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This study titled “The Use and Preference of Artemether as a First-Choice Treatment for Malaria: Results from a Cross-Sectional Survey in Ethiope East, Delta State” aimed to investigate the prevalence, factors influencing preference, and satisfaction levels associated with artemether as a first-choice treatment for malaria in Ethiope East, Delta State. The objectives of the study were as follows: To determine the prevalence of artemether use as a first-choice treatment for malaria among the population of Ethiope East, Delta State. To explore the factors influencing the preference for artemether as a first-choice treatment for malaria in Ethiope East, Delta State. To assess the satisfaction levels of individuals who have used artemether as a first-choice treatment for malaria in Ethiope East, Delta State. The research questions addressed in the study were: What is the prevalence of artemether use as a first-choice treatment for malaria among the population of Ethiope East, Delta State?


`1.1 Background to the study

Malaria is a parasitic infectious disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite and transmitted through the bite of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. The disease manifests through symptoms such as high fever, chills, headache, and body aches. If left untreated, malaria can lead to severe complications and even death. Malaria has been a longstanding global health concern, particularly in regions with tropical and subtropical climates, where the Anopheles mosquito thrives.

In Nigeria, malaria is a significant public health issue with a high prevalence rate. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Nigeria bears the highest burden of malaria globally, accounting for approximately 25% of all malaria cases worldwide (WHO, 2021). The country’s climate and ecological conditions provide a suitable environment for mosquito breeding, contributing to the high transmission rate. Additionally, factors such as limited access to healthcare facilities, inadequate resources for prevention and treatment, and socio-economic challenges further exacerbate the prevalence of malaria in Nigeria (Adebayo et al., 2020).

The burden of malaria in Nigeria has severe consequences for the population, particularly children and pregnant women. Malaria is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity, accounting for a significant proportion of deaths in children under the age of five (WHO, 2021). Pregnant women are also at high risk, as malaria infection during pregnancy can lead to adverse outcomes such as maternal anemia, low birth weight, and infant mortality (Adebayo et al., 2020).

Efforts to combat malaria in Nigeria have been ongoing, with interventions focused on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. The National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP) in collaboration with international partners has implemented strategies such as the distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets, indoor residual spraying, and improved access to antimalarial drugs (Adebayo et al., 2020). Despite these efforts, challenges such as inadequate healthcare infrastructure, drug resistance, and limited resources remain barriers to achieving significant progress in malaria control.

In conclusion, malaria is a parasitic infectious disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite and transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. Nigeria faces a high prevalence of malaria, accounting for a substantial proportion of global cases. The country’s climate, limited access to healthcare, and socio-economic challenges contribute to the burden of malaria in Nigeria. Efforts to combat malaria have been made, but further investments and interventions are necessary to achieve significant progress in reducing the prevalence and impact of malaria on the population.

Malaria remains a significant global health concern, particularly in regions where the disease is endemic. Effective treatment is crucial to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with malaria infections. Artemether, an artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), has been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. However, despite its widespread availability, questions arise regarding the actual use and preference of Artemether as the first-choice treatment for malaria.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The use and preference of Artemether as a first-choice treatment for malaria face several challenges. Firstly, the availability and accessibility of Artemether in malaria-endemic areas, especially in remote and resource-limited regions, remain a concern. It is crucial to assess whether Artemether is readily available and if health facilities are adequately stocked to meet the demand for malaria treatment. Additionally, barriers such as cost, distribution challenges, and inadequate supply chain management may hinder access to Artemether.

Healthcare provider practices and knowledge play a significant role in the use of Artemether. Adherence to recommended guidelines for prescribing Artemether as the first-line treatment for malaria needs to be examined. Assessing the healthcare providers’ knowledge regarding the efficacy, dosage, and administration of Artemether is essential to ensure proper treatment. Moreover, identifying the factors influencing healthcare providers’ preference for alternative antimalarial treatments over Artemether is crucial in understanding the overall treatment landscape.

Patient acceptance and preferences also pose challenges for the use of Artemether. It is important to investigate whether patients perceive Artemether as an effective and desirable treatment option for malaria. Addressing concerns or misconceptions regarding its safety or potential side effects can help improve patient acceptance. Additionally, understanding if patients express a preference for alternative treatments due to personal experiences, cultural beliefs, or accessibility reasons is vital in tailoring effective treatment strategies.

Examining treatment outcomes and efficacy is another key problem area. Assessing the effectiveness of Artemether in clearing parasites and resolving symptoms compared to alternative antimalarial treatments is necessary. Monitoring reports of treatment failures or drug resistance associated with Artemether usage is crucial to address any emerging issues. Furthermore, exploring if treatment outcomes differ based on factors such as age, gender, or co-infections can help identify potential disparities.

1.3 Objectives of the study

  1. To determine the prevalence of artemether use as a first-choice treatment for malaria among the population of Ethiope East, Delta State.
  2. To explore the factors influencing the preference for artemether as a first-choice treatment for malaria in Ethiope East, Delta State.
  3. To assess the satisfaction levels of individuals who have used artemether as a first-choice treatment for malaria in Ethiope East, Delta State.

1.4 Research Quesions

  1. What is the prevalence of artemether use as a first-choice treatment for malaria among the population of Ethiope East, Delta State?
  2. What are the factors that influence the preference for artemether as a first-choice treatment for malaria in Ethiope East, Delta State?
  3. What are the satisfaction levels of individuals who have used artemether as a first-choice treatment for malaria in Ethiope East, Delta State?

1.5 Scope of the study

The scope of the study includes the population of Ethiope East, Delta State. The study focuses on assessing the prevalence of artemether use as a first-choice treatment for malaria, exploring the factors that influence this preference, and assessing the satisfaction levels of individuals who have used artemether for malaria treatment. The study does not extend beyond Ethiope East, Delta State, and does not cover other regions or populations.

1.6 Significance of the study

1.6.1 Practical Significance

This study holds practical significance in several ways. First, determining the prevalence of artemether use as a first-choice treatment for malaria in Ethiope East, Delta State can provide valuable insights into the current practices and trends in malaria treatment in the region. This information can aid healthcare providers, policymakers, and stakeholders in making informed decisions regarding the allocation of healthcare resources and the development of effective malaria control strategies.

Additionally, exploring the factors influencing the preference for artemether as a first-choice treatment for malaria can help identify the drivers behind this choice. Understanding these factors can guide the implementation of targeted interventions to promote the appropriate use of artemether and improve overall malaria treatment outcomes. It can also contribute to the development of tailored educational campaigns to raise awareness about effective treatment options among the population.

Furthermore, assessing the satisfaction levels of individuals who have used artemether as a first-choice treatment for malaria can provide valuable feedback on the effectiveness and acceptability of this treatment approach. This feedback can guide healthcare providers in improving the delivery of malaria treatment services, ensuring patient satisfaction, and enhancing overall healthcare quality.

1.6.2 Theoretical Significance

From a theoretical standpoint, this study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on malaria treatment practices and patient preferences. By focusing on artemether as a first-choice treatment, it provides specific insights into the utilization patterns and acceptance of this particular treatment option. This information can be used to enrich the understanding of malaria treatment behavior and contribute to the broader field of infectious disease management.

Additionally, exploring the factors that influence the preference for artemether as a first-choice treatment for malaria can contribute to the theoretical framework of health behavior models. It can shed light on the social, cultural, and individual factors that shape treatment decisions and help refine existing theoretical models, such as the Health Belief Model or the Theory of Planned Behavior.

Overall, the practical significance of this study lies in informing policy and practice, while the theoretical significance lies in contributing to the academic understanding of malaria treatment behavior and health behavior theories.

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