Unemployment has been one of the most persistent and unmanageable problems facing all industrial countries of the world. It has been noted as a macroeconomic and social problem.
In October 1982, the 13th International Conference of Labour Statisticians adopted a new resolution concerning the statistics of the economically active employment and unemployment, they defined unemployment as persons above a specified age who during the reference period were without work including the unemployed graduates, school leavers, home makers and other persons mainly those engaged in non-economic activities who are at the same time seeking for work and are available for work.
The term unemployment could be used in relation to all the factors of production with reference to labour. Unemployment produces both economic and non-economic costs. This cost differs from individuals and societies.
For individuals most economic cost of unemployment is loss of income that the persons would have received if employed. For the societies it is the goods and services that would have been produced by the unemployed.
Non-economic cost is found among unemployed persons who experience anxiety, depression and loss of self esteem. A rise in unemployment rate is associated with high incidence of alcoholism and drug abuse as well as increase in crime and suicide rate, high rate of family divorce and incidence of child abuse.
The basic economic cost of unemployment is foregone output when the economy fails to create enough jobs for all who are able and willing to work; potential production of goods and services is greatly lost thus unemployment is a waste of manpower.
Economic growth leads to a lower unemployment rate; Okun’s law indicates that every 1% point by which the actual unemployment rate exceed the natural rate a negative GDP gap of about 2% decline in real GDP below its productivity GDP occurs.
According to Briggs (1973) unemployment is the differencebetween the amount of labour employed at current wage rate andworking conditions, and the amount of labour hired at these levels.2
However, Gbosi (1997) defined unemployment as a situation inwhich people who are willing to work at the prevailing wage rate areunable to find jobs. Unemployment is as a result of the inability todevelop and utilize the nations manpower resources effectivelyespecially in the rural sector (Fadayami, 1992; Osimubi, 2006).
In another view of Jimaza (2001) defined it as a situation whereby one has no job and is prepared to take a job at the ongoing wage rate but such job is nowhere to be found.
A rise or fall in wage rate depends on the level or variation inthe unemployment rate, the amount of unemployment in aneconomy is measured by unemployment rate which is the percentageof civilian labour force consist of people between 18years of age orolder who are unemployed or employed. People not included in thelabour force are college students who do not have job and arelooking for jobs; it is possible that an increase in currentunemployment rate alters the long-run equilibrium ofunemployment rate for instance certain unemployed persons may beexcluded from the labour market because their productivity is toolow to make it profitable to hire them even at a much lower wagerate than the current one.3
The controversy over the problem of unemployment revolves around the distinction between voluntary, involuntary, visible and disguised unemployment.
However, voluntary unemployment is said to occur when persons choose not to work or accept job for which they are qualified at ongoing wage rate because they have means of support other than employment for instance affluent individuals. Involuntary unemployment is when persons cannot obtain work even if they are willing to accept low real wages than qualified workers who are currently in employment (Arthur, 1968). Visible unemployment exist when persons is without work but are seeking at a given wage rate. Disguised unemployment exist when persons are without work but not openly seeking for work, who will seek for work at ongoing wage rate if unemployment were much lower.
Despite the contention in the above classification the taxonomy of unemployment includes a condition of being out of work, an activity of searching for work, an attitude of desiring a job under certain situation and needing a job (Levine, 1959).
Unfortunately, there had been little or no economic growth anddevelopment in Nigeria over the period depicted by rising
unemployment; the need to avert the negative effects of unemployment has made the budget on unemployment problems to feature very prominently in the development objectives of many developing countries like Nigeria.
Englama (2001), “a person is said to be unemployed when heor she is able and willing to work and is available for work (that is,the person is actively searching for employment) but does not havework.The international labour organization (ILO) defines the
unemployed as numbers of the economically active population whoare without work but available for and seeking for work includingpeople who have lost their jobs and those who have voluntarily leftwork.There are three ways to become unemployed, some people aresacked, others are temporarily laid off and some people voluntarilyquit their existing jobs. But the inflow to unemployment can alsocome from people not previously in the labour force, school-leavers(new entrants), and people who once have a job then ceased even toregister as unemployed, and are now coming back into the labourforce in search of a job (re-entrant) (Beggs, 2000). On the other hand5
there is a situation in which a worker is employed, but not in the desired capacity where in terms of compensation hours, it is called a situation of under employment.
According to NBS, unemployment covers persons age 15 to 64 who during the reference period were currently available for work, seeking for work but were without work, person is unemployed if he or she is engaged in the production of goods and services thereby contributing to the GDP. Unemployment rate rose to 23.90% in the 2011 statistic on unemployment.
According to Lipsey (1963), unemployment brings about
economic waste and causes human suffering. The contributions and attitude of this economic waste were emphasized by the fact that the factor services are the least durable economic commodity.
The socio-economic effect of unemployment include fall innational output, an increase in rural-urban migration, waste ofhuman resources, high rate of dependency ratio, frustration, povertyand depression, all sort of in moral activities like criminal behaviour,prostitution, armed robbery, and rapping. (Adebayo, 1999).
