Dept: BANKING AND FINANCE File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 3


1.1 Background to the Study

Lending rate management has been a contemporary issue among academics and

policy makers for a very long time. This started predominantly when the Gold standard

collapsed in the 1930?s and subsequent emergence of the Bretton wood system of

adjustment peg from the 1940?s, through the espousal of flexible Lending rate given by the

developing nation in 1970 and those carrying out structure reforms in the 1980?s as well as

in the wake of the currency crises in developing economies in the 1990?s.

The financial systems of most developing nations have come under stress as a result

of the economic shocks of the 1980s. The economic shocks largely manifested through

indiscriminate distortions of financial prices which includes interest rates, has tended to

reduce the real rate of growth and the real size of the financial system relative to

non-financial magnitudes (Davidson and Gabriel, 2009). Rasheed (2010), states that

Nigerian economy saw different interest rates for different sectors in 1970s through the

mid-1980s (Regulated Regime, 1960-1985). The preferential interest rates were based on

the assumption that the market rate, if universally applied, would exclude some of the

priority sectors. Interest rates were, therefore, adjusted periodically with „visible hands? to

promote increase in the level of investment in the different sectors of the economy. For

example agriculture and manufacturing sectors were accorded priority, and the commercial

banks were directed by the Central Bank to charge a preferential interest rates (vary from


year to year) on all loans and advances to small-scale industries. Since 1986, the inception

of interest rates deregulation, the government of Nigeria has been pursuing a market

determined interest rates regime, which does not permit a direct state intervention in the

general direct of the economy (Adebiyi and Babatope-Obasa, 2004).

Lending rate policies in developing countries are often sensitive and controversial,

mainly because of the kind of structural transformation required, such as reducing imports

or expanding non-oil exports, which invariably imply a depreciation of the nominal

exchange rate. Such domestic adjustments, due to their short-run impact on prices and

demand, are perceived as damaging to the economy. Ironically, the distortions inherent in

an overvalued Lending rate regime are hardly a subject of debate in developing economies

that are dependent on imports for production and consumption. Lending which may be on

short, medium or long-term basis is one of the services that deposit money banks do render

to their customers. In other words, banks do grant loans and advances to individuals,

business organizations as well as government in order to enable them embark on

investment and development activities as a means of aiding their growth in particular or

contributing toward the economic development of a country in general (Felicia, 2011).

Commercial banks are the most important savings, mobilization and financial

resource allocation institutions. Consequently, these roles make them an important

phenomenon in economic growth and development. However, commercial banks decisions

to lend out loans are influenced by a lot of factors such as the prevailing interest rate, the

volume of deposits, the level of their domestic and foreign investment, banks liquidity

ratio, prestige and public recognition to mention just but a few.This study becomes

imperative because given that Commercial banks influence major saving factors and


provides financial services that ginger growth and development of any society (Felicia,

2011).This research work, therefore, empirically investigates the effect of lending rates on

Nigerian banks performance using ordinary least square regression method of analysis on

secondary data covering the period (2003 – 2013).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In Nigeria, the lending rate policy has undergone substantial transformation from

the immediate post-independence period when the country maintained a fixed parity with

the British pound, through the oil boom of the 1970s, to the floating of the currency in

1986, following the near collapse of the economy between 1982 and 1985 period. In each

of these periods, the economic and political considerations underpinning the exchange rate

policy had important repercussions for the structural evolution of the economy, inflation,

balance of payments and real income.

Despite various efforts by the government to maintain a stable exchange rate, naira

has continued to form the 80?s (Benson and Victor, 2012). The deteriorating state of

Nigerian economy and the recent usage of high Exchange rate makes it pertinent to

empirically investigate the effect of Lending rates on Nigerian economic development.

