Project Research Work of B.Sc Level

Abstract High and persistent rates of unemployment is one of the most dramatic aspects of the current econom...
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Abstract The research evaluated the impact of trade openness on the economic growth of Nigeria 1988-2014. Th...
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Abstract The study empirically examined the impact of terms of trade on the growth of Nigeria economy (1980-...
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Abstract This study examines the impact of tax on manufacturing sector performance in Nigeria. For this stud...
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Abstract The study examined the impact of taxation on economic growth in the Nigeria for the period of 40 ye...
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Abstract The study investigated the impact of stock market activities on economic growth in Nigeria. The sto...
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Abstract The impact of savings on the financial development in Nigeria for the period of 34 years (1981-2015...
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Abstract The study examined the impact of public spending on poverty reduction in Nigeria covering the period...
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Abstract This study has examined the impact of government revenue allocation and its impact on economic grow...
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Abstract This research was carried out in other to find out the impact of public spending on Poverty in Nige...
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Abstract This study examines the impact of public expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria using time serie...
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Abstract The impact of public expenditure on agriculture in Nigeria is enormous. Government having recognize...
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Abstract The focus of this study was on the impact of privatization on the economic growth in Nigeria: 1986-...
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Abstract This study examined the impact of credit to private sector (CPS) on the real sector of Nigeria with...
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Abstract This study investigates the impact of private sector credit on Nigerian’s economic growth by appl...
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Abstract The study examined the impact of private domestic savings on Nigerian economy from 1980 to 2015 usi...
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Abstract The main purpose of this study is to study the impact of poverty reduction programs in the growth o...
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Abstract This research’s main objective is to study the dynamic relationship between population growth and...
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Abstract The examined the impact of Non-oil export in Nigeria’s economic growth for the period of 1981-201...
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Abstract The study investigated the impact of non-oil exports on Nigerian economy during the period of 1986...
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Abstract This study examined the effect of monetary supply on economic growth in Nigeria for a period of 36 ...
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Abstract The study has investigated the effect of monetary policy on inflation in Nigeria. Using secondary t...
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Abstract The study examines the impact of monetary policy on price stability in Nigeria from 1980 to 2016. T...
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Abstract Motivated by the rising inflation in Nigeria, this study examined the impact of monetary policy and...
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Abstract The impact of monetary policy on foreign trade in Nigeria was examined for a period of 31 years (19...
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Abstract The study examined the impact of monetary policy on economic growth in Nigeria for the period of 34...
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Abstract This study was undertaken to ascertain the impact of monetary policy on unemployment in Nigeria.Thi...
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Abstract The relative impact of fiscal and monetary policies on inflation control has generated heated debat...
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Abstract The study examined the impact of macroeconomic variables on unemployment in Nigeria from 1980 to 20...
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Abstract This study examined the relationship between economic growth and some selected macroeconomic variab...
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Abstract The study empirically analyzes impact of investment on economic growth in Nigeria (1980-2016). The ...
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Abstract This study examined the impact of international trade on unemployment in Nigeria. It employed Ordin...
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Abstract This study empirically analyzed the impact of international trade on economic growth in Nigeria. Th...
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Abstract The study investigates empirically the impact of interest rate on manufacturing sector output in Ni...
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Abstract The study has investigated the effect of inflation on government spending in Nigeria for a period o...
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Abstract The main purpose of this study is to measure the relationship between inflation and economic growth...
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Abstract This study we have thus far examined the effect of inflation on economic growth in Nigeria from 198...
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Abstract In the course of this study attempts has been made to effectively capture the effect of inflation o...
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Abstract The study examined the impact of money supply and inflation on economic growth in Nigeria over the ...
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Abstract Industrialization in Nigeria has gone through various strategies and policy measures so as to achie...
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Abstract The study examines the impact of import and export growth on economic growth in Nigeria, using exp...
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Abstract Human capital is an important factor used in converting all resources to mankind’s use and benefi...
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Abstract This research work is an empirical effort attempting to examine the impact of healthcare delivery o...
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Abstract The work was on the impact of Government Expenditure on Nigeria Growth (1981 – 2010) dealing wit...