According to Beggs (2000), unemployment can be generally broken down into several types that are related to different causes including:
Classical unemployment occurs where wages are too high toemployers due to the main wage laws or trade unions activity.Frictional unemployment exist where there is lack of adjustmentbetween demand and supply of labour; lack of necessary skills,labour immobility, breakdown of plants and machinery, and shortageof raw material; temporary unemployment arising from the normaljob search process, it includes people re-entering into the job marketafter their long absence people who have quit their jobs in search forbetter ones; people who have been laid off. Structural unemploymentarises when jobs are eliminated by changes in the structure of theeconomy due to technological progress and shift in the demand forgoods and services for instance becoming increasingly computerizedsome workers are losing their job at the same time new jobs such asa computer repairs, technicians and software engineers areemployed. Seasonal unemployment results from seasonal fluctuationin demand for instance the employment for ice-cream factories isonly for the summer; they remain unemployed during the winter; the
agricultural workers who are employed during harvesting and sowing season remain idle for the rest of the year.
Again, inadequate information causes unemployment and this is a source of unemployment that cannot be neglected; if people do not know that jobs are available they will not take them. The major economic shocks such as the problem of great depression, unemployment, and under-employment can be avoided through policy changes; government will stabilize the economy and maintain continuous economic growth.
The problem of unemployment has occupied the mind ofscholars, economists, policy makers and international organizationsfor many years with an increased tension in the last decade. Eventhough there are different perspectives to unemployment, there is ageneral consensus that reduction in unemployment will lead to goodeconomic growth and development that will lead to good changemanifested in increased capacity of people to have control over
material assets, and obtain physical necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter.
According to John Maynard Keynes the progressive adjustment of wage involves a negative relationship between nominal wage changes and unemployment rate known as Philip’s curve (1958). The simplest interpretation of this curve is to consider that unemployment exerts downward pressure on nominal wage when there are few unemployed; workers are in a position to obtain higher unemployment because competition among employers to attract workers is intensified by low unemployment.
Following the oil doom in the economy in the 1980, theproblem of unemployment started to escalate with the introductionof monetary exchange rates and the inability of most industries toimport the raw materials required to improve their output level.In the depression phase demand for goods and services is theminimum, construction of all types of capital goods is at stand still;there is massive unemployment and the economic growth anddevelopment of the country suffer. Also the generous unemploymentbenefit may hinder individuals to look for a job in order to gainaccess to unemployment benefits. Rapid population growth9
accompanied by un-precedented inflow of rural migrants generate massive urban problem of rural unemployment. The main aim of government is to attain full employment level but it failed to materialize.
In Lewis model rural to urban migration is one of thedemographic characteristic of developing countries and themechanism theory which revealed that labour transfers physicallyfrom agriculture to city based industrial employment thus enhancingthe expansion of the modern sector and integration of the twosectors of the dual economy; inward migration to urban area willcontinue as long as the expected value of earnings of the urban wageexceeds the rural wages. Many people especially those living in ruralareas were frustrated by lack of job opportunities, also they includethose without work and who have job but want to work for longerhour. A very little attention has been paid to self employment schemein Nigeria not until in the 1980’s during the period of great recession;they adopted the structural adjustment programme (SAP).To provide a permanent solution to this problem arouse auniversal conviction that unemployment is inevitable and it createdpessimism that government has no power to bring unemployment
trend to a halt; it is not only a severe problem but also has a disquieting effect on the economic, political and society as a whole.According to Damachi (2001) the task of solvingunemployment problem is anchored on better utilization ofmanpower through policies that promote economic growth. Themanpower board and national directorate of employmentestablished by the government have not reduced unemployment.
The objectives of this study are as follows:
economic growth in Nigeria.
output level in the Nigerian economy.
growth in Nigeria.
growth in Nigeria.
Unemployment causes misery, social unrest and hopelessness for the unemployed. In Nigeria, the existence of high unemployment is a source of concern to policy makers as well as the general citizenry, because employment provisions can be used to check the performance of the economy.
If unemployment is left unchecked, it will go along wayhindering any economic development plans of the country. It is onthis note that unemployment in Nigeria with its resulted effect hasbeen treated in this study. This work will be of valuable help to policymakers.The policy makers use different strategies to preventunemployment in Nigeria, they include changing the pattern ofproduction in order to create employment through entrepreneurinnovation known as Youth Enterprise With Innovation (YOUWIN)programmes; emphasis should be placed on the production ofessential goods which use the labour intensive techniques.
The study will help each leader to have bold initiative andquickly tackle the terrible economic crisis by making wise economicpolicy and encourage large scale borrowing for public expenditures.It helps the leaders to realize that rapid full employmentdesired by every country can only be possible if it was combinedwith wage and price controls, so as to recognize the nation’s social,political, cultural and educational life in commensuration with thenational socialist principles. Through this findings and subsequentrecommendations of this study, unemployment will be eradicated. Itwill provide an insight into the relevant literature and help to laybare the causes and effects of unemployment in Nigeria.
It is the opinion of the researcher that the study will be of immense benefit to fellow student researcher because it will serve as a spring board especially for those who will want to research further on the subject matter in future.
It therefore shall be of usefulness to subsequent researchers as a reference material.
This research work is restricted to Nigerian economy only; thefocus is on the growth of the Nigerian economy and unemployment.The period covered by the research is 31 years from (1980-2010).There are some limitations of this work; mostly the secondary data are used in the study because of the difficulties encountered in the gathering of the primary data given the nature of the study which is the aggregate level of the economy.
The absence of information caused a lot of hindrance; somerelevant variables may not be included in the research model due tolack of reliable data on them. This study cannot be said to haveexhausted all the relevant details on the nature of the relationshipbetween unemployment and economic growth as a result of theabove reasons. This work has a number of challenges which includeinadequate finance and shortage in the availability of relevantmaterials.