In Nigeria, commercial banks need to understand how to manage their huge assets

in terms of their loans and advances. For the banks to balance their main objectives of

liquidity, profitability and solvency, lending must be handled effectively and the banks

must behave in a way that the potential customers are attracted and retained. The study


focus on finding out the extent to which banks? lending rate affect profitability in Nigeria

Commercial Banks.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The overall objective of this study is to examine the effect of lending rates on Nigerian

banks performance. The specific objectives are to:

i. Determine the impact of lending rate on the performance of banks in Nigeria.

ii. Evaluate the impact of monetary policy rate on the performance of banks in Nigeria.

iii. Ascertain the impact of exchange rate on the performance of banks in Nigeria.

1.4 Research Questions

In line with the specific objectives enumerated above, the following research questions

are raised:

i. To what extent has lending rate impacted on the performance of banks in Nigeria?

ii. To what extent has monetary policy rate impacted on the performance of banks in


iii. To what extent has exchange rate impacted on the performance of banks in Nigeria?

1.5 Research Hypotheses.

The following null hypotheses are formulated in order to examine the effect of lending rate

on the performance of banks in Nigeria:

Hypothesis One

H0: Lending rate has no significant impact on the performance of banks in Nigeria.


HI: lending rate has significant impact on the performance of banks in Nigeria

Hypothesis Two

H0: Monetary policy rate has no significant impact on the performance of banks in


H1: monetary policy has significant impact on the performance of banks in nigeria

Hypothesis Three

H0: Exchange rate has no significant impact on the performance of banks in Nigeria.

H1: exchange rate has significant impact on the performance of banks in nigeria.

1.6 Significance of the Study

Evidently, lending rate instability is one of the economic problems that have

continued to dominate national discourse in recent times while exchange rate is considered

one of the drilling forces in economic development.

An understanding of the lending rate management on the growth of Nigeria

economy is crucial for the appreciation of trend and policies that the apex bank (CBN) will

use in re-designing an appropriate strategy in its stabilization efforts as to bring about a

stable lending rate.

Therefore, this study will be of immense importance to the government and

policy-makers alike especially in their efforts to fashion out sound and effective exchange

rate administration. Sound policies in lending rate administration, will no doubt, foster

improve international trade through exportation of goods and services etc.


The study will prove useful for stakeholders to understand lending Rate

Management in determining the profitability of commercial banks and growth of the


The general public and civil society can also benefit from the research because it

will provide them with adequate information concerning activities of CBN as it relate to

lending rate management. The research findings and recommendations will form a base

that will be relied for further research work while contributing to existing body of


1.7 Scope of the Study

This research work seeks to evaluate the effect of lending rate on Nigerian banks

performance. Focus shall be on commercial banks lending rate, monetary policy rate and

exchange rate management and implementation that would contribute to the performance

of banks and growth of the economy. The study covered a period of thirty one (10) years

(2003-2013), being the year the monetary authority shifted from fixed exchange rate

regime to flexible exchange rate regime.

1.8 Definition of Terms

i. Exchange rate: This is the price of one country?s currency in terms of another.

ii. Foreign exchange: Foreign exchange is a means of payment for international

transaction; it is made up of currencies of other countries that are freely acceptable

in settling international transactions.

iii. Dutch auction System (DAS): This is a method of exchange rate determination

through auctions where the bidders pay according to their bid rates.


iv. Exchange control: This is a foreign exchange arrangement in which the government

purchase all coming foreign exchange and is the only source from which foreign

exchange can be purchased legally.

1.9 Organization of the study

Chapter one introduces the research work including the background of the study,

statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions, hypotheses,

significance of the study, scope of the study, and structure of the study.

Chapter two critically reviews related literature. This encompasses the

introduction, the conceptual framework, the lending rate models, overview of lending


Chapter three examines the research methodology, the research design, the

population, the sample size, the nature and source of data, the method of data collection, the

techniques of data analysis.

Chapter four focuses on data presentation and analysis, test of hypotheses and

summary of findings.

Chapter five presents the summary and conclusion of the research work. It looks at

the recommendations, limitations of the study, suggestion for further research.

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