Dept: BANKING AND FINANCE File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 3


This study examines The Impact of Management Information System in Business Organization with reference to Union Bank Plc, it analyze general concern for every organization in recent times most especially because of the role it plays in the acquisition of skilled and knowledge required by employees in the performance of their job for the coherent of organizational effectiveness and it entails the provision of necessary information to individual managers in an organization in order to improve their productivity and efficiency in the attainment of the overall objectives of the organization, which are profitability, market standard, employees satisfaction and social responsibility. The data were collected to check the reliability, validity and accuracy in the process and table constructed for the respondents. Chi-square method was used and the statistical tables were constructed and tabulated to show respondent background such as level of education. Percentage and absolute are
1.0 Introduction

MIS stands for management information system, which we define as the development and use of

information system that helps businesses achieve their goals and objectives. This definition has

three key elements: development and use, information system, business goals and objectives

(kroenke, 2011). A system is a group of component that interact to achieving some purpose, an

information system (IS) is a group of component that interact to producing information. A model

of the components of an information system: computer hardware, software, data, procedures and

people (kroenke, 2011).

These five components are present in every information system, for example, when you use a

computer to write a report, you are using hardware (the computer, storage disk, keyboard, and

monitor), software (word, or other word-processing program), data (the words, sentences, and

paragraphs), procedures (the methods you use to starting the program to enter, save and back up),

and people (you). What is information? Information is knowledge derived from data, whereas

Data is defined as recorded fact or figures (kroenke, 2011)

MIS provides several benefits to the business organization: the means of effective and efficient

coordination between Departments; quick and reliable referencing; access to relevant data and

documents; use of less labor; improvement in organizational and departmental techniques;

Management of day-to-day activities (as accounts, stock control, payroll, etc.); day-to-day

assistance in a Department and closer contact with the rest of the world. MIS provides a valuable

time-saving benefit to the workforce. Employees do not have to collect data manually for filing

and analysis. Instead, that information can be entered quickly and easily into a computer


program. As the amount of raw data grows too large for employees to analyze, business analysts

can build programs to access the data and information in response to queries by management.

With faster access to needed information, managers can make better decisions about procedures,

future directions, and developments by competitors and make them more quickly.

We are living in a time of great change and working in an Information Age. Managers have to

assimilate masses of data, convert that data into information, form conclusions about that

information and make decisions leading to the achievement of business objectives. For an

Organization, information is as important resource as money, machinery and manpower. It is

essential for the survival of the enterprise.

1.1 Background of the Study

The role of Management information system (MIS) is vital now-a-days in business environment

because it has evolved over time to becoming an integral part of its business operations. The use

of management information system has increased for last few years not only by firms, but also

by individuals and governments. Because of the today’s global environment where competition

is very high, it is the basic requirement of the organization to install management information

system to compete the market and to earn more profitability, invest in innovation in their

products, and to grow their businesses. All of these factors transformed the information system

from data processing systems to decision support systems and became the foundation of the new

business environment. In this study, we have investigated the contribution of management

information system on the performance of the organization. Management Information System

also takes into account integrative nature of information flow, as well as the structuring of the

organization around decision centers. Standards of performance are part of any good plans;

hence, determination of standards like other aspects of the planning processing’s depends on the


availability of relevant management information system. Management information system aids

the functioning and monitoring of an organization. It also describes the components and

resources to ensuring the proper functioning of an organization.

This system also provides information that organizations needs to manage themselves efficiently

and effectively. Management information systems are typically computer systems used for

managing five primary components: hardware, software, data (information for decisions

making), procedures (design, development and documentation), and people (individuals, groups,

or organizations). Management information systems are distinct from other information systems,

in that they are used to analyzing and facilitating strategic and operational activities. MIS is

commonly used to referring to the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations evaluate,

design, implement, manage, and utilize systems to generate information so as to improve

efficiency and effectiveness of decision making, including systems termed decision support

systems, expert systems, and executive information systems. Organizations view the effective

adoption of Management Information System (MIS) as a way to combating competition by

improving productivity, profitability, and the level of information which is one common asset

shared by all business regardless of their nature, because it is a vital part of any business entity

irrespective of their forms of ownership as it enables conceptualization and creation of new

products and services.

