This study was carried out to provide better understanding of not just Nigeria?s foreign policy
but to also shed more light on problems and prospects of Nigeria?s foreign policy
implementation. The general objective being to examine the positive and negative effects of the
implementation process on Nigeria and her relationship with fellow African states and states
across the globe and how it affects the economic, political, cultural, technological and military
development of the country. Textbooks, internet materials and other sources were used to gather
information for this study. This study talks about Nigeria?s role as „Giant of Africa? and how the
responsibility that comes with this position affects Nigeria?s foreign policy implementation
negatively and positively. Because of this role, Nigeria is greatly involved in decision making of
regional organizations like the African union and this enables her implement her foreign policies
but at the same time her attention is a
1.1Background of the StudyNigeria became an independent country on October 1st 1960 and got into the United Nations
on the 7th of October 1960. Since then, the country as a sovereign nation has experienced a
meteoric rise and fall in its domestic and external affairs. Nigeria?s foreign policy could be
divided into two periods that is from 1914-1960 when the North and South were amalgamated by
the British Empire and post independent period: that is from independence till date. After
independence, Nigeria couldn?t deny the fact that she needed Britain and couldn?t afford to fully
cut ties with her as she was Nigeria?s ex-colonial ruler. Thus Tafawa Balewa declared;
„….. based on the happy experience of a successful partnership our future relations with the
United kingdom will be more cordial than ever, bound together as we shall be with the common wealth by
a common allegiance to her majesty queen Elizabeth who we proudly acclaim as queen of Nigeria
(hence) we are grateful to have British officers who we have known, first as masters and then as leaders
and finally as partners and friends’.
With the booming economy of Nigeria, her vast geographical size, ever increasing
population and large number of different natural resources Nigeria soon became „Giant of
Africa?. This was a huge honor that came with a lot of responsibilities and expectations and this
influenced the foreign policy of Nigeria. Since the dawn of a new democratic era in 1999, a
major trend is clearly discernible in Nigerian?s foreign policy. It gradually shifted towards more
interest in the affairs of other African countries. The interest was more manifest in her assistance
to African countries especially those of South Africa and the rest of the warring African nations.
According to Ambassador OlugbengaAshiru, the objectives of Nigeria?s foreign policy include:
1. Promotion and protection of national interest.
2. Promotion of African integration and unity.
3. Promotion of international cooperation for the consolidation of universal peace and
mutual respect among all nations and elimination of discrimination in all its
4. Respect for international law and treaty obligations as well as the seeking of settlement of
international disputes by negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and adjunction.
5. Promotion of world order.
From 1960 till date, Nigerian leaders have all pursued the same interest and have had
the same problems in implementing her foreign policy. The pressure as the „Giant of
Africa? and the need to attend to the needs of other African countries has caused
problems for Nigeria. These problems are in the area of balancing her foreign policy
implementation with meeting her needs and responsibilities to her citizens.
1.2Statement of the Problem
Since attaining independence in 1960, outside and especially in Europe and America,
Nigeria has been known as the „Giant of Africa? but in reality this is not the case. The
main problem to be studied is how Nigeria?s foreign policy affects the domestic affairs of
the country and her people positively or negatively. The implementation of the Afrocentric foreign policy of Nigeria has been affecting the domestic affairs more negatively
than positively. There are several domestic issues that have been negatively affected by
the implementation of Nigeria?s foreign policy. Some of these include; the insufficient
availability of financial resources and social welfare for the citizens while billions are
spent to restore peace and stability in other African countries like Liberia and Sierra
Leone with little or no reasonable economic benefit to the country.
Nigeria offers assistance in every possible way to other African countries without
reciprocal treatment from these countries. Although, proper implementation of her
foreign policies sometimes produce good result such as fostering trade relations with
other countries both in Africa and across the world. But the positive reward accruing
from the „Giant of Africa? status of Nigeria is a contentious issue. The implementation of
Nigeria?s foreign policy appears to be at the expense of her domestic affairs. It is against
this backdrop that this study sets out to examine whether the foreign policy
implementation affects domestic affairs negatively or positively.