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Abstract This study examines the impact of government expenditure on economy growth in Nigeria. In the light...
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Abstract The study examined the effects of government expenditure on the agricultural sector in Nigeria. The...
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Abstract Nigeria, like other oil exporting countries in the world has embarked on the policy of gradual remo...
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Abstract The project sets out to examine the impact of international trade on Economic Growth of Nigeria fr...
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Abstract This paper investigated the impact of foreign aid on economic growth in Nigeria for the period of 1...
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Abstract ThisworkisbasedonanempiricalanalysisoftheimpactoffiscalpolicyoneconomicgrowthinNigeria1981-2015.The...
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Abstract Fiscal policy and output gap is important to tinker the economy on the path of growth and developme...
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Abstract This paper empirically investigate the impact of financial liberalisation on the Nigeria economic b...
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Abstract The study analyzed the impact of financial liberalization on the economic growth of Nigeria (1980 â...
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Abstract The study examines the impact of external debt on the economic development of Nigeria. In line with...
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Abstract The necessity for governments to borrow in order to finance a deficit budget has led to the develop...
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Abstract The deterioration of the nation’s output growth is alarming and exchange rate fluctuations has be...
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Abstract The study examined the impact of rate on non-oil exports in Nigeria from 1981-2016 using ordinary l...
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Abstract This study was carried out to critically examine the Impact of Entrepreneurial Education on Disable...
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Abstract This study is a critical evaluation of the Impact of Electricity Power Supply on the Performance of...
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Abstract This work is based on the impact of deposit money bank credits on Nigeria economic growth. The main...
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Abstract This study aims at investigating the impact of crude oil price on the economy of Nigeria over the p...
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Abstract Nigeria Bottling Company PLC (NBC), like any other organization requires adequate cash at all times...
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Abstract This research work was motivated with the desire to alleviate the prevailing stagnating rate of une...
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Abstract Capital is the second most important factor of production after the entrepreneur, hence the study o...
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Abstract Capital is the second most important factor of production after the entrepreneur, hence the study o...
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Abstract This research work was embarked upon with a view to empirically analyse the impact of capital forma...
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Abstract The study examined the impact of agricultural output on economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1...
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Abstract In recent decades, the main and potential contribution of agriculture to economic growth has been a...
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Abstract This study examined the effect of agricultural financing on agricultural output in Nigeria.This stu...
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Abstract The study seeks to find out the implication of human resource development on the economic developme...
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Abstract The study examines Human capital development and economic growth in Nigeria. A model was specified ...
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Abstract The study has thus far rigorously investigated the relationship between human development, unemploy...
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Abstract The study examine the impact of Human capital development on the Nigerian economic growth, from 198...
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Abstract This study examines the human capital development and economic growth in Nigeria. The objective of ...
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Abstract This study attempt to examine the graduate unemployment in Nigeria: A case study of Sokoto Metropol...
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Abstract This research analyzes the implications of government spending on the growth of Nigeria economy ove...
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Abstract This study analysed Forex Reserves and their impact on the economy of Nigeria using time series dat...
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Abstract Generally, policies and strategies of Nigerian government towards foreign direct investment are sh...
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Abstract Financial development is considered as a vital tool in any inclusive growth decision since we are a...
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Abstract The study examined the impact of financial development and economic growth in Nigeria for the perio...
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Abstract This study investigates the core leading factors that reduce savings in Nigeria between 1980 -2010...
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Abstract The study focused on the exchange rate volatility on Agricultural sector performance in Nigeria fro...
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Abstract Exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another currency. Exchange rate stability h...
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Abstract This study examined the relationship and impact of exchange rate pass-through on trade openness in ...
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Abstract The prevalence of crime in higher institutions in Nigeria has been on the increase in recent years,...
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Abstract This study was designed to carry out a survey of the problems and prospects of continuous assessmen...
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Abstract This research is aimed at examining the problems of teaching Oral English in Secondary Schools in U...
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Abstract This study investigate the perception of students on the effect of application of e-learning to com...
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Abstract The purpose of this research work was to examine the level of awareness and attitude of Colben stud...
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