Dept: BANKING AND FINANCE File: PDF Chapters: 1-5 Views: 2


This research work evaluates the effectiveness of the capital market in the mobilization and allocation of funds to productive sectors of the economy. Reviewed the role of the capital market, economic stability, sustainable growth and development of the Nigerian economy. The researcher identified; the objectives, the scope and limitations of the research work. Hypothesis statements to test the validity of the phenomena under investigation were stated and analyzed. A review of various literatures relating to the Capital Market was also undertaken. Data relating to capital market were presented and analyzed using various statistical analysis methods such as simple percentage, bar chart, correlation and regression analysis. Based on the outcome of the analysis, it is concluded that the capital market has contributed effectively in the mobilization and allocation of funds to the productive sector of the Nigerian economy. The researcher recommends thus; that there exist an oppor

The capital market is central to the economic stability,

sustainable growth and development of any economy.

Sustainable growth and development in an economy has a

direct bearing to the viability of the productive sector. To achieve

this, it is essential that the capital market through the use of

financial instruments mobilizes and allocates funds to meet the

funding needs of the productive sector.

The capital market trading institution in Nigeria is the Nigerian

Stock Exchange (NSE). Thus the NSE should develop a variety

of financial instruments capable of providing diverse investments

outlets and opportunities for both the investors and borrowers in

the market.

In the recent past, the Nigerian economy has been saddled with

the challenges of a declining productive sector following the

inability of the sector to get adequate funds to meet its needs

from both the money and capital market. On the part of the

capital market, the challenge has been lack of a variety of

investment tools, low savings capacity of investors for the


market as well as the market capitalization which is stewed

above 50% in favour of services sector of the economy that is,

banks, insurance companies etc.

Following the above assertion, this study aims at investigating

the impact of the capital market on the productive sector of the

economy: A study of the Nigerian Stock Exchange and Selected

Quoted Stocks from 2000 to 2009. The instruments of study will

consist of Equities, Debentures, Preference Shares, and

development stocks.


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the

capital market in the mobilization and allocation of funds to the

productive sector of the economy; A study of the Nigerian Stock

Exchange and Selected Quoted Stocks (2000 to 2009).

The process involves a comprehensive study of the capital

market in Nigeria from 2000 to 2009. This includes the

investigation of the laws, regulatory mechanism and instruments

of the market and their impact on development of the productive

sectors of the economy. The specific objectives are as follows:


(i) To find out the extent the capital market has contributed to

the development of the productive sector of the Nigerian


(ii) To find out the various financial instruments employed by

the capital market for selected companies in the

productive sectors of the economy and how these

instruments have contributed to their growth and that of

the economy.

(iii) To examine the dept of equity financial instruments in the

market and their contribution to economic development.

(iv) To find out if their exist deficiencies in the legal regulatory

framework of the Nigerian capital market.

(v) To find out the depth of equity financial instruments,

especially in the productive sector firms quoted on the

Nigerian Stock Exchange, and their contribution to

economic development.

(vi) To find if any relationship exists between the prices of

equity as well as the value and market capitalization of the

Stock Exchange in relation to GDP. (i.e. the GDP is the

index of productivity in the economy).


(vii) To analyst the growth of each tool (that is, Equity and

Fixed interest debt instrument) in the Nigerian Stock

Exchange in relation to growth of the companies and the



The Nigerian capital market which before now was described as

one of the fastest growing stock market in Africa witnessed

serious crises and loss of value following price crashes

especially in the banking sector equities that constituted more

than 50% of the market capitalization.

As a result of this, the market capitalization which in 2008 was

about N12.5 trillion fail and is presently at N5.5 Billion (source:

Stock Exchange weekly activities summary 19/2/2010).

The confidence of investing public dropped, especially, as it

relates to investing in equities financial instruments.

Thus, there exists the need to create a variety of financial

instruments that can assist the market provide:

(i) Investment windows for the market participants such as;

(a) Equities investment tools

(b) Fixed debt investment tool (corporate bodies)


(c) FG Development Stock

(d) State Government Development Stock

(e) Local Government/Municipal Stock

(f) Mortgage Based Financial Tools

(g) Derivative Financial Tools

(ii) The availability of these financial instruments will help

deepen the market and attract additional investment funds

from both local and foreign private investors.

(iii) Create the required choice for firms who want to raise

money from the market.

(iv) Create a viable productive sector of the economy.

