical to the success of

any business its knowledge is necessary to aid decision

making by management of any organization.

2. The study would lead to the understanding and awareness

of the fact that capital budgeting theory and practices are

affected by environmental factors; this will enable one not to

accept as sacrosanct theoretical postulations without

consideration of the operating environment.

3. In this era of liquidity squeeze (high cost of capital) in

Nigeria, it is important for businessmen to be grounded on the

necessity and benefits of capital budgeting to enable them to

make optimal decisions. Consequently, managers, investors

and the general public will benefit immensely from the

outcome of this study.

4. The study will be of immense benefit to emerging

entrepreneurs, students and researchers in capital budgeting

and risk.

5. It will serve as reference point for future study and research

in the area of capital budgeting decision.

6. It is hoped that the result of the study will stimulate more

extensive and exhaustive study on the subject matter in

Nigeria’s context.

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