Project Research Work of LAW Department

Abstract This study aims at finding the information retrieval system is basically a system that stores recor...
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Abstract ......
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Abstract Corruption is the scourge of most under-developed, developing and to a considerable extent, the so-...
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Abstract This is a thesis which discussed the topic “The twin concepts of corporate personality and liftin...
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Abstract Environmental pollution has been a bane to societal development, and its fast rising downwards effe...
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Abstract Long Military Rule in Nigeria, has made the Legislature, an infant arm of government compared to th...
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Abstract The rules relating to the admissibility of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal proceeding is ...
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Abstract Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal – Albert Einstein ...
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Abstract From time immemorial through the period of agriculture to the period of industrial development, lan...
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Abstract The elements of command by a sovereign and a breach of such command which attracts sanction has led ...
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Abstract Being able to render an effective cross-examination is a critical skill for nay trial lawyer as ski...
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Abstract This research study borders on examining the discriminations that women in Igboland face as regards...
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Abstract The present study endeavours to examine the validity of Wagner’s law in Nigeria ove...
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Abstract This research work was undertaken to examine the constraints of Nigeria government agencies in tac...
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Abstract The internal security of lives and property in Nigeria is the paramount duty of designated security...
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Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the role that legislator and management standard plays in ...
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Abstract The era of information technology in which we live has turned the world into a global village. Thi...
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Abstract Freedom of Information Act is a new legislation passed into law in 2011 and in this work, it is con...
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Abstract Land is probably the most important resources needed by man for his day to day existence. All human...
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Abstract Right means that which a person has a total and valid claim to. The rights of women in Nigeria has ...
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Abstract In the light of the need for a smooth international trade and relationship, the role of internation...
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Abstract It has become a common practice in Nigeria for parties who intend to contract a statutory marriage ...
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Abstract Generally, where a court is faced with the problem of determining a suit before it, such can only b...
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Abstract Insider trading has been understood to the act of dealing in unpublished price sensitive informatio...
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Abstract Determination of lawsuits is highly dependent on these availability of evidence. In law, every pers...
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Abstract Nigeria’s electric power sector requires substantial reform if the country’s economic developme...
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Abstract Law can be defined as the body of rule designed or formulated to guide human actions or conducts wh...
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Abstract The major problem in the Nigeria Labour System has been and still remains the incessant strikes by ...
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Abstract In recent times there has been a renaissance of the Islamic heritage in the consciousness of the ad...
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Abstract One of the goals of Nigeria Agricultural Development policy is to achieve for the nation enough foo...
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Abstract Tax evasion is a problem which seemed to have defied solution, had bedeviled the Nigerian tax syst...
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Abstract According to some authors, the meaning of trust as a legal concept is traceable to the moral connot...
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Abstract This long essay is concerned with the concept of legitimacy, which is an important concept, as it ...
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Abstract The electoral process is a total process that includes registration of voters, identifying the poli...
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Abstract The basic essence of the criminal justice system is to maintain law and order and the effective man...
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Abstract order for full material...
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Abstract This thesis Studied the concept of legitimacy and the status of a child in relation to the society....
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Abstract Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary define impeachment as a legal Proceeding against a Public Offici...
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Abstract The insurance sector is a key part of the financial service sector in Nigeria. In other emerging eco...
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Abstract Industrial and labour relations occupy an important and enviable place in the socio-economic devel...
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Abstract In Nigeria, police in the habit of arrest the accused person(s) without justifiable reasons sometim...
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Abstract Fundamental Human Rights provisions have continued to feature very prominently in the successive Con...
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Abstract Crime has been a major subject of concern throughout human history. No society is free of crime and ...
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Abstract Rape is a crime notable for placing the woman on trial particularly for cultural reasons. She is ei...
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Abstract There is no law that says the plaintiff or the prosecution must bring a million witnesses or eviden...
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Abstract Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of ...
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