Management information system has also changed the physical layout of offices to

accommodating local networks and departmental integrated systems. It is a formalized procedure

to providing management at all levels and in all functions with appropriate information from all

relevant source to enabling them make timely and effective decisions for planning, directing,

evaluating, and controlling the activities for which they are responsible. A major task also facing


management in almost every field of Endeavour is to planning carefully so that the quantity and

quality of information obtained will be adequate to meeting its needs.

One potentially powerful resource available to managers is Information Technology (IT), though

it could also serve as a threat/problem, but the Top management has to be creative and strategic

enough through their conceptual and intellectual capacity to exploring full opportunities in all

strategic decisions of the enterprise which affect the long term objectives of the Organization.

More reports has shown how Information Technology has successfully given some companies an

advantage over their competitors both in the National and Global Markets.

A Management Information System (MIS) is a subset of the overall internal control of a business

covering the application of people, documents, technologies, and procedures by management

accountants to solving business problems such as costing a product, service, or a business-wide

strategy. Management Information Systems are distinct from regular information system in that

they are used to analyzing other information systems applied in operational activities in the


Financial accounting system is an important functional element or part of the total management

information system structure. However, they are more narrowly focused on the internal

balancing books to generating ledger and other financial accounting system. For example,

accrual adjustment reconciliation and correcting entries used to reconciling the financial system

to the general ledger are not always immediately entered into other management information

systems. Accordingly, although management information systems and accounting reconciliation

totals for related listing and activities should be similar, they may not necessarily balance.

Institutional management information systems should be designed to achieve the following;

i. Enhance communication among employees.


ii. Deliver complex materials throughout the institution.

iii. Provide an object system for recording and aggregate information.

iv. Reduce expenses to labour intensive manual activities.

v. Support the organizations strategic goals and direction.

In spite of the fact that management information system supplies decision makers with facts,

likewise, it supports and enhances the overall decision making process. MIS also enhance job

performance throughout an institution. At the most senior level, it provides the data and

information to help the board and management to making strategic decisions(top management

decisions or long lasting decisions) and at other levels of management MIS provides the means

through which the enterprise activities are executed, monitored, controlled and information are

distributed to management, supervisors, employees and customers.

Effective MIS should ensure the appropriate presentation, formats and time frames required by

operations and senior management are met. MIS can be maintained, evaluated and developed by

either manual or automated systems or a Combination of both. It should always be sufficient to

meeting an enterprise’s unique business goals and objectives.

Likewise it seeks to explore all available opportunities that can be explored by the organization

in the immediate, national and global economies. The effective delivery of an enterprise’s

products and services are supported by the MIS which has a great influence on the market share

portion, revenue generation, sales volume achieved, recruitment of best qualified candidates, the

goodwill of the enterprise and the customer’s perception about the organization and its output.

These systems should be comprehensive, accessible, flexible and useable at all appropriate levels

of the organization’s activities.


MIS is a critical component of the institution’s overall risk management strategy; it supports

management’s ability to performing such reviews. MIS should be used to recognizing,

monitoring, measuring, limiting, and managing risks. Risk Management involves four main

elements, which include:

i. Policies or practices

ii. Operational processes

iii. Staff and management

iv. Feedback devices

Frequently, operational processes and feedback devices are intertwined and cannot easily be

viewed separately. The most efficient and useable MIS should be both operational and

informational. As such, management can use MIS to measure performance, allocate, manage,

control resources and help an institution to complying with regulatory requirements. One

Example of this would be the managing and reporting of loans to insiders. MIS can also be used

by Management to provide feedback on the effectiveness of risk controls.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

According to Barry (1988) information is a generic term, because it has been described as the

livewire of any enterprise (public, private, local firm, Multinational company, manufacturing,

merchandise, and franchise business, retailing stores, multiple chain stores or service oriented

organization). It provides the relevant concept and intelligence to enabling the right thing to be

done at the right time. The problems to be studied are as follows:

i. Is there any need for management information system in Nigeria business Organization?

ii. Does the status of a business determine the type of information system in it?

iii. Do MIS aid decision making in an organization?


iv. Could there be any room for development or improvement of MIS in Nigeria?