1.3 Objectives of Study
The general objective of this study is to examine whether Nigeria?s foreign policy
implementation has negative or positive impact on her domestic affairs. The specific
objectives are:
1. To examine Nigeria?s foreign policy implementation.
2. To uncover the foreign policy implementation problem.
3. To highlight the prospects of Nigeria?s foreign policy towards her neighboring
4. To examine Nigeria?s afro-centric foreign policy implementation problems and
5. To proffer solutions to the problems of the country?s foreign policy implementation
on the socio-economic life of the citizens.
1.4 Research Questions
1. What are the effects of Nigeria?s foreign policy implementation?
2. What are the problems facing Nigeria?s foreign policy implementation?
3. What are the prospects of Nigeria?s foreign policy towards her neighboring
4. What are the problems and prospects of afro-centric policy implementation to the
domestic affairs of Nigeria?
5. What are the solutions to the implementation problems of Nigeria?s foreign policies
on the socio-economic life of her citizens?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1. H0: Nigeria?s foreign policy implementation does not affect the country
H1: Nigeria?s foreign policy implementation affects the country
1. H0: there are no problems facing Nigeria?s foreign policy implementation
H1: there are problems facing Nigeria?s foreign policy implementation
2. H0: there are no prospects of Nigeria?s foreign policy towards her neighboring
H1: there are prospects of Nigeria?s foreign policy towards her neighboring
3. H0: there are no problems and prospects of afro-centric policy implementation
to the domestic affairs in Nigeria
H1: there are problems and prospects to the afro-centric policy implementation
to the domestic affairs of Nigeria
4. H0: there are no solutions to the implementation problems of Nigeria?s foreign
policies on the socio-economic affairs of her citizens
H1: there are solutions to the implementation problems of Nigeria?s foreign
policies on the socio-economic affairs of her citizens.
1.6 Methodology of the Study
This study is an historical descriptive one utilizing content analysis to arrive at
deductions and conclusions. Secondary data will be shared from libraries in
AfeBabalola University.
1.7 Significance of the Study
This study will be relevant to policy makers and governments by providing
solutions to the implementation problems of the country foreign policy;
Then to researchers, and fellow students, by providing assistance during research
and studies. It will offer me, as a student an insight into the country?s foreign policy
1.8 Scope of the Study
This study covers briefly the period 1960-1975 that is the beginning of Nigeria?s
foreign policy although, much emphasis will be but on the administration of
president GoodluckEbele Jonathan. This is because the two periods have witnessed
several foreign policy challenges and problems. It is also chosen for this study
because it provides both past references and unfolding challenges and problems of
Nigeria?s foreign policy and how it is been tackled by the government. In terms of
geographical factor, Africa is the focus of Nigeria hence her policy is described as
„Afro-centric. This domain shows the effects the problems have on the domestic
affairs of Nigeria.
1.9 Limitations of the study
The encumbrances encountered in this study were mainly in the course of getting
primary data. Although there are various sources of information but the validity of
these information will not be certain. The inability to discuss with those fully
involved in the formulation and implementation of policies also affects the research
findings. The change of certain government officials in government will also cause
difficulty. For secondary sources, there will be problems with processed data,
embellishments, distortions and claims.
However, this study will be able to manage these problems and reduce the
effect on the validity of findings.
1.10 Definition of Terms
1. Foreign Policy; range of actions, as well as set of principles influencing these actions,
taken with reference to external situation and factors. (Franklin 1978).
2. Implementation; defined as specified set of activities designed to put into practice an
Activity or program of known dimensions.(Meyers and Wandersman,2012).
3. Problems; anything that causes disarray or involves doubt and requires a solution
4. Prospect; the possible happenings of a study or thing.