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The research work examined and analyzed Sustainable Cement Utilization in Enugu, Enugu State Nigeria. The research was carried out between July 2009 and January 2010. Sustainability is the power to use a thing and still keep it going or maintained for the next use. (Oxford Dictionary). The concept of sustainability now transcends environmental sustainability to embrace economic and social sustainability (Plessis 2001). Cement is the key element in the rapidly growing construction sector. High cement cost affects people’s ability to build homes or engage in other forms of construction. And this situation is very worrisome in our country with the housing crises we are facing. Cement supply in our country has not met the demand, 41.5% of the cement used in Nigeria is produced within the country and 57.5% imported (Ikponmwosa 2008). To worsen the situation, the famous Nkalagu Cement has been closed down. The challenge of cement production in Nigeria includes the problem of po

Sustainability is an integrating and holistic process aiming to restore

harmony between the natural and the built environment, and create

settlements that affirm human dignity and encourage equity (Yitmen 2005).

Sustainability is the power to use a thing and keep it going or maintained

for the next use (Oxford Advanced Dictionary). It can also be defined as

using the environment and not jeopardizing the opportunity of being used

by the next generation (Obiegbu 2005). Sustainability addresses issues of

the environment, energy use and people in addition to traditional project

goals of cost quality and schedule (Michael 2004). Therefore sustainability

generally is using the environment in a very friendly manner and keeping it

in a good condition that it can still be used by coming generation.

Sustainability is of increasing importance to the efficient and responsible

operation of construction business. it encompasses competitiveness and

long – term strategies and combines economic objectives with

understanding and operation within limits, increasing resource efficiencies


and ensuring the social license to operate. The concept of sustainable

construction now transcends environmental sustainability to embrace

economic and social sustainability, which emphasizes possible value

addition to the quality of life of individuals and communities (Plessis 2001).


Nigeria’s economic potential is well known and recognized internationally.

Notwithstanding, Nigeria is yet to realize this potential and much is still

desired before the vision 2020 ‘Housing for ALL’ can be attained.

To attain this goal, the country will need to enhance her economic

performance, scored on many key parameters among which are

infrastructure. The importance of the provision of adequate housing for all

by the year 2020 cannot be overemphasized. Checking scarcity and high

cost of building materials and the need to drastically cost reduce critical

housing shortages, especially in the urban areas and developing modern

housing setups in the rural areas, have encouraged the search for

alternative, innovative and cost effective. As at December 2007

manufacturing capacity of the major producers of cement in Nigeria equals

8.46 metric tones.


Total consumption of cement in Nigeria as at December 2007 = 11.125

million metric tones of the total consumption of cement in 2007, local

manufactures accounted for 42.5% (4.725 million metric tones) only while

imports accounted for 58.5% (6.4 million metric tones).


A sudden reduction in the supply of cement since October 2007 has

predictably occasioned sharp fluctuations in its price. Naturally, this is

posing serious problems in the construction industry, with implication for

cost, housing delivery and the economy. Cement is the key element in the

rapidly growing constructing sector. High cement costs affect people’s

ability to build homes or engage in other forms of construction. And this

situation is very worrisome in our country with the housing crises we are


The fall in cement supply has been attributed to the expiration of licenses to

import the material, and failure of the government to issue new ones. It is

surprising that neither the government nor the stakeholders anticipated the

effect of the import licenses expiration on the cement prices. Otherwise

some proactive measures should have been adopted to avoid the present


situation, which obviously is unpleasant to the generality of consumers.

Most of the cement consumed in Nigeria is imported.

In 2001, it was estimated that the country needed eight million tones of

cement, a figure that rose to 11 million tones in 2006. At present the

country requires more than 14 million metric tones every year, particularly

for the housing sector yet; all the five companies manufacturing cement

locally can only generate 2.38 million metric tones or about 21 percent of

demand. Not enough cement is produced locally. In view of the 79%

shortfall, imported cement is used to fill the gap, but even then not enough

is imported. Before the cement import licenses expired on October, 1,

2007, cement prices had stabilized at about #1,250 per bag of 50

kilograms. But since then prices have hovered between #1,350 and # 2500

depending on the geographical location and the brand of cement.

