Dept: BANKING AND FINANCE File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 1


The economy of any nation is driven by the level of industrialization, while the level of industrialization is determined by a number of other factors. In a developing economy like Nigeria, Small and Medium scale enterprises play a vital role in economic development. Unfortunately , these categories of industries are bedeviled with many problems ranging from lack of infrastructural facilities, low technological know how, lack of technical skills to financing problems. This research is centered on financing small and medium scale enterprises for economic development. It explored the present pattern of financing, the alternative sources of financing SMEs as well as government effort past and present geared towards improving the financial status of such categories of industries. It also examined the problems faced by SMEs in raising the needed capital. The overall objective of the study is to seek for improved or new methods of financing SMEs for improved performance whic

The Nigerian Economy has been unstable. It has witnessed a

lot of downturn over the years. Since the oil boom of the

80’s, the state of the economy has deteriorated and Nigeria

has continued to be ranked among the least developed

nation. So many reasons can be adduced for the slow pace

of economic growth. Such reasons include; mono-cultural

economy, low industrialization, high import dependency and

corruption. Various regimes in the past had come up with

one initiative or the other in a bid to turnaround the

economic fortunes of this country. Also some bodies or

agencies have been established to oversee and solve the

problem of poverty and promote economic advancement. In

this regard, bodies like the National Poverty Alleviation

Programme (NAPEP), Family Economic Advancement

Programme (FEAP), Small and Medium Scale Enterprises

Development Agency (SMEDAN) etc were established.


Past governments have been involved in different

development plans all geared towards uplifting the nation’s

economy. The government of Gen Sanni Abacha lunched a

development plan tagged vision 2010. It was a plan that

was drawn to put to achieve certain level of development of

Nigerian economy by the year 2010. The government of

President Olusegun Obasanjo in effort to turnaround the

economy, embarked on so many reforms in different sectors

of the economy including; education, energy, solid minerals,

works, transport etc. He also established the Due Process

Office that brought a lot of positive changes in the contract

award process and execution.

The present government of Alhaji Yar’adua has come up with

its own agenda popularly known as the seven point agenda.

Through the seven point agenda his government intends to

focus on key sectors of the economy that will speed up

economic development of the nation. He has also launched a

development plan titled vision 2020.Through this plan he

intends to speed up economic development that will put

Nigeria among 20 topmost economies by the year 2020.

This he has already started pursuing with greatest emphasis

on the power sector.


Despite these laudable programmes and plans, the pace of

economic development seems to be at a standstill. In fact

with the global financial meltdown leading to world economic

recession, the economy seems to be deteriorating further.

One problem that has been identified as a clog in the wheel

of economic advancement is the neglect of small and

medium scale enterprises or what some call microentrepreneurs. It has been established in both advanced and

emerging economies that the growth of most economies has

been anchored on the growth of small and medium scale

enterprises Muhammad.Y( 2003)

Countries like Bangladesh, India, Indonesia etc are doing

well today because they have gotten it right in developing

the middle level manpower that accounts for more than half

of the productive sector.

In Nigeria, despite the fact that government has in one way

or the other tried to recognize the sector and accord it a sort

of priority, there are still many challenges restraining the

small and medium scale enterprises from realizing their

objectives. Some of the challenges that are teething to small

and medium scale enterprises range from lack of

infrastructural facilities, low technological advancement in


terms of machinery, absence of experts and technical skills

to lack of fund and inability to access credit facility from



The most critical among the challenges faced by small and

medium scale enterprises is lack of adequate capital and

inability to access bank credit. An economy can only grow

through support from the financial sector in availing credits

to different sectors. One of the agenda of banking reforms or

recapitalization was to enable banks support the real sector

of the economy by availing credits to firms in these critical

sectors. If credit is made available to the formal sector while

neglecting the informal sector where the medium and small

scale enterprises fall in, there will still be gap in the growth

of the economy.