Therefore, the contribution of Management Information system will make a positive impact in

any business or Non- business organization in terms of planning, decision making and


1.3 Research Questions

For the purpose of this study the general research questions are as follows:

i. Is there any need for management information system in Nigeria business Organization?

ii. Does the status of a business determine the type of information system in it?

iii. Do MIS aid decision making in an organization?

iv. Could there be any room for development or improvement of MIS in Nigeria?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The aims of this study are to critically examine the impact of Management Information System

on corporate performance. The objective of the study includes:

i. To determine if MIS policies or practices, processes, objectives and internal control are


ii. To evaluate whether MIS application provides users with timely, accurate, consistent,

Complete and relevant information.

iii. To determine whether MIS application and enhancement system exist to adequately

Supports corporate goals.

iv. To identify the determine factors influencing MIS processes in Nigeria.

1.5 Statement of the Hypothesis

Five hypothesis are formulated and tested in this study:


HO: Financial constraint is not a serious factor militating against effective management of MIS

in Nigeria.

H1: Lack of management skill does not hamper the efficient performance of management

information system of business organization in Nigeria.

H2: There is no significant relationship between effective decision making by the management,

and adequate supply of information in the organization.

H3: There is significant relationship between effective decision making by the management, and

adequate supply of information in the organization.

H4: Management information system does not facilitate and enhance decision making in an

organization to improving productivity and performance.

H5: Management information system facilitates and enhances decision making in an

organization to improving productivity and performance.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study is relevant to the growth of management information system in a business organization

and bank performance. The research findings will help individual managers and firms to

understand the relationship between management information and bank performance, thereby

shedding light on how quality infrastructure can enhance decision making and all other aspect

that have a bearing in an organization capacity and ability to implementing its strategies and

achieve performance.

1.7 Justification of the Study

The main purpose of the MIS is to give managers feedback about their own performance; top

management can monitor the company as a whole information displayed by the MIS typically


shows actual data over planned results and a result from a year before; thus it measures progress

against goals. Without doubt, MIS have done a great impact in the business world today.

1.8 Scope of the Study

These projects examine management information system in a business organization, revising the

review need and importance of management information system in relation to decisions in an

organization. The study will look at the nature and scope of information management and its

system; examine the weakness and opportunities, threat and strength in the organization.

The scope of the study gives a general view of management information system in the worth of

decision making and how management information system affects the decision making of every

organization. Also this study is only restricted to the analysis of the contribution of Management

Information System (MIS) to business organization with a particular reference to Union Bank of

Nigeria Plc.

1.9 Definition of Terms

? Data: This is the row facts and figures pertaining to the day to day activity of an


? Information: This represents data that has been processed; it is also data that have been

interpreted and understood by the recipient of the message.

? Planning: This is decision taken before one takes an action. It is an attempt at coping with

uncertainties by thinking what, how and when future course of action would be taken.

? Management Information System: This entails the provision of necessary information or

report to individuals; managers in an organization in order to improving their degree of

efficiency and effectiveness.


? Information System: This refers to a set of information connected or inter-dependent, so as

to form a complex part in an orderly arrangement according to some plan.

? Information Technology: This is the contribution of science and technology towards

effective and efficient production and dissemination of information to the user accurately and


? Management Report: The information produced for management and the utilization to


? Controlling: This is the comparison if actual performance with plan in order to take

necessary corrective measures

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