Project Research Work of B.Sc Level

Abstract This study assessed and investigated the effects of location of schools in Oluyole local government...
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Abstract This study investigated effects of instructional materials on the academic achievement and retentio...
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Abstract This study determined the effects of Computer Assisted Concept Mapping (CACM) and Digital Video Ins...
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Abstract The primary aim of this research work is to make investigation in to the impact of the head teacher...
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Abstract The main purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of cooperative learning and peer-...
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Abstract There are two ways to ensure job performance in the realms of rewards; pecuniary and no pecuniary. ...
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Abstract ..................................
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Abstract This research work is to find out the effect of strike action on the academic performance of studen...
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Abstract The topic of the study is effects of small class size on academic achievement of pupils in mathemat...
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Abstract This study sought to investigate the effect of indiscipline on academic performance of student so s...
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Abstract Education as the bedrock of development and one of the fundamental factors determining sustainable ...
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Abstract This work sought to investigate the effect of continuous assessment in Teaching and Learning of Eco...
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Abstract This study designed to survey the effect of class size on academic performance of secondary school ...
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Abstract This is a survey research designed to investigate the factors responsible, for drug abuse in Maidug...
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Abstract ......................
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Abstract This study is aimed at investigating the various strategies adopted by principals of secondary scho...
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Abstract This project is aimed at finding out the role of teachers in creating and maintaining a Conducive C...
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Abstract This study was carried out to compare the managerial effectiveness of principals of private and pub...
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Abstract This research work is the exact comparative analysis of students’ performance in West Africa...
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Abstract This project is on comparative analysis of the factors affecting student academics performance in b...
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Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the causes and effects of indiscipline among secondary ...
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Abstract The study investigated ‘causes and effect of examination malpractice on the performance of se...
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Abstract The study examine business educators’ rating of techniques for improving the teaching of in...
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Abstract This project discussed the attitude of primary school teachers toward the teaching of moral educati...
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Abstract Assessment of Universal Basic Education Programme in Magumeri Local Government in Borno state. This...
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Abstract The main purpose of this study is to assess the strategies to enhance teaching and learning of econ...
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Abstract The purpose of the study was to assess the programming skills possessed by a computer science educa...
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Abstract This study was to identify the type of instructional materials used in teaching and learning of Eco...
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Abstract Principals of schools of nursing are confronted with situations that involve a lot of communication...
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Abstract As Information Technology is vital in banking today, it becomes imperative for banks to realize its...
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Abstract This study examines the evaluation of the problems faced by students during teaching practice: a ca...
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Abstract The purpose of this study is to assess the effective teaching techniques used by primary school tea...
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Abstract As teachers of language subjects in our tertiary institution (Federal College of Education, Kontago...
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Abstract This study was undertaken to look into the problems affecting teaching and learning in business stu...
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Abstract This study focused on the attitudes of student’s towards General Studies Education in the co...
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Abstract The study investigated the adoption of cloud computing technology for library services in NOUN Libr...
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Abstract This research work was a survey research; it was designed to study the adolescent attitude towards ...
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Abstract This study investigated Academic Indiscipline and Failure among Secondary School Students. (A case ...
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Abstract The aim of this study was to survey the study habits patterns of the students of nursing school Dam...
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Abstract This study was conducted to survey the factors influencing the effectiveness of economics teachers ...
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Abstract One of the worst problems eating deep into the society today in examination misconduct among studen...
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Abstract This study investigated teachers’ challenges as correlate of their job performance in public...
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Abstract This paper examined the strategies used by Nigeria universities in the management of inter-group co...
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Abstract This study was carried out to examine the influence of principals’ supervision on teachersâ...
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Abstract The study determined the rating of teachers and school heads on the influence of the Nigeria Union ...
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Abstract .................................
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Abstract This study investigated the relationship between principals’ leadership styles and secondary...
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Abstract This study investigated the influence principal’s gender has on teachers’ work behavi...
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Abstract This study sought to examine the motivational factors and vocational preference of secondary schoo...
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Abstract This project is the factors responsible for indiscipline among primary school pupils in Ovia North ...
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Abstract The study was undertaken to investigate the “Effects of Class Size and Ability levels on Stud...
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Abstract Assessment of clinical performance contributes to academic qualifications that incorporate professi...
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Abstract This study is aimed at investigating the various strategies adopted by principals of secondary scho...
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Abstract This study examined the management of conflict in primary schools. The purposes of this study are t...
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Abstract This study was carried out to compare the managerial effectiveness of principals of private and pub...
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Abstract Principals of schools of nursing are confronted with situations that involve a lot of communication...
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Abstract This project work investigated the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on Nigeria balance of payme...
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Abstract This study seeks to examine the effect of exchange rate fluctuation on output gap in Nigeria. This ...
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Abstract This paper “exchange rate fluctuation and export performances in Nigeria” aim to determ...
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Abstract This research work is an empirical attempt to examine determinants of exchange rate in Nigeria with...
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Abstract ..........................
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Abstract Nigeria’s non alignment policy and an Africanism to a great extent affected the way Nigeria ...
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Abstract The research focuses on evaluating consumers Patronage of Consumer Cooperative Stores. A cross- sec...
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Abstract This study shows the relationship between Energy and Industrialization in Nigeria; problem and pros...
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Abstract The research empirically analysed the impact government expenditures on economic growth of Nigeria....
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Abstract The study of the nature involves a lot of deep research and understanding of the factors, which cre...
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Abstract This thesis investigates the effects of unemployment and inflation on economic growth in Nigeria be...
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Abstract This study examined the effect of poverty and unemployment rate in Nigeria for the period of 34 yea...
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