While the large scale enterprises have access to bank credit,

the small and medium scale enterprises find it difficult to

obtain bank credit. It is in the bid to resolve this problem

that the Federal Government in conjunction with Central

Bank of Nigeria carried out reforms in the lower side of the

finance industry. Among the reforms is liberalizing the


licensing of micro-finance banks and conversion of

community banks to micro-finance banks.

Micro-finance banks are expected to provide micro-credits to

small unstructured businesses, salary earners, artisans, food

vendors, small farmers and traders. It is in pursuit of this

objective as well as the drive to reduce unemployment that

the Central Bank established skill acquisition centers located

in three geopolitical zones in the country. The essence of

establishing the centers is to empower the youth through

relevant skills training and subsequently increase their

access to fund (credits) with which to start up business.

The main issue now is whether government has realized or

failed to realize its objective of enabling the informal sector

of the economy to have easy access to credit and whether or

not the sector has contributed meaningfully to the economic

development of the nation.

This research will focus on micro-credits and its accessibility

by medium and small scale enterprises and individuals

entrepreneurs and other modes of financing them.


The research will be tailored to provide answers to the

following questions.

1. What is the present pattern of financing of microenterprises in Nigeria?

2. How much of the financing has come from bank microcredit.?

3. Apart from bank credit what other alternative sources

of funding are open to small and medium scale


4. What are the problems encountered by the small and

medium scale enterprises in accessing Micro-credit?

5. What specific lessons can Nigeria learn from other

economies in the area of facilitating access to microcredit scheme?

6. Has micro credit disbursed to small and medium scale

enterprises contributed to the Gross Domestic Product

of the nation?



The research is intended to achieve the following


1. To find out the present pattern of financing medium

and small scale enterprises and the relative

contribution of bank credit to the financing portfolio of

such enterprises.

2. To identify the major problems encountered by small

scale enterprises in accessing credits from banks and

ascertain why banks seem to be unwilling to disburse

credit to them.

3. To identify and evaluate alternative sources of capital

or funds for micro entrepreneurs.

4. To evaluate the experience of other economies in the

area of micro-credit delivery in order to see specific

areas Nigeria can benefit from such experience.

5. To establish the relationship if any between the level of

micro credit disbursed and the contribution of small and

medium scale enterprises to Gross Domestic Product.


6. To make recommendation based on the findings on

realistic approaches toward solving the financing

problems of small and medium scale enterprises.


The following hypotheses are formulated in null form for the

research study.

1. Medium and small scale enterprises are mainly financed

through personal funds of the owners.

2. Medium and small scale enterprises have only one

source of funding.

3. Government effort towards financing small and medium

scale enterprises have not had much impact.

4. There is no relationship between the level of microcredit disbursed and the contribution of small and

medium scale enterprises to Gross Domestic Product.



The research will be conducted using data generated from

three senatorial districts in Delta State and will rely heavily

on information(data) from the following area;

1. Response to questionnaire and oral interview to be

administered on a sample of small and medium scale

entrepreneurs and Bank staff within the selected areas.

2. Secondary data derived from newspapers, magazines

and journals both locally and internationally and from

CBN statistical bulletin and quarterly bullion.

3. Internet facilities will also be explored to extract

relevant data and literature required for the research.


This study will assist small and medium scale enterprises in

exploring other areas of financing their businesses outside

their own personal fund. It will be of immense help to the

Government of the day in identifying the possible areas of

assistance in financing small and medium scale enterprises.


The study will also assist the government to assess t he

impact of microfinance banks in financing small and medium

scale enterprises since their introduction and their overall

impact on the economy. Finally the study will be of immense

benefits to students and researchers in areas of financing

SME’s and serve as a reference point for further studies on

the subject.


Due to logistics and the wide scope of this research that

entails studying SME’s nationwide, we have restricted the

study to only one state. Majority of the entrepreneurs are

not literate and as such getting accurate data from them will

be a problem. Again because most people are not happy

about the way government has handled the plight of the

entrepreneurs, they might not be willing to respond to the


There is also time constraint on my side since I have to

combine my work with the research work

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