Stakeholders in the constructing and the housing sector are under

pressure, building developers are unhappy. In the recent past, some major

manufactures and importers of cement imagined the possibility of cement

selling at the cost of #1000 per 50kg bag or less.


Unfortunately this has not happened. Government’s policy of noninterference with market forces, particularly under the OLUSEGUN

OBASANJO presidency actually worsened the matter, as price

skyrocketed, making overnight billionaires out of some dealers.

A strong public policy that will make cement easily available in the market,

at affordable price, is long overdue. High prices will only put industry and

make nonsense of government’s calculations and public expectations.

How to bridge the gap between the present reality and future projection in

the supply and pricing of cement will remain a thorny issue, but it is not

unsurmountable. The federal government needs to renew cement import

licenses and allow more companies to import bulk cement. But this can

only be a short-team measure.

The minister of commerce and industry, Mr. Charles Ugwu as at 2007 had

even recommended as a last resort, the importation of bagged cement as a

temporary relief measure. But this could frustrate existing local bagging

firms, lead to the loss of jobs and open the gates for an undesirable cement

armada. Nothing should be done to frustrate local investments in bagging

and cement production. However the challenge before government is to


initiate and encourage an importation regime that will balance the need to

satisfy the country’s immediate requirement for cement, with the necessity

to protect local manufacturers. So far the country has made appreciable

progress in local manufacturing. Government should be careful not to

compromise installed local capacity.

A greater challenge for government is perhaps the need to break an

apparent monotony in the cement industry.

Why should a country of our size and population have only five companies

producing and / or importing cement? Even among five, one or two are

more favored by the government. This has not helped the country, and

there is nothing to suggest that it ever will.

October 2007, the United States based Nigerian policy institute (NPI)

reported that importation of a 50kg bag of cement into the country costs

#350, against the tag of #1350 put on the same by local manufacturers.

There is apparently a problem here that government should address if the

short-term measure of importation is to make any difference.

Government should encourage more investors in the cement industry. It

should promptly reissue expired import license either to their previous


holders or to new comers with proven ability to deliver. Failure to so act will

only compound the problem of availability and high prices. But there should

be a dead line to end the reliance on imports. The entire nation is

interested in a long-term policy that can maximize local potential for cement

manufacturing, provide jobs and stimulate the economy.


The aim of this research is to study cement utilization within the study

area Enugu State Nigeria within the following objectives:

? To assess the sustainability of cement supply with respect to


? To investigate supply emanating from importation as well as

production within the country.

? To establish the shortfalls of cement supply from Nigeria cement


? To investigate alternatives to cement utilizations in Enugu State

construction industries.



The subject of this study is on sustainable cement in Enugu State

construction industry. The study will investigate the existing distribution and

the general consumption by the users.

The study also looks at the shortfalls of cement supply, its causes and

possible remedies as well as alternative to the use of cement in Enugu

State. If other locally produced materials can substitute for cement, then

the effect of cement utilization on the environment. How this is to be

reduced as well as alternative route to producing cement without a harmful


There were limitations to information concerning the quantity of cement

produced within the country because the dealers only this products in bags

and may not be able to tell if it was imported in bulk and then bagged;

equally much publication was not made on the same matter. There was no

up to date information of production consumption and importation of

cement in Nigeria as this comes may be at the end of every two years. The

dealers on cement or say the distributors do not have required information

on importation.



The need for sustainability in cement utilization in Nigeria cannot be over

emphasized. This study serves as an avenue to research through what

others have written or researched on this topic as well as to update it and

to make my own contributions. To give room to cement users to look out for

alternatives to cement use, how to meet with the increasing demands and

also walk on reducing the ill effect on the environment. There are so many

local materials that can be used either in cement production or as an

alternative to cement it self. Therefore this should open the eyes of the

manufactures to see a way of resolving the shortfalls in the industry.


These are the research questions that form the basis of this study;

? What are the various sources of cement supply within the state?

? What are the short falls in local production?

? What is the quantity of cement brought into Enugu State and the

cement sold?

? What are the reasons for the short falls in supply experienced?

? What are the effects of cement utilization on the environment?

? Are there available alternatives to the use of cement in construction in

Enugu State?

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