This research therefore is concerned with the slow growth in the

productive sector of the economy and how the capital market

can be used to facilitate growth, especially, in the productive

sectors of Brewing, Food and Beverages as well as construction


The problem of the research is to find how best to analyze,

examine and proffer solution to the factors that affect the capital

market especially the market instability, low productive sector

activities as well as declining market capitalization. These


factors of market instability, low productive sector activities and

declining market capitalization impact sometimes positively or

negatively on economic development of Nigeria.

Also, to investigate the impact of inadequate operational tool in

the Nigerian Capital Market, inadequate savings for investment,

lack of market transparency, political and economic instability as

well as infrastructure deficiency is to be undertaken.


A statement of hypothesis is a tentative statement about

phenomena whose validity is usually unknown. It is best

described as a statement of probability; such a statement so far

is not supported by relevant information or data.

Statement of hypothesis is often stated to highlight the

perceived relationship between a dependent and our

independent variable.

There are various types of hypothesis for the suppose of this

research, we will consider the Null Hypothesis and the

Alternative Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis, this is the reverse of the research hypothesis. It

is normally stated in the negative form.


Alternative Hypothesis, this is the working hypothesis. It is

usually derived from researcher’s theory about some observed

phenomena on the subject under research.


NULL HYPOTHESIS (HO): Capital Market operation does not

enhance the productive sector development in Nigeria

ALTERNATE HYPOTHESIS (HI): Capital Market operation

enhance the productive sector development in Nigeria

Hypothesis 2

Ho: (Null Hypothesis): The growth in the value and volume of

equity financial instrument for productive firms quoted on

the Stock Exchange does not contribute to economic


Hi: (Alternative Hypothesis): The growth in the value and

volume of equity financial instrument for productive firms

quoted on the Stock Exchange contributes to economic



Hypothesis 3

Ho: (Null Hypothesis): The growth in the value and traded

volume of securities quoted on the Nigerian Stock

Exchange does not contribute to economic development.

Hi: (Alternative Hypothesis): The growth in the value and

traded volume of securities quoted on the Nigerian Stock

Exchange contributes to economic development


This study is focused on the analysis of the Nigerian capital

market and real sector development in Nigeria using selected

financial instruments by some quoted companies in the Nigerian

Stock Exchange. However, owing to the limitation of time,

resources especially finance, data from the institutions, the

analysis will be limited to the Nigerian Stock Exchange and

three selected companies quoted in the productive sector of the

Stock Exchange such as brewing, construction and food and


The period to be evaluated by this study is a period of ten years

2000 to 2008.



The capital market is a major source of long term savings

mobilization in any economy. For any economy to grow, the real

sector of the economy must be actively engaged in production of

goods and services. Given this view, therefore, a functional real

sector in any economy is a sine-que-non to economic growth

and development. Therefore, a study of this nature is very

essential to all stakeholders in the Nigerian economy such as

Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, Industrialist, Bankers,

Stockbrokers, Financial Sector Regulators, the Political

Managers, Investors, consumers and the entire Nigerian


Also, the findings from this study will extend the frontier of

existing knowledge, literature and serve as a stepping stone for

further research. It will provide input for investment, policy

making and decision.


In conducting a research work, the student is involving in

designing the research. This involves the employment of survey

and descriptive designs.


The researcher also determines the sample population and

sample size of the study. The population being the Nigerian

capital market and selected instruments traded on the Stock

Exchange for firms in the productive sectors of the economy.

The process of sourcing, selecting and obtaining valid and

reliable data as well as method to be employed in the analysis of

the data is thus carried out by the researcher.

Given the nature of this topic, the researcher will rely mainly on

secondary data.

The sources of the data will include:

(i) The Nigerian Stock Exchange Daily Trading List

(ii) The Nigerian Stock Exchange Quarterly and Annual


(iii) Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) Quarterly


(iv) Security and Exchange Commission Annual Report and


(v) Financial Statement of quoted companies in the

manufacturing and Stock Exchange

(vi) Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletins


(vii) Annual reposts, published journals, previous research

work as well as magazines

The following statistical tools will be applied in the test to be

carried out in this research work:

(a) Simple Regression Analysis

(b) Correction Coefficients

(c) Coefficient of determination

(d) Student’s t-test

(e) Bare chart

(f) Simple percentage analysis

At the end of the analysis, the degree of the association of the

dependent variable with each of the independent variables will

determine their position in the valuation process

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